Fibromyalgia Action UK

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7 Replies

I think that we should all sit and take stockof what we have that is good in our lives and what we can do rather than thinking of all the things we cant do any longer.

I used to love going for 3/4 hour walks in the country, but now i can prob only do 15 mins but i can still do that . i used to love going out to a wedding party or other celebration and i would be on the dance floor from abba to zee zee top but now i can only dance to one song or have to spread it out to 2 or 3 across the evening but at least i can do that .

i used to walk my dog for an hour in the morning and an hour in the luchtime and hour in the evening but now i walk him for 5 to 15 mins 3 x a day 9 depends on the day 0 but i do it.

i used to spend all day cleaning my house from top to bottom every cuboard every nookand cranny but now i have to do one thing one day and spread over the week.

i used to drive for miles or be driven now 15 mins max is enough for me either as a driver or passenger but i can still do it

So can you see what i am saying even though we cant do what we used to do we can still do something but in diffreent ways and spread over a diffrent time period.

I hope that you all have a lovely evening i have been sooooo stressed the last 24 hours with one thing and another i am now going to have an early bath and sit down and do nothing absolutely nothing so you all take care and will be on here at some point tommorrow love to you all Diddle xxxx p.s hope this is easier fro you all to read i have remebered to put my spaces in i am a good girl gold star for me lol xxxxx

7 Replies
tinkz2007 profile image

You are completely right, there are a lot of people that can't manage even the smallest things that we are still able to do.

Enjoy your bath and rest.

Gentle hugs xx

I agree focus on the positive is the best way. Enjoy your evening, Sweet Dreams x x

Butterfly54 profile image

Give diddle a star that was a fantasticly done blog,perfect paragraphs.and could read it all.

I only realised diddle that you do it twice, to do it properly LOL.But weve done it girl.Have a nice bath and enjoy your eveninig.

Hugs and hope you sleep tonight Hugs Jayne xxxx

avarose profile image

Hi there,everyone,

love the positive points here,could not agree more. My fibro challenge has made me re-assess my life and prioritize what is important . In some ways,I am more efficient now as I treasure my energy and only spend it on the important things. Making quality choices every day has added another dimension to my life which to be honest is life-enhancing.it has made me more disciplined,made me more caring.I have become so much closer to my father , after a lifetime of difficulty with him.I am more loving to others and more understanding to others in pain. So,perhaps,my own pain has made me a more caring person.As a result,I am living in the moment,and a such feel truly alive.I have more joy,when I am with loved ones and good friends,no pain can keep me down and for that I am thankful x love to all of you.

circuitrunner profile image

Fibro made me realise that the time I had without it I achieved many things I wanted to do. Of course there are some I would still like to have done. I am just thankful that it is possible being able to be able to look back on my life and recall.

I just hate to listen to people who had the time befor ill health who say if it wasn't for me suffering this or that I WOULD HAVE. Yet we know they would still have done nothing. These are the people who suffer with more anger. Nobody knows what health problems will occur.

Strange note to write but for all of us recall makes us more determined and not give up

Goodienuff profile image

Yes, too true, there's ALWAYS something which I can be grateful for in all this misery. I have started keeping a journal, logging how I feel, what I did, in fact everything which happens in each day so that I can look back and see if things are any better or worse.

I have a lovely young (32) nephew who has a terminal brain tumour, with which he was diagnosed 6 years ago, and was told the prognosis was around 5 years, so he knows he is 'living on borrowed time' and he has 2 lovely kids, agd 7 and 4, and he has regular fits and has to sleep to get some energy to do things like picking kids up from school etc.

This guy has the most amazing SMILE on his face EVERY TIME I see him. He is an inspiration, and does a lot of fundraising for the brain tumour charity, even though he cannot benefit, he wants to try to raise awareness and hope that the research will maybe find something to help brain tumour victims.

in reply to Goodienuff

Now that makes you think doesnt it . it really does , makes you appreciate what you have and what you can do love to you diddle x

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