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painful eyes

Dash01 profile image
67 Replies


does anyone suffer with painful eyes as if they have sand or girt in them, mine do this and become very sore and red, making it hard to concentrate, any tips?

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Dash01 profile image
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67 Replies

Have you been to an eye doctor? Try to get them examined soon.

Meanwhile, try a warm -- not hot compress a couple times a day. Ask your pharmacist if you should try eye drops for dry eyes.

All kinds of things can cause dry eyes, look it up and see it any apply.

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toNothing_but_books


Yes I do the warm flannels, I have some oil wipes, I have the heated eye mask that helps. I have been to doctors/opticians and they both say to use eye drops/spray just recently it has become worse where my eyes are streaming and then there sore from me wiping them, and they go all and gritty. I am waiting for an appointment from my specialist doctor to have a test to see how dry they are.

Thanks for replying x

Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer

Morning, have you been to the opticians lately for a check up ? Maybe also speak to your doctor for some advice on how to move forward, the pharmacist mite recommend some eye drops to use over the Easter weekend to help ease things for you until you can get seen , I’ve been using eye drops as eyes have been very itchy early on in the heat which has been strange for me as normally they start once people cut their lawns , pollen season etc. I am wondering if central heating plays a part also , hope you get some answers x

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toYassytina


Yes I’ve done all that and I currently use eye spray which temporarily relieves it.

I am waiting for an dry eye test from the specialist, the opticians have already said I have dry eyes.

I recently brought the optase eye wipes and the mask that you can heat up to reactive the oils in my eyes.

I mainly wrote the post to see if it was just me or if other people suffered.

Thanks for replying x

Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer in reply toDash01

Many thanks for the info always good too get advice , never realised about the wipes xx

EarthSitter1 profile image

I suffer from dry eyes and use cold boiled water to wash my eyes last thing at night and first thing in the morning. I also use Optrex Intensive Eye Drops for Dry Eyes but this is by recommendation of my optician so I would recommend you get your eyes checked out as soon as possible.

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toEarthSitter1


I’ve been told by the optician that I have dry eyes, I use the Optrex dry eye spray which does help but only for a little while. I can say they have gotten worse which is why I brought the Optase eye wipes and heat mask to try and reactivate the oils in my eyes.

I am currently waiting for my specialist to refer me to have an dry eye assessment.

SlothMode profile image

Hiya Dash,

Sore, red, gritty eyes can be caused by a number of eye conditions or allergies. As u haven’t mentioned your eyes have a discharge crusts or itching, I would suggest u firstly try lubricant eye drops, I’d recommend Systane Ultra. See if that helps n in the meantime book an appointment to see an Opthometrist. A warm or even a cold compress might also help soothe your eyes. U might think I’m mad now but use either a warm or cold teabag on both eyes. This is an easy way to do a compress. Steep your teabags in hot water, drain off all liquid then allow to cool if you’re doing a warm compress or place in the fridge if you’re doing a cold compress. Leave on the eyes for a good 15 minutes. I myself have dry eyes n use both Systane drops n tea bags to soothe mine. I worked in an Optometrists too n that is where I learnt this tip. Tea bags are the perfect size to use n contain some amazing properties. I hope your eyes are better soon. Gentle hugs 😊🤗

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toSlothMode

Thank you xx

Dash01 profile image


Thanks for replying. I have been using optase wipes and there eye mask that you can warm up or cool down, I have been told it’s part of my fibro and could be blepharitis, my eyes also stream although they are dry and sore

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toDash01

It doesn't seem to make sense, does it, that dry eyes stream!

SlothMode profile image

I wondered about both Conjuctivitis n Blepharitis but as u didn’t mention itching, crusts or a discharge I wasn’t sure. I’ve not heard of Blepharitis being a fibro symptom before. It usually happens if the oil glands get irritated or clogged or u have too much bacteria on your eyelids at the base of the eyelashes. So if u do have this condition compresses are the correct way to go. Black tea has both antibacterial n anti- inflammatory benefits so they can help calm Blepharitis too 😊🤗

Dash01 profile image


I will definitely try this. Hmm I was told that it is a common symptom hence why I’m waiting for the test from the specialist. X

ANJI-UK profile image

If you use make up, you may want to leave it off awhile, until you know whats going on. It could be causing or aggravating eyes, and you only get one pair.... look after them x

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toANJI-UK


I don’t wear make up at all😘x

ANJI-UK profile image
ANJI-UK in reply toDash01

Well that rules that out then :-)

