Reiki: Anyone ever had Reiki? I gather... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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22 Replies

Anyone ever had Reiki? I gather it doesn't require hands-on contact which makes me wonder how it is supposed to work?

Willing to try anything, but not necessarily pay for it if it's all bunkum

Thanks in anticipation

Spirit x x x

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Spirit profile image
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22 Replies

I had it once many years ago Spirit. It worked for me :) I had terrible pain in my elbow and the guy put his hands just over it but not actually touching it and after about 10 mins I was pain free.

It wasn't wishful thinking because I wasn't expecting it to work but it did for me at that time with that particular problem. I seem to remember feeling heat from his hands even though he wasn't actually touching me. It wasn't fibro, tennis elbow maybe. Can't remember.

It may work for you and it may not.

Sue xxx

Ang01 profile image

Hi Spirit, I have had Reiki many times and find it amazing. I was really sceptical when it was first suggested and it took me a while to feel comfortable with it but now I am a convert So much so I have done a Reiki course for myself and find it really beneficial. Its all about natural healing and helping our bodies to help themselves. When I first starting having it I was in a really bad state but after each session I could feel the tension and stress easing. Some people don't feel anything while the practitioner is working on them but other times you can feel heat or cold and sometimes you feel surounded by colours. Although it is not a hands on therapy sometimes the therapist will ask if she can place her had on a particular area if necessary.

I would go on recommendation to find a therapist though, the one I use is a retired cancer nurse and uses reiki for health, I dont know if all practitioners are the same.I have had treatment at the hospital for a few therapists and can tell the difference between the good and the bad ones. I agree with Sue, you need to try it for yourself although all the people I know that have tried it agree that it definately helps.

Before you pay for any treatment why dont you see if there is anywhere that does it as sometimes the cancer centres or other hospitals do it if you are referred and sometimes they offer taster sessions for a small fee. xx

hi no but think you may find out about it from tags/archives , well good lucjk with that love diddle x

jayjay profile image

I have Reiki every now and again, it def works for me,i was very sceptical too the 1st time i had it a few years ago now and dident beleive it could work, but i gave it a go, and it was so relaxing, i felt the pain drawing out of my body and also the heat of her hands and my body felt so light after as if the pain had been drawn out of me,i felt so good i just couldent beleive how it made me feel, i told her i suffer with IBS and she unblocked me, the 1st time i had it not meaning to be crude or rude but i went to the toilett 7 times in the 24hours of haveing the reiki, and every time i have a session i go at least 5 times which is amazeing for me :-) last time i had it was 2 weeks ago, i would recomend it, but some things work for some and not for others, but at the end of the day if we dont try these things we will never no, the one i use has a masters in Reiki ..... Good Luck xxxx :-)

wednesday_focker profile image

i have my reiki practitioner course, and use it to slef help pain levels/stress etc, reiki is energy passing through the practitioner into you , dosent need to be hands on, its not massage, its for want of better expression, heavenly energy , id recommend you try it, leaves me floating on air x

Vectra profile image

Reiki is absolutely brilliant for Fibromyalgia i would defo recommend it for all and you can learn REIKI yourself as they do a course to self treat and use on yourself as much as you want. there's also on UTUBE sites Reiki self attunement video's should anyone want to try it themselves, either way its brill.I always go to a good practioner who does other treatments as well such as reflexology as well with massage i have to be choosy as some practitioners can be a bit hard with there massage and we all know how sensitive the body generaly is.

Mattjam profile image

I had it once and i felt like a young girl again immediately after it unfortunately it was short lived and the next day i was back to normal, the second time i had it which was a few months later i felt no difference at all which made me sad as its a lovely experience xx

Spirit profile image

Okay then - sounds like a plan to give it a go. The lady I have been recommended to is a master, as is her partner and he is apparently a spiritual healer as well.

Apparently they both offer a free first session so I'm going to contact her and see when she is free.

