I do not post often but like most people in this community I am concerned by the welfare cuts. I wanted to make everyone aware that Scope has a campaign with an online petition you can add your name to and also message your MP. They are currently 4000 signatories off their 50,000 target. Best wishes to everyone I hope you are not suffering too much today.
Welfare Cuts Scope Campaign - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Welfare Cuts Scope Campaign

do you have a link to this petition?
Sorry for not adding it to the first post. I couldn't think how to add it at the time but have figured it out now.campaigns.scope.org.uk/page...
Hi, thank you so much for letting others know about the petition 👍I gladly went online to sign it but you had to put your address plus postcode in otherwise it wouldn’t allow you to sign. Sadly, due to personal reasons I don’t want to do this, so I couldn’t add my support, I’m sure many others have been stopped signing due to other reason and it is annoying but the good news was they were only 1,500 +away from their target so please anyone who wants, can and supports the petition please do so as it is something that affects so many anxious and stressed people 🤗