Hi I suffer big with fibromalarga. I m finding swallowing really difficult sometimes. And if I eat a full meal. It feels like it's stuck at the bottom of my throat feels like my throats closing
Problems swallowing : Hi I suffer big... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Problems swallowing

I have a lot of choking and swallowing with fibro and my autoimmune stuff. I find I need to eat smaller meals and just be more aware of chewing the food more rather than rushing. I also needed to start recently regularly an anti acid ie gaviscon if but this is in connection with a heart and lung issue they “think”
I get this is as well. Usually with crumbly things like flapjack and cereal. Feels like things just fall down my throat and I choke. I really have to slow down when I'm eating certain things. Also get the feeling food is stuck at the bottom of my throat. So far it hasn't happened when I have been out for a meal. But I'm sure it will. Just have to adjust and take it steady.
I’ve had this and they found I had a spasm but also stomach ulcers. I use omeprazole and gaviscon advance daily
I'm sure I have a stomach ulcer I've had one before abdomen feels sore pain nausea feeling again trouble is I take pregabling as I also have spine sinisis so it tends to mask some of the problems. Untill they get real bad
What is omeprazole ?
I have this too it is a relief to hear it is not just me I have had a camera down and an mri on my neck and no answers so just left me too it I never knew this could be a symptom
there are what they call the hidden symptoms of fibro and with my autoimmune conditions etc it’s like a game of whack a mole trying to find out what button pushes the mole up!
I don't even no where my fibro came from think ot was after a covid jab in 2022
A lot of fibro is from stress related incidents that can build up from the past or grief etc. I realised I had held on to a lot of issues as always a “ I have got this” but once diagnosed with RA then sojerns then heart issue the flood gates opened!
ditto. I was fine with no fibro till my first Covid jab… landed me in a&e with pleurisy and the fibro flared immediately after in my legs/feet and never went away… only got worse and spread to other areas.
Hi, I too have this issue, it's awful, I've choked, gagged, retched, can even happen drinking,had tests etc only to be told nothing can be found other than 2 possibly 3 nodules on my thyroid gland (another of my probs low thyroid for which I take levothyroxine), apparently a certain percentage of people get the nodules internally instead of the goitre. Have you had thyroid checked out? However, I've explained to drs that it also feels like from the back of my tongue to a couple of inches down my throat suddenly feel like there is no swallowing movement when it happens, is this how yours feels? I have to regurgitate food to stop chocking (sorry )! Then found I have a very dry mouth/eyes? I'm having other tests now for another issue possible, but I went to severe Fibromyalgia about 4/5yrs ago, (which is no answer to me for these extra symptoms), but it's possible it's another auto immune issue. Don't give up looking for answers especially when a Dr tells you to eat slower (?), sip water, perhaps anxious about eating! It's there randomly, I don't like to eat out as its embarrassing, and why with liquids too?! Keep digging, it may be on Fibro list, but ask for tests and don't feel silly for pushing for answers when drs think it's in your head!
Good luck with your search for an answer, stay safe & strong 🙂x
I do have thyroid problems I'm on levothyroxine tablets I think you have to have fibro to be understood like yourself don't thonk docs have a clue apart from blaming fibro for everything x
i have similar issues. I have a hiatial hernia and fibro as well as tmj issues. Never sure what’s causing what!
Very good advice. I had similar swallowing problems including cramping in the throat and muscle spasms in my neck , legs and feet. I had other issues too such as chronic back pain, frequent night terrors , slight hand tremor etc and for years I was diagnosed has having fibro ,torticollis and arthritis. I attended a pain clinic for 10 years were I received numerous steroid injections with little relief of symptoms.
It wasn't until I finally got to see a great Neuroligist who performed many procedures including brain scans, muscle biopsies, lumbar puncture etc that I finally got closure. The clear diagnosis was that I had Parkinsons with Dystonia . I then was given the correct medication that I should've been getting all along.
So to conclude it is so important to get the proper diagnosis especially if your symptoms are not relieved or worsen . It can be a long road but definitely one worth taking.
Kind Regards.
