....I just have it to do and have been looking forward to it for a few weeks. Tomorrow morning we are going away for a couple of days. now that we have central heating in the 'van at last i can at least keep warm. These little trips keep me going. the last couple of days i have been trying my best to help get things ready by hobbling round, bent double, cold and in pain. today the best i could offer was to go to the supermarket on my scooter and do the shopping. at least i could stay on it, not fall off it and ask if i needed help to find stuff!
i may not be on for a couple of days so take care of yourselves, keep warm and lots of soft hugs to you all. May your nights be spent in deep meaningful slumber and your days painfree xxxx
ps it is now 2.15 and still in slow AF due to wind. might try hot sweet water