Had anyone got any advice on sleeping at night? Iv tried all sorts, warm bath, night time tea, sleep music and nothing’s working my minds in over drive 😔😔
Sleeping techniques: Had anyone got any... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Sleeping techniques

Have you tried some mindfulness to calm your mind? Otherwise listening to audio books? Staying away from screens/phones for at least an hour before bed also helps. Hope you get some sleep tonight

Thank you iv got my music on now through my headphones I have tried mindfulness but will it another go, thank you
Mindfulness takes a bit of practice, give it some time. Sometimes the best thing is to stop trying to fall asleep (the harder you try the more unlikely it is you fall asleep) Just get comfortable in your bed, make sure the room is dark and cool and just rest without getting stressed about falling asleep and it’s more likely that it will happen
I just sleep when I can now! Some weeks nothing works so I get up and do some little jobs and get back to sleep when the tiredness kicks in. Obviously I don't work or have children to get to school etc but rather than lie there desperately trying to get to sleep I'd rather do something that needs doing. Other times I sleep as soon as I get in bed, its weird but I gave up trying to work out my sleep patterns years ago, hence the sleep when you can advice. Some weeks I survive on cat naps til normal service is resumed!
Hi try ketogenic breathing whilst you are lying down in bed. You can find this on you tube. A calm relaxing voice will talk you through breathing exercises. It can take a while to get use to it. Once you have mastered it you will be able to do it on your own
I use the relaxation file on the kirklees wellbeing site my therapist pointed me to. The seaside one I find really relaxing.
Hypnosis on YouTube. Loads to choose from. They last from 10 minutes to 10 hours. I play one on my phone which is face down so I can’t see it, works every time. I can recommend Michael Sealey, he has a nice voice but it’s personal preference really.
Ok, here's my list for you to try:-
NO phone/tablet/computer screens within the hour before bed or in the bedroom (noticed you replied to a message saying you were listening to relaxation)
Bedroom cool and tidy
Get enough exercise in the day
Don't eat too late
Don't use the bed for daytime naps
Comfy mattress and clean sheets as often as possible
Lavender /chamomile fragrance
Go to bed/get up at the same time
Watch your medication isn't causing the problem.
I now sleep at least 8 hours a night (but still Unrefreshed.... At least I can tell myself I've been asleep)
Good luck!
Sorry about your sleep disturbances, I have heard that white noise helps some people - might be worth a shot. Hope you find something that works for you xx
I have a TV in my bedroom. I put it on at low volume and play a film I know really well. I then put an eye mask on to block the light and listen to the film picturing the scenes in my head. It works really well for falling asleep. If you use the same film every night you'll find you fall asleep faster
I use deep breathing as it relaxes and gets you off to sleep, electric blanket on low all night for back, hip and leg pain, melatonin for sleep also,CBD is another option, hope something works for you, mainly trial and error as each physiology is different😉
Melatonin. My sister came over from America at Christmas and gave me a bottle of 5mg melatonin (they seem to be more Fibro aware over there). Apparently Fibro sufferers tend to have low melatonin (a hormone which increases in the body as it gets dark and makes us sleepy and decreases as it gets light). It has changed my life! I sleep what feels like a natural sleep. I’m not groggy when I wake up and have had very little stiffness or pins and needles since beginning to use it. She also gave me a 12mg bottle but 5mg tends to more than do the trick! I also use a meditation app which is also good to get me to sleep, especially the hypnotism ones, but I find has to be combined with pain killers and is more time consuming. I pay a £11.95 a month subscription but you can get a month free. You’re welcome to PM me if you want details. You can get melatonin online in the UK. Good luck
Unfortunatley sleep disturbance is a Symtom of fibromyalgia ur brain doesn't shut off properly I was talking zopiclone no baths no nothing apRt from sleeping pills helped me I stopped zopiclone now and take amitryptline that's better long term it's an old school antidepressant but it's now used as a muscle relaxer try asking doc about it hopefully your get diagnosed soon that helps so much x
Hi I put 3 drops of lavender essentials oil on left and right side of my pillow it works a treat.