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis x but at least your on the right path. I had similar with cramping, muscle spasms, numbness in legs, to the point in 2018 I fell backwards down a flight of stairs at work as my right leg just wasn't there!! Went to hospital not even mri/x Ray or ct scan just sent ho.e with a nasty bump to head. I was seeing a chiropractor for chronic lower back pain, till he said I can't treat this anymore there's something else. Neurologist was rude and said I was wasting his time so I hobbled out of appointment and told him to get a personality check! Eventually goigling symptoms I found a paper on symptoms in America, back to Dr to request detailed mri on coccyx which was badly fractured early 90s. After 4yrs was told the scar tissue from the fracture to my now L shaped coccyx had formed around main nerves to legs causing intermittent flattening of nerve to left leg, and badly damaged main nerve to right leg so signals weren't going through from brain to legs. Back to the Back consultant, in five mins, walked 4ft told won't operate come back when in a, wheelchair motion, done by him. Yeah thanks for that. No faith in NHS, even told at pain clinic due to rta in 80's (yep accident prone) that I was wasting physio time. Along with steroid injections and acupuncture that never worked. So you're spot on, keep pushing! X
hello Shazaa, I’m another one too🙄camera down, just a bit of advice I’d you do get sent for this make sure you take someone with you because I didn’t get told and when I got there they said they sedate you and I’d waited so long for the appointment I had to just go ahead without but it wasn’t very pleasant to say the least! So please have someone with you to take you home afterwards and then it will be fine. I have a small hernia and I am on lansoprazole 30mg I was on omprazole but wasn’t meant to be for medical reasons. They really help with the reflux. Try and get your meds as dispersal too as mine always get stuck in my throat. Not all meds can be dissolvable though. After 4 years of appointments(notes lost, department moved buildings etc 🙄) all the advice I ended up with was drink sparkling water!!!🤔 hope you find answers and please let us know if you do. X
I've had 2 cameras down my throat in the past. And your right least u got put out for it. They sprayed my throat which was supposed to numb it shoved a camera down there and the spray started to work in the car park on the way home it was barbaric told me I have an hyetus hernia which I allready new. I've had for years so complete wast of time lol
That’s the one hiatus hernia and me too had known that before hand. Can I just ask have you been monitored at all for the hernia? Because although I was told when I had the camera it was small 2cm they never said anything else so I’m assuming it just gets left unless you start having any issues with it🤷♀️because on and off I think has it got bigger, is there anything that should be being monitored with it? I don’t know why but even going to the dentist I ask if having an injection for work being done that they leave me longer for it to work as it takes longer than normal for me for it to numb the affected area. I actually had tears rolling down my face when they were doing the camera procedure and if it wasn’t for the kind loveliest man who held my hand when I asked I couldn’t have got through it. I didn’t want to say that in my last post but you have experienced it too. That’s why I was so upset and angry about not being told to have someone with me! Got to go now but thank you for your reply and I’m sorry you went through this un necessarily too 🤗
Hi Shaza
I sometimes find myself struggling to swallow when eating but put it down to my coughing due to Gerd.
I’m on Lansoprazole capsules and Mometasone nasal spray too help with this. But it still persists!
Fibro ….. the gift that keeps on giving
Exactually we all seem to be on Stomach acid reducers and the gaveston makers must be quids in just patch every thing up with meds. No cures no answers x
LOL, I know just what you mean. I’ve got myself a pre-paid prescription now as they’re monthly meds!
Thing is I’m always nauseous in the mornings so can’t even stomach the thought of breakfast. Have to push myself to eat anything at all before 11am.
For example couldn’t face anything this morning but because I’ll be heading out the door shortly I’ve just forced a banana down 😖
Hi, just a thought about your nausea in the morning, do you take Lansoprazole or other similar meds? I was on Lansoprazole for years, and was also prescribed a med for nausea, can't remember the name, then had to stop the nausea med because of some scare with them, so back to the nausea in the morning. I read somewhere that Lansoprazole can actually cause nausea, my doctor at that time, just brushed that aside, but I insisted that I believed it was the Lansoprazole, so reluctantly she changed it to Omeprazole, lo and behold no more nausea in the mornings! We're all different and what works for some doesn't for others and side effects can be different as well.
Cheers for that and yes I’m on Lansoperazole but I’ve also had Omeprazole in the past.
The nausea has still been present 😖
And making us low in vit B12, so adding hugely to the overall problems. (And although rare, swallowing problems can actually be a sign of a B12 deficiency. There are many, many symptoms and signs.)
Me too, although lower dose now as I started with debilitating migraines when on higher dose of Lansoprazole! Camera down without spray and told off when coughed, gagged nd sneezed! Still no answer to choking🙄 X
45 replies all saying virtually the same thing??? Why aren’t these symptoms being reported? Looked into? Research should be happening with so many of us experiencing the effects of all the different symptoms that we get. If there is anyone out there that can help provide a study to accumulate all the different but yet so prevalent in so many cases then we would all be extremely grateful to say the very least. I know we hear from people asking us to take part in surveys and research etc but sometimes it’s very specific and rules a lot of us out as we don’t fit a certain criteria. But there must surely be a way of collating information from this forum that can be used to shed light on our condition🤦♀️🙏we need someone anyone who is willing and able to find answers to this debilitating and life changing condition and please make people understand and aware of how life changing it is. I’m done for now. I m not going to apologise for a ‘rant’ because everything I’ve said is true
40 listed things on this site with some info but as the Professor who diagnosed me as I knew what I had was not my rheumatoid arthritis said its a variable condition and things get missed as so many possibilities and unless someone is up to speed with it all it can be easily missed.
also this one does a good description
Hi im sorry to hear this I would book to see your doctor. I have the issue where my jaw feels stiff to open.