Will report back

Thanks for the feedback everyone

Spirit x x x

bluecelestite profile image

Hello Reiki is a natural form of healing energy, you can go to a practitioner which can charge up to and around £60.00 per hour so be warned. Reiki healers tend to work with the client laying on a therapy couch.... you are Not expected to remove any items of clothing just were something comfortable and relaxing .. reiki energy works with the soul of the client the healer will attune themselves to your soul this means the can connect to where you need the healing energy the most..... some will place their hands on or over the area's most in need....... some will do head to toe for 30 minutes one side then ask you to turn over on to your front then go head to foot for another 30 minutes for a full treatment ... allways ask the fee before you attend an appointment and if you do not wish to be touched at all tell them as they can channel the energy over your body without having to touch you should that be your wish ... there will be No form of massage or rubbing or stroking, or oils involved or hands put on any deemed sensative area's on your body. I am trained in reiki one and two and I use Reiki on my family when required and on myself and the dog everyday as I have Fibromyalgia too I find it a lovely way of totally relaxing you may well find you will fall asleep also meditation every day will learn you to relax your mind and body . you can ask the universe to send you Absent healing I do before I go to sleep some nights or find a Spirtitualist church near you it should have a trainee and qualified healers group this is another excellent form of healing energy again spirits work along side the healer channeling the energy from the Spirit world universal energy through the healer's spirit through to your own spirit/soul again through attunement this is through usually a small donation should you wish to give one some people do others cannot afford to and do when they can but your looking at one or two pounds if that so its worth going the session will last around 15 minutes I also am a trainned Spiritualist healer now spiritualist healers are required to train for a minimum of two years before they can qualify reiki well some train and some just go for a weekend's attunment and call themselves a therapist so you must look into a reiki healer's history or go by recommendation to get a healer who knows what their doing ok hope this helps Kaz

Spirit profile image
Spirit in reply to bluecelestite

Wow - that's loads of info - thank you so much for taking the time to explain it all - don't suppose you live near me - I should be coming to you by the sound of things :) x

bluecelestite profile image
bluecelestite in reply to Spirit

Hi ya I'm in Hastings East sussex have a look on a site lol I got one of the dodecadiamond sphere's in my front room too great for meditation, healing and aligning your energy centre's to .... your welcome to the info as in every line of work some people are there to help and some are there to screw you for what they can , I have mixed with many Spiritualist people and many are out just for the cash and not that spiritual at all so just be a bit cautious ok

Sarah-Jane profile image
Sarah-Jane in reply to bluecelestite

Hello Blue Celestite,

I took a look and was nearly blasted across the room with the music on the site so others beware and turn your volume down first!

Looks interesting but very expensive - plus I could not get into or out of one of these, nor sit in the requred position. I am glad it works for you though as we all need something.

Soft hugs

bluecelestite profile image
bluecelestite in reply to Sarah-Jane

Hello Sarah Jane

lol so you took a look a the web site then.... I sit inside in a gamming rocker chair with a high back it's great or sometimes on a big cushion mostly in the chair though i put my feet up on the bars relax and watch the tv in it

... I was lucky I paid half the price for mine I have the large one bought it off my friend cindy .... you can open two of the panels so its easier to get inside my daughter squeezes through one of the gaps, my days of doing that are well gone

soulsusie profile image
soulsusie in reply to bluecelestite

Hi Bluecelestite, I am new to this site, I too have wondered about this form of healing energy. I have a Reiki Master who lives within 5 minutes of me,I have spoken with him and looked on his website. My main problems are Fibromyalgia and M.E. Osteoarthiritus, Spondylitus and IBS and severe Migraines. I think I will definitley have a treatment and see, as I have a lot of stress with my Father he has alzeheimers and is in care, I try and see him once a week as its 160 mile round trip, so it really takes it out of me. I am trying to get Dad in a care home just around the corner from me,which would be perfect! Thankyou so much for your info. Whereabouts are you in the UK ?

bluecelestite profile image
bluecelestite in reply to soulsusie

Hello soulsusie

I live in Hastings east sussex a good thing for migraines is drinking plain water as the body works using a lot of water in all its systems there is a book get it cheap on amazon called your body cries for water by DR F Batmanghelidj I have it and changed to mostly water a day it also helps the muscles by making the body less acidic therefore reduces the muscle soreness,

