shouldn’t Google : so having ruled out... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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shouldn’t Google

Rogan1 profile image
11 Replies

so having ruled out everything else my gp said fibro BUT I was googling my symptoms and it seems more like ms … the fatigue , stabbing pains and bit dizzy/ wobbly . Anyone else feel like this ? Thanks all

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Rogan1 profile image
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11 Replies
Blue-52 profile image

I have cfs, along side Fibro, every one is different from the affects cfs can cause, mine is dizziness, light intolerant, fatigue, pain, jerking stabbing pain, the list can just go on, fm has a lot of other illnesses along side it, you may be lucky, and not get them, but some of us are unlucky and get a lot of symptoms.

Hope this helps a bit.

Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer

Hello, you will read members replies and like blue52 has said everyone is different, unfortunately Fibro has lots of symptoms and you sound like you are ticking some at the moment , I hope you find the forum helpful , Fibro can vary day too day and me personally I focus on my better days that help me keep me postive. Always good too read advice and info here .

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee

"the fatigue , stabbing pains and bit dizzy/ wobbly . " This would be typical fibro. MS revs to have symptoms that start in one part of the body from what I understand.

Yep and I saw a neurologist who ordered a ct of my brain and said its not. There are quite a few syndromes that cause the same symptoms unfortunately. I swore my mum had fibromyalgia the same as me but she was diagnosed with fnd. Fibromyalgia is just as debilitating as all the others.

marguLIS profile image

Morning Rogan, yes that's a day/ night/ year in my life . This week I have mostly been feeling unsteady and have nearly fallen over several times. My head feels like it's full of cotton wool, craving carbs and co codamol as everything hurts so much. Awful mood swings too, self pity, anger, sadness and frustration with a bit of joy when I cuddled my dog and told him how I felt. He obviously understands everything I say. ( I actually googled bi polar, and it's one thing I don't have.)

Had an in depth 5 minute test with a bored GP years ago for MS - negative thank the Gods, So I kept a diary of all the symptoms, tests, hospital, GP , OCC health, physio and mental health appointments since I started feeling really unwell.

One GP took me seriously and read everything,talked with me about how I felt, poked me about a bit and said it was fibromyalgia.

I'm ashamed to say I was almost happy with the diagnosis, it wasn't MS and I wasn't making it up or dying any time soon.

Good days and bad, you learn to live with the gift that keeps on giving new and surprising symptoms.

I only discovered this website recently , but it has helped so much already. You're not alone and can rant as much as you like. Nobody has to listen to you or read it, but you get it out of your head.

I wish you well on your journey, and send big, gentle hugs to you.

Mizzy11 profile image

Hi Rogan1, I'm in a very similar position. After 2 years of gp, rheumatoid and blood tests etc, The Rheumatologist dignosed fibro. However, whilst this was all going on, ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) were checking out my balance issues as doctor wanted to rule out everything else. ENT sent me for an MRI which has come back with white incidental spots around my brain, and now I've been given an urgent appointment to see a Neurologist. I thought I had symptoms of MS and mentioned it to my husband, long before the MRI but after listening to the specialists, the symptoms can be very similar and difficult to diagnose. I would suggest you speak with your doctor again about your symptoms and if an MRI could be arranged to help identify what's causing the symptoms. Fibro is about ruling everything else out, so it shouldn't be a problem for your GP to organise this for you. Hope this helps and good luck xx

Bottleforlife profile image

YES !! I have these. I went to my GP and told him I want to be tested for MS. I have an mri scan at the end of the month. I would definitely recommend you going back and just asking to be tested, just for peace of mind

Elaine200756 profile image

Hi Rogan, yes, Fibromyalgia can mimic M.S, Parkinsons and other conditions. My sister has M. S and she often comments that I have the same symptoms as she does. But I have been investigated twice by neurologists and I do not M. S thank goodness!

If you are worried see your doctor and ask for a referral to a neurologist. I've read that fibromyalgia can be worse than M. S except for the fact that it's not degenerative xx

Sarahvit profile image

Hi Rogan, I too am 62 yes I have the fatigue, dizziness/wobbly stabbing pain in my right upper back that started about 9months ago. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome back in 94. I have known people who were diagnosed with fibromyalgia who went into being diagnosed with lupus maybe MS too but not sure on that. I have consulted Dr. Google on several occasions but round up having the wrong diagnosis. One time I just googled someone else’s diagnosis just because I never heard of it and after reading about it I was sure that explained a lot of what was going on in my family with balance issues and other things but just made a fool of myself so learned not to consult Dr. Google again. One of my daughters has MS.

bookish profile image

Hi, it could be fibro, we all get different symptoms at different times, but both MS and fibro can be confused with, or be co-occuring with, undiagnosed vit B12 deficiency. I doubt that you have had sufficient testing to be sure, as a serum test alone is often all that is done and that cannot rule out a deficiency. Do you know what your level is and have they checked folate or active B12 or antibodies? Cheers

Fatball profile image

Hello. Yes it's a long journey we are all on. I was first told I had ME then one doctor said MS. My GP was adamant it wasn't and tested me to reassure me it was ME. Then several years later I was told I had Fybro at Rheumatology. So now add to the mix OA and osteoporosis curvature of the spine and spondylitis in my spine. It's a fair cocktail of conditions. Please don't look for conditions they will get a label at some point. Yes it also messes with your mental health. Try each day for the positives. I struggle on that one too but try. I hope you have a GP you can trust and support you. I feel extremely lucky that my GP has been so good. He has been caring for me for 23 years since he started at the surgery. From what I've seen and heard I feel very lucky in that way. Keep on asking for help don't give up. Take great care of yourself. 🤗

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