Hi everyone. Does anyone else suffer with swollen glands? I used to get it before a flare up but seem to have it on my right side from my ear down my neck all the time recently. Dr has checked my ears and had bloods done and all coming back OK. He’s also diagnosed chondritis rib chest pain. Going abroad soon and worried about the ear pain. Anyone else have this problem? Prescribed Naproxen by GP and olive oil drops but not really helping.
Swollen glands: Hi everyone. Does... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Swollen glands

Hi 7008I used to get swollen glands whenever I was ill or about to flare.left side only.
It has been better since I ate differently.
Check out inflammation and food.
Also stress.
I do miss coffee and the occasional alcohol but had to get real. My body is just too sensitive.
I hope you feel better and find a solution that works for you.
Take care
I have the same in my left ear, sometimes with tinnitus or what sounds like water and then it just goes. Sometimes it hurts so much ch it gives me headaches . I was diagnosed with migraines and nothing for my ears.
I have recently attended Liverpool pain management and they have confirmed chronic fatigue/ME which can cause swollen glands?
I have used Naproxen when my back goes as it helps with inflammation and pain, but it can cause constipation and it makes me drowsy. My other half thinks I’m great fun when I’m on them 🙄🤣he can talk me into anything.
I’ve also had painful ribs with no diagnosis, but it comes and goes, so I take cocodomol for pain with migraine and ribs. Same issue regarding constipation 🙄
Not sure if any of that helps as that is only my experience and we are all individual with what we have?
Hope all ok, take care 🦋👍x
I get this a lot I’m currently using a spray called EarCalm which seems to help x
So weird I'm sitting here with right sided palpable swollen glands and have had teeth and ears checked. Always happens during a bad relapse but weird why just on right side. Left a bit enlarged but right are achey and sore to touch.
I have UCTD and have this same problem , almost constantly now. I’ve read that it’s fairly common with autoimmune disorders. Try com-codamol as mentioned by others, and heat treatment . They both relieve the pain.
Hope it helps.
thank you . They both eased the pain and the heat was very soothing.