Loobielu profile image

Yep dry gritty eyes here too 🙄. Few years back I had the streaming thing which made them red and sore under the eye and only antibiotic eye drops clearer that up. Best of luck getting it sorted. Surely Fibro can't be blamed for everything 😤

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toLoobielu


Your right! However because they flare up and are like how I stated and then I put all my oils etc on then they can be okay for a bit and then they can really be sore for days. So annoying lol, hope yours get better soon xx

Mille21 profile image

I have very dry eyes it can be an affect of medication xx

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toMille21


I didn’t even think of that!! Maybe as I’m on a lot of medication 😂 xx

kahugbakpaa profile image

mine does all the time and is acompnied by sharp headache. I feel I am going blind or something. I wish someone has tips for this

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply tokahugbakpaa

I hear you!!!!!❤️

Gigiruth profile image

YesI have Sjogrens syndrome as well as fm.i have autoimmune problems so don't suit the NHS mouth spray or eyedrops.

I use Hydrosan (red box) eye drops because they have a longer shelf life and a dropper system. My optician and GP diagnosed my Sjogrens.

I have blepharitis which makes my eyes gritty.

I hope you get sorted


Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toGigiruth


Interesting, thank you. Hope you’re okay!!! I will definitely go back to the doctors I think.

Thank you x

kahugbakpaa profile image
kahugbakpaa in reply toGigiruth

Thank you all. I am going to try it. Am sure over the counter?

Cat00 profile image

I use the Hycosan range, Optrex makes my eyes worse and Hycosan can be used with contact lenses.

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toCat00


Thank you, I will look 😘 xx

Delightedbyhares profile image

Hi Dash01. YES! I have the same, gritty, sore and dry. I’ve been diagnosed with “dry eye syndrome “ by the eye specialist. I had a plug fitted to keep my eyes moist- it didn’t stay in very long though. I now carry drops with me at all times. Good luck 👍

MaggieSylvie profile image

All my life! A year ago I started taking Pregabalin. Now that I'm having proper deep sleep, I wake up refreshed and after I have washed my face, my eyes feel like they did when I was about ten years old and had lots of energy. I used to have dry eyes as well (Fibromyalgia), which was probably related to the sandy feeling.

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toMaggieSylvie


Yeah I never feel refreshed lol, always tired that one of of the reasons I went to the doctors because I felt so tired all the time & in pain all the time.

I’ve recently had my pregabalin upped, I have only been on it for a short time, I will keep persevering.

Thanks for the reply, hope your okay xx

Dash01 profile image


Aha thank god it’s not just me!!! I use the spray, and some days they are fine but when they start it’s so annoying. I work at a computer for most of my working day and when they constantly stream it’s a nightmare.

I have always suffered with dry eyes but lately they are worse.

Hope you’re okay also. Here if you ever need to talk x

Thanks for reply xx

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toDash01


MaggieSylvie profile image

Hi Dash, Good to hear someone else with similar. I was actually sent to a psychiatrist because of my eyes, when an optician could find nothing wrong. It was an awfully long time ago, and it was never resolved without eyedrops, but that Pregabalin has amazing results. If only it wasn't addictive. I'm Ok, thanks; just having to deal with a very moody and fractious man.

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toMaggieSylvie

Hello Maggie

I have recently had my pregabalin upped. I do worry about it being addictive since I’m only young.

I suppose though any medication is addictive if it stopping that pain and giving us the relief.

I’ve been using the Optase eye wipes and mask which does relieve it temporarily.

It’s hard when your people around you don’t get it, I’d do anything to just have time out from it all, I hear you!

Hope your ok; sending hugs 🤗 x

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toDash01

Thanks, Dash01. I really appreciate your support. Communication with my partner is really like walking on egg shells now. Thank goodness I needed to go to the shops! Classic signs of dementia and his GP is oblivious. But blood sugar problems could also be the cause. Whatever - things seem to have reached a turning point - for the worst. I've just bought an eye wash (I remember my old GP telling me not to wash my eyes with water, and that was years ago) It was very cheap in Home Bargains, my favourite shop.

I've been on 200 mgs Pregabalin a day for quite some time now. I think I need to increase it a little but I'm the only driver in the house, so I'd have to time it carefully and still take care. What dose are you currently on? Hugs to you too 🤗🤗

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toMaggieSylvie

Hello lovely.

