Ive just realised of got my clothes on inside out, and Ive been to the supermarket shopping like that
fibro fog???: Ive just realised of got... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
fibro fog???

god Im getting worse, going for a rest now[lol]
LOL, as Chris says, have the rest of the day off and ask why no-one at home told you they were on inside out.
Is that a photo of your garden?
Sue x
Lol, dont worry about it
.My nan went out like that all the time.
She insisted that it was bad luck to take them off and turn them the right way cos it would turn your luck around!
She didnt care, but it was rather embarassing for us, not least of all cos we would get disaproving looks as if to say " why didnt you tell her?" Lol
Hugs xx
you're not the first and certainly won't be the last! have done it myself. at least my body was covered, saving passers-by from a worse fate lol.
photo is part of our garden
Hi there you made me smile and think back to last week, got up feeling like usual truck ran me over in the night, and went to make a cup of tea, got the milk out of fridge turned around blank put milk back in fridge only thing was hadn't put any in my tea FM or senior moment ?? ha ha! so take heart we all do it sue xx
lol i am rolling wiyh laughter that is so funny love to you diddle x
Don't worry, people will think its a new fashion !!!!
well I tried to plug the kettle on in my lounge today - wouldn't work cos it needs its stand!
Seems like we each have our own idiotic things we do with fibrofog. My fave is to make a cup of tea with milk and water and forget to put the teabag in!!. Good job we can laugh about these things tho. Bet no-one at the supermarket even noticed your clothes Lally. Take care and switch the light on next time you are getting dressed to go out, love Angela xx
how about making tea and coffe in same cup, going out with skirt tucked in knickers, spraying hairspray under arms oh the list goes on......................