oh well up at 6 to get ready to go to see another doctor at the hospital about my swelling
each day i am which is making moor pain i have to bee there at 10/30 but have to be up so i can try and get my body to work
but hay i will smile and just keep on smiling
but i have one big problim i can't get my shoes on and even my trainers will not fit now that is fun
so even thou it is raining i am going to have to put my flipy flops on so hay i will look just soooooooo good so i smile
as if i din't i would cry and i am not going to do that no moor
from now on smile smile smile if you say is enugh time then maybe i will be abel to manage it
so by for now and let you all now what they say when i get back ha should be fun
soft hugs to you all from me to you and hope you all had a good sleep and you are having the best day you all can
love kathxxx