I stopped all medication apart from cocodamol and take 1 and 1 soluble paracetamol at night just before I go to bed with a warm drink. I do take cocodomol during the day but the lowest dose. I've also bought some soluble 'solpadeine' and found those can be helpful but I'm very strict as to how much I take so not to overdo it. I don't mix Cocodamol and Solpadiene by the way either one or the other. I admit I do just get into bed and try to relax and yes I admit I use my iPad to read as my sight is not wonderful but make sure the blue light filter is on. Usually I drift off to sleep but usually have to get up in the night to use the loo and then I go back to bed and just try to relax and not worry if I go back to sleep or not as I know worrying about sleep is the worse things I can do. Make sure the bed is comfortable. I use a light duvet and light throw on our bed and find that is enough. My husband suffers from Fibro as well but he tends to drop straight off to sleep. lucky man. If I have one of those nights that sleep tends to be elusive I just don't worry about it and tend to think of the jobs I need to do in the house (boring!) and that can put me to sleep! but if not I just try to relax and me being 'religious' I do pray and read a few verses of my bible and that helps to relax me. I've had fibro and arthritis and other illnesses for years so they are part of my life now. I try to get some exercise even if it's only housework during the day. I try to absorb myself in other things to help with pain and I play the piano (not so good now) and I find that helps but I tend to overdo it sometimes so end up with really bad backache sitting on the piano stool too long. But I love my pianos and organ. I treat Fibro etc as annoying little so and so's as I know normally fibro won't kill one. It can be difficult at times but having been a mental health counselor before I retired and taught relaxation and self awareness to my patients (now called 'mindfulness') I consider myself fortunate so have information and techniques to cope with pain. fortunately both my husband and are retired so can please ourselves most of the time as to having a lay in or slow morning or day but there are things that have to be done so we try to work around pain. If one can try to enroll in relaxation classes or some occupation that you enjoy. Don't overdo it though. Music is a wonderful relaxing technique and me being able to play keyboards has been a life saver for me. My piano etc is my therapy even if I play more bum notes than good ones! LOL! I had 3 strokes when I was 28 so that put paid to my 'musical career' but I'm the type of person that refuses to give up and let things beat me if possible. But each to his own. One is never too old to learn a new instrument or an instrument. I am teaching my husband (nearly 64) to play the piano and initially he thought he'd never be able to do it but now he's starting to realise he can but slowly and I told him no rush and do it for fun. He's still at the beginners stage but pleased to report after a few months he can now use both hands to play the keyboard. I told him nothing is impossible but it just takes a bit longer to learn as adults. I'm coming up to 72 now and I reverse my age numbers so I'm 27! LOL!. I do have a sense of humour so that helps too and try to see the funny side of things especially with the fibro, arthritis etc etc. Not easy but I say (better not say what I say but it's do do with one's rear end) to it. I do have empathy for those that suffer as I know what it's like emotionally and physically over the years. I say to my husband 'We are British and we have to keep a stiff upper lip and won't let the bar steward get us down' I talk to myself a lot as my brain is not as young as it use to be but really I don't care as I'm just using my reserve brain to talk to my 'main brain'. I don't know if there is anything in my ramble to help anyone but don't let the fibro bar steward get you down if possible. I tried all the medication including morphine but not one scrap of good for me apart from doping me up. But that was for me. All my love to you all out there.
Were iv been so poorly my sleep patern out window some night iv not had any sleep at all i sleep lot during day surviving on cat naps even when im well suffer from fatigueness and headaches x
Sleep this week has been the worst ever, one night I’m awake till 4/5 another have 3 hours and then wide awake all night x
I've just started rubbing a couple of drops of lavender oil into my tummy button (on good advice from here...!) I will let you know how it works out.
I went to see a hyponist. He didn't hypnotise me but mead a CD which I listen to at least once a day. I really helps with anxiety.