Just want to ask if anyone else suffe... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Just want to ask if anyone else suffers from severe sweating? I get it on my head, face & neck. Is it Fibro or Meds?

48 Replies
48 Replies

hi yes i do on occasion get like that but i am also 46 so could be my age for once this may be something i cant put down to fibro lol i never really thought if it could be my meds ? mmm worth investigating love to you and hopefully someone will answer you on this one have you looked on tags or archives there may be a question on ther that has the answer love to you diddle x

in reply to

You mention a very valid point diddle, because sweating more and being sensitive to temperatures can also be a symptom of the menopause. I went through my menopause quite early three years ago and fortunately it was easy for me, no hot sweats, or night time sweats as they call it. Always best to get these things checked out though so we are sure whether it is actually the menopause or Fibro etc. :) )

Hello there JusJac! :) I can't say that I am any more sweaty than before to be honest with you, I have noticed that I am more aware of when I am hot or when I am cold which is quite common with Fibro. We can become more sensitive to temperature, touch and light etc.,it seems that our senses are more heightened. If you are sweating/perspiring severely I would suggest you mention this to your GP to get it checked out in case it is symptomatic of something else and needs diagnosis. Also your GP would be able to tell you whether he/she thinks it's more Fibro related, or your meds or whether they think it's something else. Hope this helps, and I hope you feel better soon, take care :) :)

charlie_2 profile image

yes,yes and yes. makes me crazy. and the scent has changed from my "normal" perspiration smell.

Thank you all for your replies. I had been attending an HRT Clinic & the Doc put me on HRT. However the sweats have got worse & the Doc does not believe its hormone related & took me of HRT. I am 49. I take 300mg of Venlafaxine daily & 600mg of Tramadol. One of the side effects is sweating. I find it really embarrassing & stressful. I only get it on my head, face & neck.

I also lately suffer freezing cold feet & hands. I can have these along with the head sweats. It does'nt make sense to me.

I dont get out often but this now makes me want to stay in more. I imagine everyone is looking at me as if I've just stepped out of a shower as my hair ends up soaking wet :o(

Dont like this. Its getting me very down.

Thank you all.

Jackie xx

aakj-lzp profile image
aakj-lzp in reply to

has anyone helped you on answering this?

survivingangel71 profile image
survivingangel71 in reply to

Mine is the same ..... I can be in the house and the thermostat reads 13 and Im sweating arounf my neck and face !!!

I suffer severe changes in temp from boiling hot to freezing cold. I feel like my " thermostat " is broken some days.

At present I'm not taking any meds for Fibro except paracetemol and ibuprofen so I don't think it's anything I'm taking .

I've just about finished the menopause at 48 so I've always put it down to that rather than Fibro .

I can be really hot but have cold feet and annoyingly I get most hot ( and then itchy ) in bed at night , even in winter and even when not having covers on me. I can sometimes feel the heat radiating off my head ! The back of my neck gets sweaty and my hair gets wet with it- and then goes all wavy which I hate !

It is annoying, you're right .


Jane64 profile image
Jane64 in reply to

I know this feeling very well, also along with Jackie, I can be sweating around my head and body but my hands and feet are freezing cold. I think this is because I also have Raynards syndrome too, but it is very bizaar!

TC, Jane x

dollone profile image
dollone in reply toJane64

Hi..I went to Town at the weekend shopping and when I got home was literally dripping in sweat. My hair was soaked. I get frozen feet but not hands.Driving me bonkers and feel i cant go anywhere!!

Hilly profile image

Hi jackie, i am just like you i also suffer really bad with sweating especially my head looks like i been swimming my hair is that wet!! i also wake up wet through in the nite probably 4 times a week. my GP tested me for an early menapuase but it wasnt that. i also take venlafaxine 325mg daily an sweating is a side effect of this . ]my feet and hands do get very cold so much so that i have trouble getting them warm again even 2 or 3 pairs of socks an fluffy slippers make no difference once they cold thays it!!

hope this helps

sasha x

fibropixie profile image
fibropixie in reply toHilly

Hi Sasha, you could have been describing me!! It's been happening since before I knew I had fibro, been tested for menopause, seems negative but might be combination of both - menopause and ifbro. My main fibro meds are Duluxotene and co-codamol - don't know how much they affect it.

Always have cold feet, even with the hot flushes - really embarrasing when it happens at work! I just stand there glowing! x

Thank you girls. I dont mean this in a rude but glad I'm not alone.

