My sister has been suffering with nausea. When the problem started she would have frequent bouts of nausea. (At least one bout a day.) But, the number of times she has been getting nauseous has increased over the last few months. And, now she is just nauseous all of the time, 24/7. Does anyone else suffer with this? Is this a symptoms of fibromyalgia, or is it something else? What can I do to help her?
Nauseous all of the time: My sister has... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Nauseous all of the time

It’s not a symptom of fibromyalgia, but possibly IBS related, that goes along side with fm, it’s not normal to feel like this, even if it is bowel related, I would suggest she should see her GP.
Hi, not fibro that I'm aware of. Best speak to her GP if she's been suffering with it for so long.
Always best to get things checked out if they are new. I never presume anything new is fibro.
HiI have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I was diagnosed 6 years ago. I recently started getting nausea everyday I think it's more to do with the CFS than the fibromyalgia it might be a good idea to get checked for that too.
Hope this helps.
Hi, I often find when my stress levels are high the nausea feelings are alot worse, so yes I think it is part of fybro and stress combined... I really hope you feel better soon.. Ginger helps 👌 take care xx
I'm often feeling nauseous and often wake up nauseous. Theres so many things that could cause mine I can't work it out and I don't have the energy to do so 🤦. It could be my low blood pressure, low sugar, low iron, low vit D, fatigue, pain, stress, headaches, my intestinal cystitis - one or all hey. Also, I've not bothered to get diagnosed but suspect a connection to IBS as I definitely have symptoms of this. It could also be hormones as I'm on HRT. I send my biggest sympathy to your sister and hope it eases for her 🤞. Hot water bottle and distraction helps me and to keep eating little and often even if I don't want to x
Hi I used to suffer from nausea, GP prescribed anti nausea tablets which worked well until they had to stop them because of some health scare. So there I was back to the nausea again, until I read somewhere that it could be caused by Lanzaprozol which I was taking. I stopped taking them and hey presto, nausea disappeared! So could it be a side effect of one of her meds?
HiYes I get this daily
It's because fibromyalgia causes it in most cases IBS or ibd and digestive issues.

Your poor Sister that must be awful , has she seen the doctor ? If not hopefully she can be seen fairly promptly too get too the bottom of this and move forward x
I frequently feel nauseous at some point in the day, but often first thing. I wondered if it could be hormonal, but now think it is related to poor digestion, food intolerance or IBS.
10 days ago I started taking kaffir in yoghurt & drinks to see if it helps, so far I definately have seen an improvement.
As others say, check in with your GP
Good luck
Hi. I get nausea due to orthostatic intolerance /POTS. I get regular prescription of Ondasetron. Every time I get a feeling of sickness, I dissolve a tablet under a tongue and nausea usually disappear within a few minutes. It often is a life-saver for me. Get no side effects from it.
Hi there nausea can make people so ill. My GP has recommended peppermint tea bags or peppermint capsules enteric capsules. I find the tea bags good for more immediate relief and the enteric capsules give more lasting ease. They also help Irritable Bowel Syndrome.