one of them days!! ,havent eaten,no appetite,not hungry,wanna snuggle under blanket,its so dark n gloomy,so tired,foggy n achey,got stuff to do,my concience is pricking me,cant stand constant lathergy,i feel lazy,people dontunderstand,they think yur dramatising,or acuse you of being selfish and ignorant,am i supposed to just put all my time n effort into them and forget about myself,can they not make some sort of effort to understand me,i know there are people worse of than me,i havefriends fightin cancer,i dont think im any worse than anyone,its my individual thing,i have to acept it why cant other people? grrrrrr rant over lol !! thanxs
Rant Alert !!! Rant alert !!! - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Rant Alert !!! Rant alert !!!

Hi hun I understand what ur saying I have 1 daughter who trys 2 help as much as she can but she has 3 children the youngest (we call him miracle Max because he was born 12wks & 4 days early )he is 5 months old & bk in hospital he was taken 2 GP last tuesday cus we didn't like the way his breathing was nor did we like has his breathing sounded GP said he was fine but after a bad night with him kay took him hosp where he was admitted & imidiatly put on full oxygen he's has a very sevear chest infection & a very servear case of Bronculitus & he has a hurnia but part of his bowels r going through a tear where the hernia is which he needs an op 4 as soon as possible. although she has a partner he don't cope with the 2 girls I have her 6yr old with me when k's @ hosp with Max but I can't cope with her 2yr old Rhias not a naughty child but she is a tipical 2yr old always on the go lol Alysha is more used 2 how I am up 2 2yrs ago we all live in 1 house but we've had 2 cut down how much k & co come here cus k's care worker has said she is putting me b4 the kids which has made us both feel guilty we no the kids r k's number 1 priority the woman doesn't c either of us every day I have 3 other children neither of them cud tell u much about my illness cus they've never been interested in it so every thing fell on k which I feel reabad about & it looks like Alysha will b as careing & understanding as her lovley mum she might only b 6 but she's such a help 2 me I'm taking her up the street 2 street party this afternoon I just hope I don't have 2 leave 2 early I want her 2 have a brilliant time. Sorry hun didn't mean 2 rant hope ur day gets beta Gentle hugs & best wishes x
aww hun pleasedont apologise for ranting,if you felt you could rant with me then you rant away,its knowing there are others worse off that give me strength and if by ranting and sharing yur hardship helps you then dont stop,thank you for the encouragement!,familys can be very hardwork,i dont see as the care worker has that much right to interfere,its a family thing,if ks the only one prepared to care for you then,its k's choice,does k really need pressure like that from an outsider.hope alyshaenjoys thestreet party ,and hope things get better for you too x
hey crhis,yes my first blog,great to have replys back !! it felt great feel so much better thanxs
love n hugs right backatcha xx