Its funny that our hands & feet are so cold but you could cook on our heads lol.

Hopefully this wont be a long term thing!

Best wishes to you all.

Sweaty Betty Aka Jackie lol


I meant to say at night I also get very itchy all over my body. Its as if there is something under my skin. I have started taking Puriton antihisthamines for it and it does stop the itching.


annemcc profile image

Hi i also had a lot of sweating night and day, the doc put me on HRT although im only 46, had hystorectomy but still have overies, the night sweats have stopped but dreading my work in the summer ( i manage a cafe) its like as you say im just out of the shower.

im on different tablets! :) anne xx

Oh God I feel for you working in a cafe. It would get very hot.

Maybe its a mixture of hormones & fibro?

I cant work & for this effect I am glad.

Hopefully one day we will be sweat free, fingers crossed.


clay63 profile image

I have the sweats now and again during the night and wake up soaking, I do not know If its Fibro or my heart as I suffer with my heart as well. I have told my Doctor about It and he dose not seem to be worried about It. I have found that If I eat a heavy meal late at night that some times this will do that, I am 63 now and have suffered with this for about 18 years the last time It happened was 3 weeks ago. The only thing that I worry about is that I have that my fibro gives me pains across the chest and It gives you the same feeling as Angina. I had a hart attack 5 weeks ago and the pain I was having felt like fibro but I had a very sharp pain going up my right side of my neck and in my ear and jaw, the rest is history. Good Luck xxxx

Very sorry to hear about your heart attack. I hope your on the mend now.

I guess it must be hard to tell the difference in chest pains from fibro & your heart?

18 years of sweating. Oh dear, I dont like the thought of that!!

Be careful with your chest pains. Get onto the Doc anytime you get them. You just cant be too carefull.

Lots of love & Best Wishes

Jackie X


I find if I am hot I get very hot and if I am cold I get very cold. As HelenUK 1963 said I think our thermostats have gone to pot.

soulsusie profile image

Heloo ladies and gents!!!!! yes thermostat has definitley gone crazy although with the weather at the momment who can blame me for digging out wooly tights comfy skirts and dresses just for a change, jumpers and cardigans, and when I get cold oh boy when I say I am feeling hot my husband misinterprets just what I mean!!

soft hugs to all

Sue x x x x

foxycoxy profile image


I told my GP that since being on Tramadol I find that I sweat more, mostly my face....top of lip, around top of nose ( also wear glasses ) and around the back of my neck, soaking my hair. I have a work colleague that takes the max dose of Tramadol and she sweats to the point that her uniform is soaked in all the wrong places. My GP told me that raised temperature or as she put it 'wonky thermostat' was a side effect as well as being a caractoristic of Fybro. I work as HCA in an outpatient dept in a hospital so I get hot anyway without my meds enhansing it.

Kim xxx

Thank you so much, thats good to hear.

Jackie xx

glochessum profile image

I am also on 375 mg of Venlafaxine and I have terrible night sweats, all round my hair line, neck and upper chest. I have been through the menopause so it's not that. It's really horrid.

Lottieonline profile image
Lottieonline in reply toglochessum

At last I've met someone whose on the same dose of Venlafaxine!! Do you find it's helping you much?

I've been back to my psychiatrist and he has told me to stay on them at that dose but also to go onto Seroxat ?

It's an old fashioned drug for depression and anxiety. 2nd day in and I'm feeling ok, a bit light headed but at last I've stopped crying, which until then was every single day!

I think I shall go onto the Anxiety Forum and see if anyone knows much about this medication I've starting taking.

Ps I sweat SO badly I have to change my clothes twice a day including my underwear!

jazher profile image

Yes jackie, i do.

In summer i am always so embarrased. My face goes bright red and i always have to take tissue in my pocket. When i worked last year, it was so embarrasing.

I used to hide away from the owners when they came to check their houses when i had finished as it was too embarrasing. I am quite big now and i think people will just think its because i was big.

kel xxxx

I feel for you all as I know exactly how you feel.

Its such a dreadful side effect & one ppl can see.

Good luck to you all.

Luv Jackie xx

mandyb profile image

I do . im 51 and have been through menopause. i'm not sure if its medication fibro or hot flushs. im now on gabapentin nortriptalin and co-codamol.

As Foxycoxy said her Doc told her it is a charactoristic of fibro.