I also got the one on back pain and eradicate asthma, allergies and lupus just to see what advice he gives not read them yet though the water one makes a very interesting read have alook art the reviews and try to get your dad to drink water and the brain is largely made up of water and nourishes the cells ,

if you go for healing it will help you relax it helps to try to get you to help yourself and moves energy around the body as a healer we can feel what feels ok and what needs working on healing isnt a quick fix no matter what you pay but it can work wonders for some especially if your willing to do your best at helping yourself to ease your own burden so to speak ... look at your diet do some light excersise to help the stiffness even light walking and house work so your moving around I have fibromyalgia im perscribed per day 50mg of pherenagen sleep pills, up to 6 tramodol per day, 60 mg of cymbalta and 1200 of gabepentin .... I dont take none of them no more ... why because I stay away from stressful people and situations I dont over do it and if I cant help sometimes having to when I feel I need to sleep I do.... I rest up for a couple of days I bought a shatsui chair back massager i use if and when needed fortunately i was dismissed for not being able to do my job roll a couple of years ago so i have been lucky enough to rest and learn everything i can to help myself .. people see me and say you dont look ill or i never knew you had something wrong with you that suits me as it keeps my vunerability to myself if you care for yourself mentally ask for things that may help you come your way Kaz

soulsusie profile image
soulsusie in reply to bluecelestite

Wow Kaz, such a lot of information!! I have fibro and M.E.

My prescription drugs are : Lansoprazole, celebrex, ramipril, oxybutynin, gabapentin, paracetamol and tramadol......I too have lost my job through to ill health, I manage pretty well and having attended an Expert Patient Group, I went onto become an accreditted tutor and love the difference the way the programme alters peoples perception of Long Term Conditions. I have massages when I can and fancy a reiki treatment.

bluecelestite profile image
bluecelestite in reply to soulsusie

Hello I get a massage when i can for my shoulders and back makes a huge difference i find

I lost my job of 18 hours per week due to so much time of with pain and fatique and then when it came to my atos medical I was declared fit for full time work which i never gonna be able to do fatique is my worst problem i can put up with the rest i also suffer when stressed IBS and have a small abdominal hernia when i was taking my medication and put on job seekers my adviser said i could do driving jobs lol i gave up my car as i wasnt fit or safe or legal taking that much medicatio

my doctor gave me the free bus pass when they finally diagnosed me and gave me proper medication my adviser bullied me and thretened three times in 5 months to have my money stopped as he didnt believe i was doing enough looking for work lol he made me so ill i got signed off last sep and im now awaiting a date for another joke of a medical and to be put back on the merry go round again people with fibro should at least be put on the work part time esa benefit full time and collapsing is not an option but i have met many people pushed in to work that have collapsed on the site one lady i know collapsed working at tesco into the shelving full of glass jars from fatique she said she would be forced to quit but it means she cant claim esa as your declared fit to work and do something makes you wonder why so many people are dropping like flies from the illness seems eveyone you talk to has it or knows others that have it the last time i was signed off form my job at tesco thats where i worked i coulndnt walk further then 15 minutes before collapsing on the ground i dont know how atos keeps getting away with the farcical medicals xx kaz

bluecelestite profile image

Hi Jules the colours you saw are usually due to the activation of the Pineal gland in the brain ... if you was to take up meditation every day you are likely to see colours again it's working with the energy you see, if you liked the healing try a spiritualist church in your area have a session or to there see how you feel, when ever I close my eyes I see lilac, light green, pink, some yellow and orange just swirling around slowly reiki healers charge a lot more so always ask the price and how long is the session before you make your appointment ok

soulsusie profile image
soulsusie in reply to bluecelestite

Hi Kaz that is so true I have meditated for many years and it really does help. Mental Images and Diaphramatic breathing too

Ang01 profile image

The fees charged by my practitioner is £25 an hour but have heard of another one in my area who charges £10 for half an hour. My practitioner says she could charge more but is not in it for making money but for helping people so just needs to cover her costs. She works from home and as someone has already said I would be very careful when choosing a practitioner, mine is also a Reiki Master. xx

Sarah-Jane profile image

Wow all of this information is great. I went to a healer who helped me in many ways but I need to be taken/brought home and it all adds up. I also saw lights but do not know whether it was Reiki. My mother used him first. He helped her back. I sat in a chair and it was all hands off. He definitely felt something around the hip area and that was my main problem and still is but not so much. I was very relaxed after too.

I like the ideas given here and will consider them. Maybe training in Reiki would be possible. Sorry, getting late and rambling.

soft hugs, night night

rogerrabitt333 profile image

Give it a go.Nothing to lose and maybe a lot to gain,,if you are in west midlands I can help you maybe.

If not I still might be able to,2nd degree reiki can be sent to anyone,anywhere to any person,animal or situation.


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