I have to say I’m more of a b&m girl🤍

Anywho I’m only on 50mg twice a day which is why I’m like shall I give it more time and ask for it to be upped again and ride it out or do I come off it all together?

Not sure if you meant your partner has dementia? Or if you was joking either way I hope your okay.

You can always drop me a message if you need me xx

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toDash01

Thanks, Dash. I fear it's undiagnosed dementia but it's worse when blood sugar is high or low (Type 1 Diabetic). You don't say why you take Pregabalin, but I feel personally that the longer you are on a low dose, the better. There are side effects and if you want to come off it, I would guess coming off a low dose would be easier. I have missed the odd day when I forgot to medicate, and the result has not been good. I don't think I can ever come off it; it is helping so many of my probems, sleep being the biggest, but it was not prescribed for that! (I have to drive everywhere, and Home Bargains is the closest supermarket). ❤️

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toMaggieSylvie

hey Maggie

I have been put on it for the fibro for the pain.

I hope your okay, here if you need anything xx

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toDash01

Thanks, Dash. Just having my daily cappuccino! That's what I need at the moment, and am going through my emails. Back in the day, I was put on Amitryptyline for FM and it turned me into a zombie. I wish I had been given pregabalin then but perhaps it wasn't available. Mind you, pregabalin can make you sleepy during the day if you're not careful but I doubt your low dose will have that effect. If the dose you're on is doing the trick, I see no reason to increase it but it's between you and your doctor.

Thanks - I don't need anything, just to get stuff done, and we've got a visitor this afternoon so have to get the biscuits organised!

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toMaggieSylvie

hey you.

I was on amitriptyline first and it made me suicidal.

The problem is I’m always bloody tired all day every day, I never wake up like I’ve been to bed.

Although I’m on a low dose I wonder if it’s that, that’s causing me to feel on fire.

Thanks for the chat

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toDash01

Depends what you mean by on fire.. Bloody tired all day - I can certainly relate to that! It was unnatural, and I felt so guilty. Now, on Pregabalin, I go through "dropping off" at the computer every now and then, but in general, that bloody tiredness just isn't there in the same way and I feel much more alert, with comfy, clear eyes. I take three at bed time and one in the morning, but not before I've got out of bed😪. I'm talking 50 mg per capsule.

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toMaggieSylvie

Hey Maggie

I’m on 50mg twice a day.

I have been having this burning sensation on my hands feet and face. Literally feels like someone has set me on fire

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toDash01

That sounds uncomfortable and you need to speak to your doctor about this (I am sure) side effect. Some people experience this in their feet as peripheral neuropathy but I've never heard of it in the face.

Newbie17 profile image

Yes I do.. my GP prescribed Viscotears and that really does help.

BlueTofu profile image

Me too! Playing up badly just now. Dry eye syndrome for years pre fibro. Use hypermellose drops from doctors and Theo duo at night. Last winter set off badly by hidden mould on my flat, just discovered some more! I hope it'll calm down again. Stress is very bad for it, by the way.

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toBlueTofu

aw I didn’t realise mould made it worse.

Hope yours is better. Hm yes I have been a little stressed lately.

Hotchops profile image

I do .I just use eye wash .and eye drops from my g.p. hope you feel better soon

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toHotchops

I hope yours gets better too x

Sam988 profile image

I have very dry eyes first thing I do in the morning before getting out of bed is pop some drops in as my eyes are so sore. The drops are on repeat prescription from the rheumatologist hylo I think they are called and I have to keep putting them in over the day to keep my eyes feeling less gritty.

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toSam988

I’m still waiting for the dry eye test from rheumatology, think I’ll chase it on Tuesday. Thank you x

Josie-Anne profile image

Hi Dash01,

Yes I have sore painful eyes like I have grit in them but the opticians say I have dry eyes and to put eye drops in for dry eyes which do help from any chemist. Also get eye baths from the chemist, boil the kettle and leave water until tepid then place into eye baths and rinse your eyes, all that you see on your windscreen that you have to wash off with your wipers also goes into your eyes as it’s in the atmosphere, they’ll feel better for it 😉

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toJosie-Anne

thank you x

RustyOBear profile image

Hi there, I have this dry eye problem. It may or may not relate to fibromyalgia but a trip to the optician may be helpful in determining whether it’s a lack of tears or that they evaporate really quickly and cause the dry, gritty feeling or whether, as in my case, it’s meibomian gland dysfunction where the oil glands along the edge of the eyelids are blocked.

