Does anyone know if feeling like there’s something stuck in your throat and sometimes it feels difficult to swallow, can be a symptom of Fibro?
Does anyone know if feeling like there’s something stuck in your throat and sometimes it feels difficult to swallow, can be a symptom of Fibro?
Hello, I would see your GP for a piece of mind ,then sometimes they might refer you too ENT if they think it’s necessary. I have not read it’s part of fibro but I may be wrong , I was referred too ENT as when I swallowed dried bread , scones etc took a while too go down when I swallowed. Xx
I get this feeling but it is connected to acid reflux. There can be many causes of this and even if common with fibromyalgia, and new symptoms should always be checked out
yes I experience this and was told after
Investigations intermittent spasm gastritis and ulcers all three could cause this in their own right
I also have this problem and have an almost constant low grade sore throat with no symptoms of a cold. GP suspected reflux but referred to ENT last year, who confirmed that diagnosis by putting a camera down my nose, not nearly so unpleasant as it sounds! He put me on omeprazole and Gaviscon, which has helped the feeling of something stuck in my throat. I'm now going to be checked again for helicobacter pylori (have had it before and treated with antibiotics) but the test can't be done until 2-3 weeks off the omeprazole.
As others have said, I'd suggest you contact your GP. While there was no instant answer to my problem, I was at least reassured that it wasn't anything more serious - persistent swallowing difficulties should always be checked out.
I always feel like I've got phlegm in my throat and I often have a mild sore throat that lasts for weeks but never develops into anything. I also have times I don't have either. Just another bother to ignore. It's more annoying than debilitating. Hadn't thought it could be connected to fibro but who knows hey 🤦 x
My Grandmother suffered from this for many years. Constantly had tests. Eventually, it was diagnosed as "Nerves". Turns out that it is a very common trait of Anxiety. Possible?