Teeth, jaw and facial numbness - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Teeth, jaw and facial numbness

Missykay profile image
27 Replies

My teeth hurt and one side of face pulling down seems to be left alot more then right and bottom jaw pushes to right and vice versa. I feel tightness in neck and brain, I thought it got better but with age getting worse so sick of having headache everyday. Can anyone recommend anything to help with this thank you.

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Missykay profile image
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27 Replies
Bananas5 profile image

Trigeminal neuralgia ?

Just a thought


Missykay profile image
Missykay in reply to Bananas5

Could be I have heard if it not sure what it is though

Makie-Uppie profile image

I have had something similar, turn out I was gritting my teeth that much against the pain I was damaging my teeth and straining the muscles of my jaw and face and grinding away on my teeth when I was asleep, or it could be what Banana said. The cure try and stop doing the gritting of the teeth, still at it.

Missykay profile image
Missykay in reply to Makie-Uppie

I do grind my teeth wear a night guard the nerves in my whole body has lost sensation, nerve damage as my legs go weak and wobbly and keep dropping things with my hands. Tension headache everyday just this pressure in my brain. Doc puts me on those pregablin, Amitryline Sumitran etc all those drugs which make me brain dead and severe nightmare. I am awaiting Neurology apt in March and I know that person will not help but come up with all sorts or excuses, so sick of all this 😪

Makie-Uppie profile image
Makie-Uppie in reply to Missykay

I would not write off the neurology people, I was regarded as a faker until under duress the doctor (now retired) sent me for tests. The inflammatory markers in my blood stream were off the charts, they checked where it was using a radioactive compound and I lit up like a Christmas tree and the nerve test had that much noise from miss firing nerves that was off the chart too. So that was the end of makie uppie however I keep the name for historical reasons, and I am annoyed I did not get any superpowers unless you count explosive vomiting.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Missykay

The neurologist could help , as could your dentist.One of my first Fibro recurrent symptoms was Trigeminal Neuralgia triggered by a bad dentist experience . I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which is linked to the development of my Fibro.

The dentist sent me to the Orthodontist at the hospital where they checked for TMJ and jaw misalignment as a cause of the pain. Unfortunately, my EDS causes regular clicks and misalignments for short episodes but not to the point that it stays in that position or shows damage in x-rays . It was via this route that my TN was initially diagnosed.

As time went on I have suffered loss of teeth and decay all linked to movement in my teeth and jaw because if EDS . Fortunately, the EDS finally got diagnosed and the dentists and doctors stopped blaming me for bad mouth care for my problems.

One big thing that helped reduce my migraines caused by TN and jaw movements was making sure I got a night mouth guard which was properly measured and fitted at the dentist. The guard fitting us also checked each year to make sure it fits properly and any adjustment is done. A bad fitting night guard can add to the problem. Reducing chewing hard , crunchy and toffee like foods on the side that has the most problem also helps reduce the trigger. Protecting your face from wind and cold also helps. Move your head more slowly as you turn it as swift head movements can trigger the pain too.

Wear your hair more loosely , you may find hard hair clips , bands and tight styles add to the pain trigger. The same can be true when you wear earrings.

Sleep with your neck, shoulders, and head held straight and cushioned by pillows at night . Raising the shoulders on a pillow and having a smooth line if your neck and head using a neck pillow to help keep the position stops you crunching up or lying in a way that causes misalignment at night.

It can take a while to get used to but it can improve sleep , twinges and morning headaches.

When I got to a Neurologist, I was fully prepared for all my Neuro symptoms. I made detailed diaries of my headaches and neuro pain for the full month before my appointment, including printing off head drawings so I could colour in areas for the places different headaches hit. I did the same with body pictures showing the areas that I get the most pain . I included all the other symptoms like dizziness , numbness , spasms , digestive issues , gynae pains etc. in my diary and wrote a summary of symptoms as a list. At the appointment I was diagnosed with Chronic Migraine , Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.

The neurologist was also thorough , with the TN and Migraine issue, it's important to get jaw, head and neck and back x-rays done. Its also important to ask for an EEG and CT or MRI on the head and neck to show any nerve compression or misalignment causing the problem. Although TN can just be triggered by Fibro affected by movement in the jaw some people do have misalignment in the neck or upper back or , more rarely, Chiara Malformation, that can cause the recurrent migraines and jaw nerve issues to occur.

I found my GP completely lacking in knowledge at first. Each time there was an increase they would blame my teeth. In the end my Dentist was the life saver , I have one now provided free by the NHS because of the links if my health symptoms to my jaw and teeth. Jaw and Mouth x-rays were done by them giving me proof for the GP and Consultants that it was not mouth related but that my jaw had movement issues. The dentist also arranged the referrals to Orthodontics, the Pain Clinic and other units.

The dentist provides me the most Self Care help for the TN and that combined with medication and working out my triggers reduced the jaw related pain and headaches. Pregbalin does help but only when the triggers are reduced.