The optician can then advise on a treatment plan or refer to your GP, with suggestion to refer to consultant.

Hope you get sorted soon to feel more comfortable.

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toRustyOBear

Thank you x

Sueh121268 profile image

I have keritis quite alot, it's extremely painful and starts with a grit like feeling I usually have to have steroid eye drops for 2 weeks, I do use dry eye drops and compressed but I think it's part of our fibro xx

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toSueh121268

Thank you x

HippoChick888 profile image

I hope you can get relief soon. Sounds as if you've had an awful time with your eyes. The specialist should be able to help. 💐

Sassy54 profile image

Yes optician says it Blepharitis I use eye drops and wipes. It’s very painful.

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toSassy54

I thought it was blepharitis to be honest, I am using blepharitis wipes and heat mask, the brand OPTASE you can get it off Amazon, if you wanna look into it, the mask is really good x

pinot profile image

Hi dash I suffer from this eye condition it's part of fibromyalgia symtoms ,you just gotta love this condition the gift that keeps on giving lol..anyway my optician sent a letter to my gp explaining how dry my eyes were dry eye syndrome painful blurry stinging gritty eyes I was given lubricating drops called carmelose drops which i use up to 6/7 times a day and also eye ointment to put in my eyes last thing at night. And what a difference that makes it soothes the gritty eyes. Hope you can get some meds from your gp..Good luck x

Dash01 profile image


I definitely think I need to go back to the doctors, i sometimes just feel like it’s not that important and I’m wasting a space lol.

Definitely agree with you about the condition I can’t believe how much there is to it and they don’t tell you.

I have been like this now for nearly three days. Safe to say I’m fed up now.

Thanks for the reply x

Emaych61 profile image

I’ve only just caught up with this thread, so sorry if anyone else has raised these points.

I have had painful eyes (badly) in the past and I have to agree with what everyone else has said: you need to discuss this with an optician.

I said I had painful eyes badly - that is a bit of an understatement. My eyes went very dry, in fact so dry that in the end it got to the point where I needed to use my fingers to help open my eyelids. It was at that point that I sought help. The optician I saw confirmed that my eyes had gone very dry (there are three elements to tears, and my eyes were low on all three of them). He wrote a letter to my GP requesting that I be tested for Sjögren’s syndrome. That came back negative (though seven years on I am about to be tested for it again) but I was put on treatment for dry eyes. Since then that treatment has had to be changed after I developed blepharitis and then keratitis (fortunately the latter was dealt with very quickly - mind you it was incredibly painful). I now use Hycosan Xtra during the day and Xailin Night eye ointment when I go to bed. I was also told to give my eyes a daily eye bath (cooled boiled water) and I also give the lids a gentle massage. That regime seems to be helping.

It’s important to remember that what you have may not be down to dry eyes at all: conjunctivitis can result in a feeling of sand in eyes. Again, you really need to see an optician to help with this.

Dash01 profile image
Dash01 in reply toEmaych61


I’ve been to the opticians who say I have dry eyes and I’ve been using spray but the past couple of weeks they flare up and feel gritty and then it goes away again.

I currently have sore painful eyes, grit like feeling but also my hands face and feet are on fire and are all ready, this has been three days now.

I’m going to ring the doctors tomorrow.

I am currently using OPTASE wipes which is recommend for blepharitis and the OPTASE eye mask which has helped but only for a short period of time.

Thanks for the response x

giraffe8 profile image

Yes and I have 2 types of blepharitis and blocked glands. Dry eyes. Have to use hylo forte eye drops and blephaclean . A warm mask and eye massages also recommended to help the uncomfortable feeling . I was told more likely if suffering from fibromyalgia.

Madewrong profile image

Hi, I have thisI went to the opticians and they were fantastic,

They said I had dry eyes and they wrote to my gp for drops to be put on my repeat prescription, which they did.

My eyes are so much better now,

Hope you're sorted soon 👍 😊

BeeBee50 profile image

Yes I have dry eye syndrome, it's annoying 🥺It feels like theres something in them most days. The optician said that tree and grace pollen lands on your eyelids and makes them itchy and sore and many other things. Wipe each night before bed, and add a couple of the drops in. Too expensive to buy at the opticians, I buy the same drops for £1 at Savers, home bargains etc. Hope you get some relief from them.

Dash01 profile image


Sorry for the late response. I hope you get relief soon. I will definitely look at getting the cheaper eye drops.

Thanks x

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