about every other day i get a strange feeling at the back of my neck its a kind of low buzzing feeling and almost feels like ive been stung its irritating and my clothes hurt on that patch almost sounds like shingles but theres no patch to see??
does anyone have this??: about every... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
does anyone have this??

Hi Fairytails,I know what you mean by this.Mine is there constantly when I`m moving around I describe it as severe sunburn sensation right at the top of my spine.
Iv`e been in agony for days now between my shoulders as well,to the point I cant lay down so hence no sleep.
I have just started the drug gabapentin and I was told this would be good for nerve pain which is what the sensation at the top of spine is.
I also understand when you say clothes hurt,I can`t even rub there as it hurts so much.
I wish you well hun Hugs xxxx
ah thankyou for answering butterfly i have been in the same pain in my neck gets unberable by the end of the day too , im not on any drugs at the moment as im waiting for my results to come back my rheumotologist said it could be either psoratic arthritis or fibro thats wrong with me , cant wait really for the results so as i can deal with it properly if you know what i mean! hope your pain gets a little easier hugs back xxx
Hi fairytails,
I am on gabapentin too, I have been on it for about a year, i think lol.
It is an absolute godsend, it helps so much with the burning stinging pains.
My whole arms felt like they were burning, i just wanted to chop them off as i thought this would of been less painful.
I used to get like bee sting feelings all over my body constantly and all that has stopped now (fingers crossed).
It worth looking into them with your gp.
kel xxx
thankyou jazher i must admit im feeling a bit low with it all to be honest today i keep trying to shake myself out of it but am well grrrh!!lol i need to get the results first seeing what it properly is im dealing with , my head feels so heavy today i wish i could just take it off for a while!!!Lol , another question im having bad moods and taking it out on my closest did this happen to you aswell >?? i feel really rotten as i was so nasty the other day to my partner and he didnt deserve it at all
its made me feel awfull
When i have my bad days i do take it out on my other half. I am seeing my gp next monday because of it, as i think i might need antidepressants as i am getting more angry and frustrated with myself but more importantly him.
My head feels to heavy too, i sit having to hold it up with my arm all the time because its really uncomfortable, then my arm and hand starts with pins and needles. i cant win lol.
Let us know how you get on.
Hope you find some relief soon.
kel xxx
I have this feeling about 3 inches higher than my bra fastening on my back. Call it my hot spot but it is exactly as you describe. Had this since a car accident in 1989.
Hi yes i have had this and been to my doctor as i thought i had shingles but there was nothing there and i never did know what it was i get it every so often for few days it is really weird isnt it love toyou diddle x
Have this prob too, when i have a flare up cant tolerate labels on clothes, have cut them all off.Hope it settles for a while.. keep finding more things annoying me but friend who has fibro tells me she has same probs so dont feel so bad.Its good to share x