I have very pale skin so I look terrible. If so what can I do to prevent them?
Does anyone else bruise easily...even... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Does anyone else bruise easily...even if I kneel on floor I get bruised knees?

I do, dreadfully! I am sure people think hubby hits me or something. They just seem to appear for no reason. Not sure if it is a Fibro thing or not. My GP doesn't seem too concerned about it. I do find using Arnica cream helps them fade quicker.
I have bruises appearing on my arms and don't know how they got there.arnica is good.
Hi I bruise every easily indeed, I suffer from Vo Willebrands disease which similar to haemophilia but in women, it's a lack of the clotting factor - Factor VIII. It's always worthwhile mentioning it to your doctor, just to cut it out if the equations as it can and does have an impact on lots of things.
Wishing you the very best, and sending positive healing vibes your way
Foggy x
Hi Kifhl
Yes! very easily, and they hang around for ages too.
Arnica is good for bruising and here is a link to a post from the past by one of our volunteers that I thought you may be interested in
This link is from the About Fibro section of our mother site fibroaction.org where you will find some info regarding medications and treatments including complementary therapies and printable factsheets
I must say that I am not a medical professional and any advice given should neveer overide that of your own GPand health care providers.
I used to take arnica tablets they were very good but with all the differing medications we tend to take I would speak to my GP first to be sure it's ok to use it
Hope this is useful for you
Thanks just checking before I go make more fuss lol
Hi Klfhl
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I am so sorry to read that you are having this problem.
I can see that several of us do appear to bruise quite easily, but I do not. However, I get what looks like pressure marks, large red patches that take hours to go away even if I have only been leaning on something for a few minutes.
I sincerely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to this issue.
Take care
Ken x
Hi denvajade
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you can be today? Thank you so much for this, at least it is not just me? I do not have a clue why or what causes it? It is very strange.
Take care
I bruise very easily,dont know where they all come from.My GP said its the steroid inhaler and steroid injections which I have every 3/4 months that cause bruising.My legs look like someone has been kicking me.Wont be able to wear skirts or dresses in the summer with all the marks the bruises leave.I also have very thin skin which tears easily,also put down to steroids.Hope you can find a solution.

Hi sparky-21
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you can be today? Thank you very much for this, as I use a very high quantity of steroids for asthma and COPD. I have Ventolin, Atrevent, Symbicort and Prednisolone. Are any of these the same as yours? If so, it might explain why I get these red patches that take hours to disappear?
Take care my friend
Ken x
HI , I am the same, look like I've been beaten up half the and they take ages to go away. Gentle hugs x
Morning khifl,
I used to suffer from excessive bruising, this was many years ago about 40 (goodness I am getting old)
anyway I eventually went to a dermatologist and had a series of biopsies done to look at what was causing the bruises. It turned out to be a part of my red blood cell they were reacting when banged.
So now I new why but how to stop it , well it was time and caution try not to bump into things be extra careful
with your self but don't wrap yourself in cotton wool.
Do remember I am not medical person so I don't know why you are bruising and you must take yourself to your GP if you are really worried about it.
By the by I don't bruise any more strange isn't it
Take care
Thanks Gins,
Strange that u no longer bruise, hopefully I go along same path as you. I'm very accident prone lately. But recently even when I lean on legs after a short time I have bruise. I'm not overly concerned it's just another thing I have become more aware of over last few moths. I would not mind but they can be painful and on top of all aches it's something I can do without .
Hugs xxx