I have recently seen a Homeopath for treatment for my Fibromyalgia . I was diagnosed last November and have also been suffering with Polymyalgia Rheumatica since January 2021 and have gradually reduced my steroid treatment for that and am now on 3.5 mg of Prednisolone. I am waiting to get an appt for the NHS Pain Management Clinic at our local hospital but this could take at least another 6 months, I was referred by my GP 4 months ago. I am not on any medication for my Fibro as my GP was not very helpful about it so thought I would investigate whether Homeopathy would help. The Homeopath I am seeing is registered and is experienced but I am concerned that as I have told her that I have been on an antidepressant for many years due to my Anxiety that she is treating my Anxiety rather than my Fibro symptoms as she feels that my Fibro is caused by my having quite an unhappy childhood and also also a large number of stresses in my life. She is sure that once I am more relaxed and stop feeling so much responsibility for things my fibromyalgia will go. I can accept that stress can be a contributory factor in developing Fibro but the idea that by reducing stress it will then go sounds too simplistic and I wondered what other people thought of this and if anyone had any success with this idea.
Homeopathy to treat Fibromyalgia - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Homeopathy to treat Fibromyalgia

Hi JomaurI wouldn't worry what the homeopath treats you for first, they treat the whole person not the diagnosis and an experienced homeopath will know what to do. I have used in the past with some good results.
Good luck!

I attend the centre for integrative care (previously nhs homeopathic hospital) - and use homeopathic remedies as part of my treatment plan
While dealing with the stress in your life might not take away your fibro symptoms, it can help to reduce them. Often at my appointment, my doctor will pick up on something that seems insignificant to me - but dealing with it has led to an improvement in symptoms
Thank you Hazel for your reply. That is interesting as my homeopath does seem to give me the impression that ridding myself of stresses is the whole solution while I can’t believe that this is all that’s needed. I am seeing a Pain Management Consultant this Saturday so will of course tell him what treatment I am receiving but I am still open to treatment by mainstream medicine as well.
You might find this of interest to read: nhs.uk/conditions/homeopathy/
Thanks for this. I know everyone has her or his own stories and beliefs when it come to medicines and their effects. But I personally have always gone along with if you think something will work for you then it will. And homeopathic treatments are no different.
This is just my personal opinion. But if I think paying £30/50 for a diluted bottle of water will make me feel better im sure it would. I totally agree with the placebo effect in the report.
Look at all the people who ware copper bracelets thinking it will cure their arthritis pain for example?
But one thing I will say is if it makes you feel better and it's not causing you more harm and that's how you wish to spend your money then go for it. But I think I will be keeping my money in my purse.
Like I said this is my personal opinion and I have no wish to offend or upset anyone ❤️
No I am certainly not offended or upset as everyone’s opinion matters. I have been a couple of times to a homeopathic vet with my cats.On one occasion the result was remarkable, the other time no difference. Incidentally treatment isn’t usually given in a bottle but by very small round tablets. Our son was also treated by a homeopath in his early teens for migraines and it was very successful. Both times the homeopaths were extremely experienced and well regarded. I am of the opinion that if it works then it works but not always. I was really querying the theory that fibromyalgia can be caused by long periods of stress, which is reported by many doctors, and that by letting go of the stress it can be cured. I find this to be too simplistic an answer and wondered what other people though of it.
Hi, I find it too simplistic too. And that for me that would definitely make me question anyone who told me that.
I do agree that fibro could be easier to deal with if we were not so bothered with anxiety etc. And yes I have suffered from anxiety issuies all my life and still do.
Thats why for me I personally found CBT more benificial. But I would never try and tell others what is right for them. We all have our own ways of dealing with life. What ever works for others is good ❤️
Hi I also think there’s a lot in the theory that chronic stress overload is what sets off fibro in the first place whether that’s an illness or life events however the damage it causes doesn’t just go away because your stress disappears , I’m sure of that! If my car gets bashed in an accident sure not being in any more accidents stops it getting worse but I still have to pay for the dents to be fixed. It’s taken me years to recover enough to work but recently works been very stressful and had a massive flare up this year, even though it was hardly noticeable for a while, look at me now I can hardly walk so clearly reducing my stress didn’t cure me did it
If the treatment helps you definitely try it but it’s a bit naive to think that’ll cure the fibro
Thank you. I have read this before and remain open minded. I have had very good results from a very well known homeopathic vet for one of my cats which certainly can’t be a placebo effect and also our son when he was young had very effective homeopathic treatment for migraines. On the other hand I know times when it hasn’t worked. If it was declared to be successful most of the big pharmaceutical companies woukd go out of business but that isn’t likely to happen. Not sure in my case if I agree with the rationale of the homeopath I am seeing and just wanted other people’s opinions and if they had ever encountered this approach.
As a Scientist, I will say this ..... If Homeopathic "medicine" was really that good and proved then you would be going to see a Homeopathic Practitioner rather than a GP. Most of these people have no actual qualifications ..... I once had a patient who swore that this Homeopathic Practitioner had helped her with her Diabetes and Eating Disorder - checked out the lady who quoted her "qualifications" which turned out to be an unregistered postal college and a six week course. The information that she gave the patient was absolutely useless. Many play around with psychological solutions that again they have no qualifications to offer ...... A genuine practising Psychologist has a BSc, usually a Masters and then has to undertake another three years of practical apprenticeship before they can start to see patients. If you have Anxiety, Stress, Depression then these can cause physical symptoms which appear like Fibromyalgia but rarely are. I would recommend spending your money on a real Psychologist who can help you to overcome your Anxiety instead of a HP. Now, if you have Fibromyalgia on top of Anxiety then it will be picked up and dealt with as the physical illness that it is separate to your Anxiety so don't worry on that front. The only "alternative medicine" that I have seen be helpful, is a fully qualified Herbalist ...... This is usually a Medical Doctor who goes on to fulfil genuine qualifications specialising in this field. "Placebo Effect"??? More real than you know!
Thank you Lhasa Momma for your reply. I have undergone counselling for my Anxiety with a private Psychiatrist and a fully trained Therapist who works under his supervision. I do feel that the reasons for my Anxiety have been dealt with and I have no wish to rehash the past. I feel it is very dangerous for people who have no or very little psychological training to do this as it is so easy to open people’s old wounds but once they have done this they lack the expertise and knowledge to put things back to where they were. It is also very easy to have a theory and then look for a psychological explanation for it. I don’t intend to continue with this person and I have just seen a very nice private Pain Management Consultant who has given me sound practical advice and medication to help me move forward. Incidentally the HP I have been seeing is fully qualified and registered with the National Association of Homeopaths UK which makes it all the more worrying.
It sounds to me like you have this all under control and are coping marvellously! I suffered from PTS which caused Anxiety and went the same route as yourself. I don't have issues anymore but that box has its lid locked on it and it is shoved in a very dark corner in a hidden closet - I totally agree ..... Some things shouldn't be hashed over. Too many people assume that Fibromyalgia is "in the mind" .... Utter rubbish. Good luck .... X