Omg, I thought I was the only one with this. I've got to have a drink next to me when I eat, as sometimes I can't swallow, and it gets stuck. Or it feels like it gets stuck down past my throat, and if I don't get a drink quick, I will be sick, and it can be painful. I got told years ago I had fibromyalgia, but I didn't think it was related.
I get exactly the same and it’s horrible, if I belch a full mouthful of food will often come up, and then I can be fully sick.x
I too have trouble with swallowing certain foods. I have to eat soft foods as like you it gets stuck in my throat and can be painful as well as uncomfortable. I also have a hiatus hernia so I put it down to that instead of Fibro. But who knows 🤷♀️.
The amount of times I've nearly choked to death eating flap jack. Then my throat is sore for days after the mad coughing fit I have after. Sure it drops straight into a lung.
I sometimes have difficulty swallowing food, usually things like bread, crumpets, stodgy type foods, I put it down to the dry mouth I have because of side effects of my inhalers for COPD. I don't think it's Fibromyalgia related. I have to have a glass of water at my side when I'm eating, and I try to eat slower and not put too much in my mouth at a time.
Hi shazzafloyd, Sorry to hear your suffering so much. I have both your health issues too and struggle with food issues, especially regurgitation in my sleep & upon waking, choking, etc. Your gp should've made a referral for you with the Speech, Language and Swallowing clinic. They will support and advise you. They will also instruct your gp to refer you, prescribe things for you, etc. They're really good and so caring that I cannot praise them enough. Please ask for the referral ASAP & I wish you all the best.
Please let us know how you get on. All the best 😍
Good morning love, Yes especially notice with bread, pizza and chips that it get stuck, Some times it feels like i cant breath and get water down. It is quite scary really. I must admit i do not eat fast now as i am slow i have noticed because of this reason. Also i find i am better eating with not to many people near me. I am not sure because of the noise, as i can not bare to much noise now. Plus i now have a stomach hernia and it is very painful,and because of my weight and circulation i have been told it will cause too many complications to do it.
Yes, My problem is I always get hiccups mid meal. Very embarrassing in a restaurant when out with the other half and friends
Absolutely sorry you have this, I do too. Feel like I'm being choked, and cannot digest food, I also have a hiatus hernia,and it feels as if one triggers the other 🥺 my GP is unsympathetic, I've snapped at him last week, I was furious with the phone call and his flipancy, and "just push through its all in your head" attitude.
Hello yes I get symptoms of choking and coughing sometimes a little sick ,I sometimes scarily wake up coughing needing to sit up and have bit of water and sometimes get intense pain about half way down tube to stomach I can't sleep on back ever and have atleast 2 pillows with a memory foam support one under I always thought it was eating later in evening but I've stopped eating atleast 2hrs before bed and still happened but random would mention to gp but mine off for year and anyone I talk to just wants to talk about my pain meds bullying me to reduce so fed up with trying hope some of this may help you if similar take care
I get this as well, it's awful, it feels like the food is stuck on a ledge, I've tried explaining to the doctor how it feels but get nowhere.
Me too, But I've had this all my life. Even pills seem to pile up. With fibro now, it's just more of the same.
i have the same too.
Hi Shazzafloyd, this might sound silly but have you tried eating with smaller sized cutlery? Eg, a child’s knife and fork set and a teaspoon instead of a dessert spoon. It makes you eat slower and take smaller mouthfuls. Also always only sip water rather than take big gulps. I’ve had all the ‘can’t swallow’ conditions you’ve described in the past, plus tests like the camera up the nose and down the gullet, which showed nothing wrong, but I did find taking smaller bites helped me get through it!
Hi I also have same problem with choking , retching and difficulties swallowing. I was told it was acid reflux and taking Omnaprazole which has not solved it. I also have Fibromyalgia, Thyroid problems etc. and I don’t know the answer.
I have had these symptoms with fibromyalgia, and GERD at bedtime for the past 6 months, but much more of a problem since I came down with ‘Flu on 2nd January. (Covid neg) vaccinations for flu and covid in November. I am using a lot of gaviscon fuerte at the moment. I am hoping it will settle down in a couple of weeks as a lot of my fibro-related symptoms do.
Hi Shazza, how're you feeling now? Do you still have problems with swallowing? Have you done any tests to check on that? I started to notice that all of a sudden I have swallowing issue last year when I choked on a piece of chicken meat. It was ok before but since then I had trouble and chose to eat soft food, until now. I've seen GP and other doctors but they didn't seem to worry to check or test. They all think it's anxiety but I know it's not it. It just persists and lately I can feel like food got stuck in my throat. Also I have problem with burping, and breathing issue. All of these I still have no answer. I have subclinical Hashimoto, not medicated. I feel so frustrated as my quality of life is decreasing now from all the symptoms I have almost daily.