Does hair loss go hand-in-hand with Fibro? Or is it the Buprenorphine patches I am on that have caused it? Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Hair Loss: Does hair loss go hand-in... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hair Loss

not related to fibro unless you are pulling it out as a distraction technique for the pain
Would say not related to fibro going on my own 40yrs personal experience xx
My guess is that many folks that have fibro also have thyroid issues which can cause hair loss ... I've had hashimoto's and ibs for years and now I have fibro ... I am no doctor either but I've seen some connections with all of the forums and reading I've done trying to figure out all these issues ... anxiety is usually part of things too ... just a guess ...
I use Buprenorphine patches 20micrograms and no hair loss hun
Thanks for responding. I've been on the pain patches for 19 years now and thought it would be worth asking if anyone else was experiencing hair loss as a result. Best wishes, Gill
Not only can Buphrenorphine Naloxone sublingual tabs (if we're taking about the same thing) cause hair loss but it's bad for your teeth and gums. So much so there was a class action suit over here on this side of the pond. I've been taking it for years only because I've tried everything else and except for low doses of OXY which worked, but are afraid to prescribe it again for a 76 year old man, who I swear would rather see me die OXY free than provide a closely monitored med and give me a higher quality of life at this age like the number of years I took it and felt better than I do right now. Even have a couple dozen OXY on my dresser where they've been for a few years to prove I can control it and it doesn't control me. I seem to have gotten off topic, sorry. Having Fibro for over 60 years of my life has been less than fun.
Great question! I've certainly wondered about that too. Not sure of your age but I'm approaching 50 and I suspect my hair loss isn't helped by hormone changes. Stress is always a beast too hair and it's hard to be chilled when you're suffering 🙄. I'm not on your patches (I had to Google them as never heard of them) so can't give a view on those I'm afraid. I hope you get to the bottom of things hun. Hair loss is no joke 😏 x
Really appreciate your response. I too am getting old but just thought it was worth asking if anyone on these patches was losing their hair - been on them 10 years now and was wondering if it was worth trying to come off, if only to stop myself going bald. Best of luck with everything, Gill
I'm on Nortriptyline, that has hair loss as a side effect. I think the stress of having fibro can cause hair loss?
I have being on the same patches for a while and they did not cause me any hair loss. I did have a interesting conversation with a Consultant at my pain clinic about taking hair supplements like you get in chemists and online. He told me not to bother just to take a handful of nuts everyday Walnuts ,Brazil Nuts as well as Pumpkinseeds the Austrian ones and Apricot everyday Organic Ones if possible. Apparently these nuts and seeds contain all the minerals your hair needs to be healthy. Don't know if it is true but I am not going to stop taking them and risk it. He even recommended a shampoo bar Cinnamon and ginger shampoo bar to keep my hair and scalp healthy. I have being doing this for years and have had no problems with hair loss even though I do have thyroid problems.

Really welcomed your reply. The things you mention are something I am going to try. Can't thank you enough. Best of luck to you. Gill
Give it a month or saw to get in your system. I got all my curls back that had disappeared years ago. Also no grey hair and heading towards 70 so cannot complain. My consultant told me there is something in the Brazil nuts your hair needs to help your hair to keep its colour. The shampoo bar I mentioned is PURV Ginger Shampoo Bar. It is Vegan and Organic.
Hi GillExperience of Fibromyalgia says no about hair loss.However if you need support with hair loss try Alopecia UK website.
They do have physical support groups.
Hi Gillie,
I’ve pondered this question myself in the past too. According to VeryWell the answer is Yes, hair loss can be a symptom of fibromyalgia. This is what they have to say.
‘Yes fibromyalgia can cause hair loss. This is particularly common during periods of high stress, illness, or a flare-up of fibromyalgia. It is unclear why this occurs, but relaxation techniques such as yoga, breathing, and meditation can help to lower stress and hopefully stop or slow hair loss.’
The article is well worth reading if you have time. They do say a lot more but I don’t know how to add links to HU messages, sorry. I’ve seen it talked about as a symptom of Fibro on several websites previously when I looked into it.
Hope this helps start your research into how,why & what to do.
Best wishes
I find I have hair loss when my whole body balance starts to get off track, other health conditions, diet,hormones,stress and sunshine all make a difference.When it gets towards autumn I eat differently,less salads.
I have thick hair and lots of it so other people rarely notice.
Worth checking all areas of stress,food,exercise to see if anything has changed. I am on food supplements and only antihistamines ,no pain meds.
Look after you.
I'm on Buprenophine pain patches (thank goodness!) but think my hair thinning is due to natural ageing!
Hi GillieI don't have any hair on my legs and arms anymore. Hardly any under my arms or other places outside my body. However, l have a full head of hair. I have been wondering for a long while if any one else has the same unusual side effect.
I don't necessarily call this a problem, as I was crap at shaving my legs. I do know that I have never taken Buprenorphine. Unless it has different names its marketed under.
I would very much like to hear from other fibro warriors who have the same side effect.
Take care everyone, go easy on yourself.
Best wishes Jax
I had long white hair about 12 inches below my shoulder. I was given some medication to help get rid of a problem I had. I was told al my hair would fall out, everywhere. It did.
About 6 months later it began to grow back but on my head it grew back as male pattern baldness. So now I look like an egg, nothing to do with fibro but it keeps me cooler and lets the demons out of my head sometimes.