After a phone consultation with GP you have to wait at least 3 weeks for face to face , I have been off work for 6 weeks and sleeping at night getting worse has changed my anti depressants to Mirtazaphine from Fluoxetine to help me sleep . But after taking them for a couple weeks I feel like awful , don’t want to get out of bed ,everything feels a waste of time . Don’t want to talk just to put head under duvet is this just you have to give them time to work ,I have never felt so depressed
feeling lost: After a phone... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
feeling lost

Hi ThornthorpeSorry to hear you are feeling so awful. Check out the side effects of your new meds and keep yourself safe. Some meds take to to 5 weeks to begin to work. Speak to your prescribing GP if you are unsure of any meds.
It is a hard time changing meds. Emotionally we hope we have found a solution. Sometimes it takes time and sometimes we need to change again.
This eternal search for relief is tiring in itself.
Look after yourself the best you can and ask for help if you need to.
I hope you find a solution that works.
Take care of you
Hi Thornthorpe
I can totally sympathise with you . I had been on fluoxetine for 20+years and they took me off it and put me on mirtazapine. I had same reaction as you. I felt like I just wanted to end it, I cried at everything, ended up under the suicide prevention team. I was screaming and shouting at the poor dogs and partner. I had no interest in anything.It was the worst I’ve ever felt.
They kept upping the dose ,in the end I begged them to change it and they have put me on sertraline , and within weeks I felt so much better.
If the Mirtazapine isn’t agreeing with you please push for them to change it.
Wishing you the best
Hi, I used to be on mirtazapine, your side effects should subside, and you will feel a huge positive difference
Hi, I would phone your GP surgery and tell them you are desperate to change your meds. If necessary speak to PRACTICE. MANAGER to get appointment URGENTLY.
I'm so sorry to hear that you are suffering so much.My 15 years old tried to overdose Fluoxetine hence the psychiatrist gave them Mitrazapine 15mg/night.
I hate this medicine and I remember gaining 4 stones during only 6 months on them. I remember my psychiatrist gave me Sertraline with it and it improved my mood very quickly. I'm on Sertraline ever since (2010).
Same is happening to my child now, plus the unstable ups and downs in their mood and aggressive behaviours are really serious and I really think that they are over medicated. When spoken to their psychiatrist he said that my child does not sleep enough and this is the reason behind it, but I really don't think so.
I will wait for another appointment with him and then I hope he'll reduce it to 1 every other night maybe.
I hope you will get better soon.
If you need to talk to anyone about it please seek help.
Samaritans 116123 or 112 opt 2
Hi there, not sure you should be feeling so low. May I suggest you call you surgery tmw. But if you feel worse now or before the morning call 111 for emergency advice xx
hi, I wrote on here in the past few days how after I was taken off of citralopam six months or so ago I have felt the same as you. I’ve lost all interest, I’m not enjoying my job that I love and so I spoke to my gp last Wednesday and explained how it was making me feel and she has agreed to slowly reintroduce the citralopam. I told her I understand the addictive nature but would rather be back on them and feel ‘normal’ than feel nothing as I do atm. I am slowly reducing the 30mg of duloxetine, still taking the 60mg in the morning and will start taking the citralopam again on a low dose to begin with and see her again to see how I am feeling. The citralopam makes me feel normal and I just know that it is doing its job of replacing whatever it is that is missing in my mind. So please speak to your gp and explain as I didn’t realise until I saw it on the news last week that drs do have to take onboard any concerns you have and with sensible gps they will do all they can to support you and also importantly listen to you. Take care, thinking of you and others in this situation 🥰xx