Although i have had my electric wheelchair since the 2nd jan this year,i was not allowed to go outside in it until i had my ramp fitted, well they came and fitted my ramp this week, on thursday,(after months of waiting) and i was allowed out, i got the all clear from the wheelchair people who had to check that the ramp was ok and completed on the friday. My partner sugested we go out as it was such a lovely day but as i am waiting on my new car to arrive, we had to go on busses, 4 in total, i was very nurvous and had butterflies and a sickness feeling at the same time just the thought of it, But i did it, i managed to go up and down the ramps ok and was tricky getting in the wheelchair space being busses being so busy,but i did it, and felt so proud of myself for doing it,thanks to my wonderfull partner for giveing me support and reminding me its ok and just do it slowly and take my time ect. I finelly felt like i got some independance back and it was a great feeling we both enjoyed our trip out, my partner was walking beside me instead of behind me pushing me and talking to my head lol and also he wasent exhausted when we got home either, and just a lovely feeling all round and looking forward to the next trip out
I felt very proud of myself yesterday... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I felt very proud of myself yesterday, and got some independance back :-)

ohh my first time of leaveing a blog, and i messed up lol god no's how that pic got there ??? sooo sorry xx
you are lucky
i have no partner
Aw please never give up i met my partner totally out of the blue no intention of seeing anyone been togethre 8 years tommorrow still wont live with him that is never gonna happen been too hurt in the past but you never know so come on chin up do what i do meet them dont live with them they come every night then go home lol best of both world all my mates who are married are so envious of me loo love to you diddle x
lol how lovely what a really lovely and inspirational blog jus what people need to read i am so glad for you and what you have achieved and how lovely for your partner to be beside you like you say and not behind and to be free from pushing you 9not that he minded i am sure) but glad you both got something out of it and it sounds like it gave you a real confidence boost well done you gold star ***********
p.s i did think that pic was odd !!! lol i thught i had missed something i thought i know the clocks went forward an hour but not 10 months !!!!!!!! love to you xx Diddle x
Aww cabbage, i'm sure you will find your prince charming one of these days, when you least expect it, as diddle says never give up.I also beleive there is someone out there for everyone it's just finding the rite one. Keep ur chin up and sending big hugs xxx
Thankyou so much diddle, yes it really did give me a big confidence boost and yes after years, my partner to walk beside me and as i said not behind me lol was really lovely, it made such a big difference to us both.He has to everything for me and he never complains bless him. Hahahaha i dont no, how that pic got there i will never no lol and when i checked it before posting it, it def wasent there lol Thanks again diddle and loadsa love to you too
how wonderful you must feel jayjay. I would not be without my scooter for anything. I bought a second hand electric chair last year which i use for the hospital and places where the boot scooter wont go.(and as spare) but to get into the open air is wonderful. enjoy xxx
I so know what you mean about finding your freedom! I begged my husband to allow me to have a wheelchair but it was only when I assured him I didn't actually want a wheelchair, I wanted access to the outside world that he understood. Sorry he sounds awful but this was pre understanding FM.
Then I got DLA and my youngest daughter took me to get a mobility scooter - yay, freedom - but after the months of being stuck at home or out with others I was frightened of going out by myself.
Now the only thing that stops me is the weather and my back. If either is nasty I stay in [apart from going to work and I really don't count that as its indoors].
Take care of yourself so you can keep going out. Take the opportunity to mix if you can and enjoy life. If you want a partner the most inviting person is the one enjoying themselves and making others enjoy things too.
Good luck and soft hugs
Jayjay, i am so happy for you.
You sound so happy.
Hope you get more pleasure form your scooter, i am still a lucky one to still be able to get about (in agony tho). I just know if the day comes when i have to get one then i have all these good stories and all you insperational people to make that day be a good one rather than feeling sorry for myself.
Thankyou for sharing and wish you all the luck with it.
kel xxx
Bless you all, and thankyou all so very much, i am paying for it today though, but was def worth it I have been in a wheelchair for over 3 an half years, but haveing an electric wheelchair is brilliant, but i still dont think i could go out on my own either, but i will never say never lol Thankyou all again love and hugs to you all xxxx