I need advice on 'Fibro Fog' and how to improve it! I've just started a degree and I'm struggling to remember things.
I need advice on 'Fibro Fog' and how to improve it! I've just started a degree and I'm struggling to remember things.
Hi doodles
Gentle hugs. Fibrofog can be a big problem for me too. Its a real bummer isnt it ? But quite recently I'm getting better at managing it- not long ago started to take Codliver Oil, and it really worked wonders for me.
The type my gets is from Waitrose, and costs £2 or £3 (not sure of the exact price) for a tub of 90 capsules, so not too costly and really worth taking. It also has other benefits like strengthening the immune system.
You can get many different brands, in either liquid or capsule form, but if you get them as capsules then I advise you get the Gelatine free ones (the type I get is Gelatine free- made from potatoe starch instead).
Feel free to ask me if you have any questions.
Hope this helps and good luck with the degree. Love, wanderingwallflower xx
Hi Funkyfairy.
Will get some and try them. I'm doing a teaching degree, so definatly need my brain to start working again.Thank's for your help!
I find I have to put a lot more work into things as well as i have a very pda which helps. Have you applied for DSA?
X x x
I couldnt do my job at the local college but for the fact that i write copious notes about everything! From who sits where, peoples names and what has been said that I need to remember!!
Consider using a voice recorder, the small hand held ones, for your notes or for entire talks you have to listen to, use Dragon Speak to speak notes into your computer at home -- the uni should have access to funding for both these things under the dissability provision I also use my ipad for note taking. I find once people get used to seeing you keying something in they dont interupt you the same (interuption is a killer isn`t it?) Good luck I hope you do well. xx
Hi doodles,
I got DSA I think it was when I did my undergrad, it got me a laptop, book stand, allowance for printing, even taxi allowance. Lecturers should make there presentations available to you on your uni intranet, if not it may be worth emailing if you feel you have missed lots, maybe photocopy a friends notes if they are willing.
Do the uni know you have fibro? they gave me extra time in exams and my own room to try and minimise stress and fibro fog. I could also have extensions on work should I need them. You would probably need a doctors note but it is worth it!
I agree with cxs957 it takes a lot more effort but keep plugging away at it and break it down into manageable steps.
It is do-able. I managed to get through my degree and am now doing a PhD, I just have to try and take it a step at a time and work when I can and rest when I can't.
Hope uni/doctors are helpful and believe in yourself people obviously thought you were good enough to do a degree and want you at the uni. Your degree will mean so much more as you have had to fight for it. Huge hugs! xx
I would recommend a mind mapping tool such as Mindmap by Mindjet - I am normally a project manager in telecoms but am unable to do my job at the mo. I also use Mindjet on the iphone as a way of keeping a todo list all in one place that is manageable and customisable to suit your needs.
I wish you the best luck in the world with your studies... I know I find it hard to even concentrate on the t sometimes :s
Kind regards
Peachy x
Hi All.
Thanks for all the advice I've not mentioned my Fibro to the university,not sure if this will hinder my teaching course! Also did'nt know I could get extra help!,but I will look in to it.