That is good enough for me. My HRT Doc told me is was'nt hormone related.

Thank you.

Best wishes

Jackie xx

Gailbt profile image

Oh God Yes, the swety drips from me and I don't need to be doing anything particularly energetic! Yes, it could be my age but I've been sweating like this for 3 years, much the dsame time as I noticed changes in my body like tiredness and pain! Going to Doctors soon for blood tests to check hormone levels to rule out the menopause. x

Sounds much the same as me. I've just filled my hot water bottle cos my feet sre freezing & my head is thumping from a headache I've had for about 3 days in a row. I need my bed & the sweat is drippinh from my hair & face niw. I hate it. I constantly feel dirty!!

Good luck at the Doc's.

Best wishes.


Chine1 profile image

Yes i found that I perspire more with FMS, now that menopause is here its worse.

Yes I can imagine it is however mine is not hormone related according to HRT Doc. I've been like this a few years now & its only with finding out all Fibro entails its all slotting into place now.

I would be greatful if you could let me know if it is or is not hormone related?

I would hate to think that the perspiration/sweats are gonna get worse.

Thank you.

Best wishes.

Jackie xx

Duh!! You've told me it is hormonal. Sorry.

At least you know it will eventually ease of.

Jackie xx

Not sure about that Jackie. My mother is 20 years post menopausal and still gets the hot flushes !

I hate the itchyness that goes with the sweating, but I think it's just because my skin so sensitive to heat .

In the summer I get awful brown patches on my face , even with a factor 30 sun screen . I'm told it's photo sensitivity . I'm one of the few people I know with Fibro who's happier in the cold weather ( Not this awful rain though ) because I find it easier to get warm than I do to get cool . I dread the hot weather !



Ooh Helen dont say I'm still gonna be gettin the sweats in 20 yrs? :o(

I can honestly say my days of holidays in the sun are well & truly over. I cant stand the heat or bare to sit in it. Like you I get brown patches, not on my face but on my arms. I also get itchy in bed at nights as though my skin is crawling. I take an antihistamine for this & it seems to stop it. As though we dont have enough with Fibro.

It was only the other day I said to my Mum if I ever go on another holiday it will be to Iceland to stay in an Igloo. It will be lovely & cool. Do you wanna come with me? haha

I think I also can say Autumn & Winter are my favorite times of the year. However I still get the sweats but it is easier to cool down. I'm the only person I know cant wear a coat if I'm able to go out.

Lots of luv

Jackie xx

Pamg profile image

Hi I get the same i can be sat down doing nothing when all of a sudden sweat starts dripping from my face and down my neck and i then can feel my hair getting wetter and wetter and you never know when its going to stop.

Awk Pam I know what its like. Not nice at all.

I must say I'm amazed at the replies I've got. Goes to show it is quite a common thing, unfortunately.

All we can do is wish for a miracle.

God bless.

Night Night, offto bed to pray & try for sleep.

Take care


jumarcat profile image

oh wow... I never thought the sweating could be fibro related. I will be 50 next week, and assumed it was "womens stuff" starting. However, I probably have only had the excessive sweating round head , face and neck for the last 12-24 months since i was diagnosed etc.

Larke profile image

I'm with Helen here. My thermostat is broken too. Seems I can't moderate my own body temp at all anymore. Not in the last 2 years since diagnosis. Though I did have some issue before feeling hot all the time, but not actually sweating.

I am also a large woman, so I often thought it was just because of that. But I could be sitting doing nothing and still feel hot and clammy with damp skin. It feels more like how you feel when you have a flu or bad cold. I have a fan on me wherever I go in the house. Even my last 2 jobs I had to have a fan on my desk.

I find I am also itchy sometimes. My skin burns like I've been sunburned and it is frequently very sensitive to touch as well. So? Fibro or Menopause? who knows lol. I do know many of the meds I've been on have contributed!

It never occurred to me that I could be having early menopause, I'm only 42. Unfortunately my mother passed several years ago so I cannot ask when she first went through menopause. If testing for menopause is a simple thing I guess I'd better ask my doctor.

Anyway, I'm dreading the summer again because of it. We have only 2 window air conditioners and unless you are right near one it hardly helps cool the house at all :(

Sunshine and smiles,




Yes Just Jac,

I do whether I'm taking my meds regularly or not, don't know how anyone can work with them, one minute I'm sweating profusedly, and breathing deeply and running around opening windows and doors ( or someone else is), the next minute I'm absolutely freezing, as if I'm in the North Pole, I don't believe it's the meds entirely, I believe its the fibro gentle hugs xxx

And I too can be quite warm but have ice cold feet and hands

Awk is'nt it awful. Yea the more I'm hearing I think it is another fibro thing & some of us get the side effects of some meds.

