To the DWP, ATOS and the Government I say;
I reserve the right to be me on my terms, as my body dictates to me.
I say it is my right to manage my condition and that includes;
using my expertise to know what I can do and when I can do it;
to follow my doctors advice when they say that I must, in order to
manage my condition follow a simple gentle exercise program;
to eat a low fat, unrefind diet to help my pain and weight;
that in order to do this I feel it is my human right to make
sure I move when I can, not party, socialise and spring clean my home,
or to work part time or full in a way you take for granted;
to shop and cook in my own way that I can manage;
after all are these not basic function I need to perform,
that I cannot always do.
For every small success I have, they may only be one or two,
this week I got some food in and did beans on toast,
for maybe playing a board game with my child, or taking
the time to forget my situation by watching my favorite show,
I am to loose a point, a negative or a cross in a big red pen,
so all my small acheivements are now my worst enemy
that catch me unaware, with first a smile and then a glare.
You cant to do this or that, forget that I (them) can do so much more
today you had a shower and did tea and although thats just about it,
you stood to cook and to wash away the grime, you must be fit to work.
I (them) want you off my books I really dont care how,
I cannot see a problem with you, you talk and sit just like me;
I dont want to hear you used to be like me, fit, healthy, normal;
you (me) dont know what your on about I'm qualified to judge,
cant you see the name and rank upon my desk, its up to me you see,
I say your ok and fit, i dont care how you feel, if you did it once you can
do it all again, just like me.
I want to take charge of my life, to let success back in, for me to do this
I must tell you you are wrong, I will not let you minimise me and I stand up for
my rights, its time we all stood up, be counted and start to shout it out,
we will be heard and valued, get one voice to say "its you who are wrong,
not us" dont you all agree.
I have just made this up, reply if you feel the same as me.
I'll be posting this on other websites (I wrote it on the facebook UK Fibromyalgia Syndrome Awareness Group)