Well surprise surprise got my pip assessment report today, been on DLA n pip 24 years in total, i have degenerative disc disease, arthritis in hands hip knees n neck, prediabetes, also have fibro depression and anxiety, and I failed,no mention of mental health or anxiety in report even got medication wrong
pip report : Well surprise surprise got... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
pip report

Please sign my petition for against the flawed DWP and fight back
There lima tick box assessment is not fit for purpose and they lie in their reports.
We are set upto fail!!
Please forward it on to family and friends
This Tory Government and DWP are a disgrace! on how they treat the sick and disabled
Here is the link
Keep strong
Survivor girlxc
Iv signed , we are set up to fail and my report has lies n been twisted , i had my local councilor here today going through report , he couldn't believe some of it, he is writing to DWP , iv had a letter of specialist who diagnosed me to , assessment woman said my doctor diagnosed me it wasnt , and iv still not got letter off pip yet to appeal
Every time you click on the link it diverts of it , so you can not sign it
I'm telling my friends and family about it, not sure how to do it in computer. Please take care. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
They don't care i was self harming myself i cant kill myself my daughter needs me, so i hurt myself i thought about taking overdose, i will share as much as i can, hpe you get a good out come
Please don't let them distress you.
We are going to get a party going, to stop this like the brexit party!!
We the people have had enough!
Keep strong and no more self harm.
Do you suffer with anxiety or trauma related illness?
I went yesterday for my assessment for esa. There is no chance i am going to get, if you didn’t. I have Fibro, ibs and pancreas problems and I was also told I had osteoarthritis in my right knee. I believe I have it in my neck/spine too, it’s so painful. The rheumatologist didn’t write this down on the letter he sent to my GP.

I have osteoarthritis to knees neck fibro, mental health anxiety, degenerative disc disease, i passed ESA didnt even need medical, hope you get good result
Aw I’m happy for you.
Fingers crossed x

Its my pip they stopped assessment woman hasn't put anything about anxiety or depression , has twisted things , also pip have not requested my doctors notes, ESA did
From what I’ve read from other members posts, it’s a common them twisting your words. Hmm, I hope my assessor doesn’t do the same. I forgot to tell her about my anxiety and depression too. My short term memory is rubbish. Appeal and get copy of your notes from GP. Don’t give up that’s what they want us to do. So wrong making us do all this.

I have short term memory problems in nearly burnt kitchen down iv flooded kitchen but assessment woman said i had no memory problems. I am appealing, iv got a letter off Dr who diagnosed me , and my local councilor is writing to pip and i have requested my notes from doctor
Why would she? How nasty. I think most Fibro sufferers have short term memory problems. Whenever I have the strength to cook, I have to be so careful COD somehow I manage to cut/burn my hands. I have fear I’m going to burn down the house when I forget to turn the gas cooker off. That’s good you are on the right track. They shouldn’t reject, once they have got all that information. Fingers crossed for you x

They don't listen to you n they don't care , im 500 a month down now, my health has deterorated , , they don't request notes
Wow, £500! So wrong. Oh bless you. I know it’s easy for me to say, but really don’t let it get to you. They didn’t read my application, as I wrote in there I’m due my neurology appointment on Monday 10 June, I’ve not been given anything for the neurological pain. My GP doesn’t have a clue, newly qualified. Makes me so angry how incompetent they are. If only they could see what we go through on a daily basis.