I'm going to see my GP on Thursday & gonna discuss it. Dont know that I'll get anywhere tho.

Its been a beautiful sunny afternoon here in Belfast today & I was sittin with my feet on my hot water bottle. Whats that all about.

I had a reflexology session a few weeks ago & the girl told me I had good circulation lol. I think thats cos her hands were warm haha.


Jackie xx

sassie12 profile image

Unbelievable ! I sweat, i get such cold feet and hands i need a hot water bottle because my inner body shivers alot but my forehead is roasting hot. I haven't been diagnosed yet and think im along way off but i get every symptom and have recently been in hospital with chest pain which they put down to muscuskeletal pain so see my GP, back at the GP tomorrow as been off work for 2 weeks, im lethargic, feeling down, brain fog, major jerks in my arms and legs, pins and needles pain in left arm a head shake getting quite bad, restless legs always, cramp in the night, can't sleep. But i bet i get nowhere tomorrow. x

Awk Sassie I feel for you. Dont know what to say really. Its so hard to get a diagnosis. I was only diagnosed in Feb this year. Still waiting on an appt for pain clinic!

I've been back n forward to Docs n hospital for a few years. Hang in there, you just need the right Doc to listen to you & get you on the ladder so to speak.

Good luck. I wish you well. Let us know how you get on? This us a great site full of friendly people and i formation.


Jackie xx

swill81 profile image

I suffer from Fibro, AS, Dercums disease, Osteoporosis, Chronic fatigue & Depression. Like yourself I am struggling with the sweating to my head and I can't cope with it at tall. I am on a ton of medication one of which is Morphine' but I believe its the fibro. I had the pain and sweating long before I went on all this strong medication. Does anybody have a solution for this because I won't go out incase it starts' I only have to wash the dishes and I look like have done a work out, I wish.

SassiLouie profile image

I'm 45 - Have Fibro, Hypothyroid and high blood sugar ( insulin resistant) - I find I mostly sweat no matter the temperature (above 45) if it's high humidity!!! If it's a dry 90 degree day...under 50% humidity..i'm pretty good. Not too bothered..but I can't move around a lot otherwise I start sweating. And yes..it's wet face neck and lower back with swimmers hair!!! But 70 degrees AND above 50% ...Im not going out at all..forget about exercising. If it's over 80 degrees I put ice packs in my clothes.

I don't think I'm in menapause. It's only happens at calculated specfic times based on humidity and temperature. I also found a study in rats, that are made hypothyroid, have a life extension of 3x their life spans. I have no gray hairs yet...so I dont feel old like a menapause thing.

Im on Metformin and Levothyroxine. I deal with the pain of Fibro by making sure I get to sleep using 5-HTP. I just have ok days and bad days..but more OK days.

I find that when I'm getting ready to leave work is when it kicks in. Once I get to work (partial sedentary computer work) and sit in front of a fan for 10-20 min, I feel back to normal..but then cold.....if the outside temperature is below 68 degrees.

So this is a very weird annoying real thing that affects us on a daily basis... I wish doctors would get in the lab.....instead of prescribing shit and guessing!!!

I've been through a lot of doctors...and many of them were dead wrong!!!

Huggyhugbug profile image

I sweat all the time. Always have to have a flannel with me at all times to wipe the sweat off my face. It is always my top half of my body that sweats. Often I feel so hot that I have fans going to keep cool but my partner will tell me that I feel very cold to the touch.

Sometimes parts of my body feel really hot, ie my knees, hands or my feet They can be burning hot yet the rest of me is either warm or cold. I sweat even more when I am working or if the weather is warm. I have to change my T-shirt every hour as it gets wet from the sweat.

I dont sleep under a duvet at all at I am always feeling too hot but again my partner tells me I feel so cold to touch. I sleep in Pjs and thats it. This has been me for over 30 years even before I was told about fibro or taking any meds. :-(

survivingangel71 profile image

One of my symptoms was sweating ... I get it round my neck and head. Also I dont feel the cold really. The sweating my Dr said was a symptom of fibro but someone who has had this longer may be able to answer you more xxx

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