Hi, I'm was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia two years ago although I feel that I've been undiagnosed for some years. I work full time and keep myself going throughout my days but crash as soon as I'm home then Im awake at silly times in the night. Some days are worse than others. I'm wondering how other people are coping on a day to day basis.
Coping with life but feel like I have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Coping with life but feel like I have no life at the same time .

Much the same, actually can't remember how it felt to sleep through the night. I can fall asleep just about anywhere and often wear cups of tea etc.. but just can't stay asleep for any decent length of time.
How I manage to pull myself together for work amazes me, I'm always running late, so disorganised and my house is a total riot ALL the time! Stuff seems to grow and I move it from one place to another, swearing I'll get it tomorrow!🙄
Coping? 😂😂
It’s so tough, especially if you work full-time hours. I use loads of different techniques to help. Mostly, I try walking and stretching (good for mind and body), low sugar (although I'm only just re-instating this after Christmas), pain meds and gels, physio, and prioritising my sleep.
Sometimes, it helps to try to get some flexibility in your hours so you can rest during flare-ups, but I know that isn't always possible. If you can't, make sure you take full breaks that ease your symptoms (meditation/a walk/resting). So my top tip is to experiment in being kind to yourself and figuring out stuff that helps.
Being part of this group and other supportive networks helps, too.
Hello.I am so sorry to hear that you are struggling.
I attended some nuffield health wellbeing pain management sessions over 6 weeks. These sessions were very useful in helping with my movement, pacing and exercising. I asked my Manager to refer me to occupational health at work in order to get the time protected at work. It helped. I also have some talking therapy sessions from the NHS which helped with my dealing with this awful long term health condition. Have you been diagnosed with sleep apnea.? I have a 'resmed cpap' machine which helps me to get good quality sleep even if it is only 3 to 4 hours. I too drop off in the most unexpected places but still don't feel properly rested. I try to get help from trusted friends occasionally to help ne with the house tidying up when I have a little energy. Somehow makes the chore less onerous. Sadly there is no cure for our horrible illness so all we can do is manage it.
snap. I have no balance at all. If i work i have no energy for anything else.
Work at the moment i feel is too much and i have taken lower paid jobs and less stressful yet still here we are
I am the same not working at the moment and do have to as I have a private pension coming in and not due any monies from U/C. I have built up a nice social life and feel that when I get a job all I will be able to do is work and no social life or not work and have a social life, I am 59 , 60 this year. It really seems unfair.
Hi. I know the feeling of all work and no play. I had to cut out a lot to have the energy to work and get through the day. I’m working M,W,F now so more paced and would love to increase my hours as my earnings are low, but what I do on my rest days ( shopping/ washing etc) is what enables me to come home on a work day and rest! It’s such a challenge. Good luck xx