Hi fibro
I have had the same problem with the cooker gas I forgot to put something in the pan.
I put a pan on twice with nothing in it and walked away!!
Later I could smell burning and ruined the pan and could of burned the house down.
That happened twice. After that I decided it was unsafe and gave up cooking.
Bought myself a microwave only to twice do the same I thought it I had put something in but I had nothing in and turned it only to a while later smell burning and nearly broke my new microwave it did damage it! I did that twice and now have a sign on it😢😂
As they say
"easy jet not easy"
You are not alone!!
Suvivour girl
Aw, it’s so dangerous for us. Yes, if only they saw what happens to us. As much as we can have a laugh about it now, It’s not so funny at the time.
I’m sure this has happened to be, but I can’t remember lol. I also have stomach/bowel problems so I have to rush to the bathroom, and I can be in there for a while.
Don't give up and definatley appeal. It may well take a long while so prepare yourself for a good wait, but appeals and tribunals can win. My hubby was getting low level care, high rate mobility indefinatley on dla, until he had to apply for pip. Because he has Aspergers syndrome as well as a damaged back, he finds it difficult to get on with people who don't know him. We went for the face to face assessment and because he asked the assessor how she was qualified several times ( she refused to say ) she decided she felt intimidated and ended the assessment before it had even begun. Luckily I was with him and we always record the meetings. Needless to say we had a letter from DWP stopping all of his benefit because according to them he hadn't completed the assessment. We went to citizens advice and she struggled to help us fill in the appeal form as they hadn't come across anything like it. To cut a long story shorter, he finally had another assessment ( with the same assessor) This time with errors, even the hand he has a moulded walking stick fitted for - he was awarded standard care and standard mobility. He has to use a mobility scooter to get out the house. Any way we took it to tribunal and we had only just got in the room when the tribunal said we had won and they were giving him his enhanced mobility.
It only took 67 weeks to get it sorted !! ..... but it can be done. Just got to try and sort my daughters mess out know. She has Asperger's as well as dyslexia and dyspraxia, just had her letter from pip. Out of everything she's only been awarded 2 points for her dyslexia, where she was getting high rate care and low rate mobility dla, before turning 16. I'd love to think she's better and doesn't need the care now !!! and she's micraclesly got better over night, lol
Good luck
Glad you won , i was award 2 points hadn't even put about my depression and anxiety, so got nothing for that, that's the reason i was asked to be reassessed, I put in for a mandatory reconsideration man on phone did you for me as they hadn't sent letter out n he asked them to send another letter which neither have come , so i doing a letter n sending what i got proof wise to pip, but cause letter hasn't come i don't know where yo send it, think they are doing it deliberately as you only get 28 days n its been over a WK since apparently they sent letter
They make me so angry!! Would they give you a form if you went down to their offices? It's disgusting. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

They make you feel awful as if your lying , but they award the people who are lying , no wonder people are committing suicide they drive you to it, i can hardly walk but she said i got up fine , said i walk 3 Meters to door it was 3 steps not meters lies they tell
I wonder what they would be like if they had to spend a day in our shoes!!bet they'd have a different attitude then!! Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

They wouldn't last an hour in my house let alone a day !!!
My hubby has Aspergers, as do my 18 yr old son and 16 yr old daughter. Ones in the middle of A levels the other in the middle of GCSE's. Hubby is also unable to do much or walk more than a few steps due to a back injury which causes him to be depressed and frustrated because he cann't do the things he wants to. I have fibro, thyroid cancer, arthritis in my neck, lower back, shoulder and one knee, the other one having been replaced already when I was 49, but it didn't go well because I got severe sciatica 2 weeks after having it done and could barely turn over in bed let alone walk !
Oh and a Gp that doesn't believe fibro is real and it's in all in our heads.
I'd like to see them cope with any one of these let alone have them all to contend with, play taxi and keep the house going and see whether they can go through an assessment with out getting ratty with them, when they actually let you speak.
Sorry rant over but the way they treat people makes my blood boil.
Gentle hugs to everyone.
You are a remarkable lady, please take it to appeal
You should have been awarded first time around, it's disgusting and very stressful. Please let us know how you get on. Sending you lots of love and healing hugs your way. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Thank you that's really nice of you , im appealing don't worry, and i will update you
You should definitely go to Mandatory Reconsideration and then to appeal. These links should help you:
I rang esa for medical report they are sending it out to me, lets see how much it compares to pip report