Missykay profile image
Missykay in reply to Blearyeyed

I am so sorry you have been through all this just to get someone to actually listen to you. This proves its about getting the right person who can open the right doors to the correct treatment and pain relief. I have given up on just making an appointment with the Doc 😓

Whatawonderfullife profile image
Whatawonderfullife in reply to Makie-Uppie

I mentioned this to my dentist, who checked the muscles in my jaw, which were extremely strong. To cut a long story short, I had a mouth guard made and it’s made an unbelievable difference. My teeth don’t hurt anymore, my jaw is slowly beginning to relax at night and my headaches, that I wake up with, from clenching my jaw, are subsiding. I hope this helps 🤞

Makie-Uppie profile image
Makie-Uppie in reply to Whatawonderfullife

Could this be a case of where your bark is not bigger than your bite.

Sorry having my funny half hour.

Bananas5 profile image


have a listen


Missykay profile image
Missykay in reply to Bananas5

Thank you ❤

CheetieCat profile image

Something similar for me too, grinding teeth, jaw clenching so hard I've broken several teeth. Have a bite guard when I remember to use it, helps a bit.

Have you looked at bells palsy? My experience of it was how incredibly heavy your face felt on one side, being pulled down. Are you blinking normally? My eye wasn't blinking at all, if not, you really need to protect your eye.

I would definitely check in with your GP though, headaches every day are so difficult to cope with, maybe they can offer something to help now rather than waiting for your neuro appointment in March.

Let us know how you get on 😊

Missykay profile image
Missykay in reply to CheetieCat

Hiya if is Bell Palsy trying to get Doc to listen is another story he will think I am doing his job. I did think that as I do have Pleural Effusion and I can't tolerate cold I get really ill. I can go to my Doc for this I just don't want to take more pills which have bad side effects. Today it's not so bad so hopefully few more days I should be fine 🤞🙏

Loobielu profile image

I swear I clench my teeth in my sleep too (lots of anxiety dreams and body pain all night probably not helping) but my dentist last December wasn't convinced. I'm due my next check up in 10 days so going to raise again. How do you find wearing the mouth guard? I also have permanent headache. It's worse on waking. Been this way for years, just another thing on the put up with it list 😏. I hope you find some help to ease things, I agree help is in short supply 😤 x

Missykay profile image
Missykay in reply to Loobielu

Hi the nightguard feels weird at first but after few wears it's fine I have gotten used to it I would definitely give it a go, you will be fine with it. I found the stiffness more in the morning too. I have whiplash injury front long time ago and there is some bulge in neck so that could cause this headache. Just getting the Doc to listen to me is so difficult. It's feel better today thank god ❤️

Loobielu profile image
Loobielu in reply to Missykay

Hi, fab that's great to know re the mouth guard 👍. Eek whiplash and bulge sounds nasty 😔. I had conversation with GP this week about coming off amitriptyline. Even with me only taking it for 8 weeks my body has suffered side affects by stopping. So I said, is there anything else you can do to help me instead (not drug related) and she went there's nothing. I thought, great charming thanks a lot! 😤🤷 xx

Missykay profile image
Missykay in reply to Loobielu

GP seems to be good at blaming every symptom on the Fibromyalgia because they cannot come up with anything else. It's so annoying one GP was good seemed to be more helpful and out of all the other GP he left so now got no support now 😢

Loobielu profile image
Loobielu in reply to Missykay

That's not a nice feeling is it 😔. This condition makes you feel isolated and lonely as it is. If a GP can write a prescription for something then they are great but fibro is so complex and needs many types of treatment at once it's beyond a GP I think. Gentle hugs Missykay, keep fighting x

SusieSquirrel profile image

I have a compressed trigeminal nerve. My symptoms have numb left side of face and mouth. Which gets worse when I touch certain parts of my head and face. Jaw pain and headache which is excruciating for a few seconds. I also have idiopathic intracranial hypertension which causes a lot of headaches.

It took years for a doctor to help. Then a waiting game to see a neurologist

Missykay profile image
Missykay in reply to SusieSquirrel

I just feel these Neurologist just treat you like any other patient and not see that you are a human being suffering from so much pain. I remember I saw one some time ago for a pulling nerve in my head just prescribed tablets which made me eat so much food, I gained weight and on top nightmare where someone is trying to kill me. He says he does not know why I am getting the pain and discharged me back to my GP what a waste of time.

SusieSquirrel profile image
SusieSquirrel in reply to Missykay

My neurologist was a waste of space and only wanted to talk about migraines not all of what I was experiencing in my head. It was a total waste of time. The also had the cheek to say I was overusing analgesics and these were the cause of most of my headaches. When I was only having 1 dihydracodeine every other day or so

Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer

Sorry to read your struggling, I hope this appointment does help but a way off as yet, have you been recently to see your doctor for some advice, i read you wear a mouth guard, I do bite my tongue and think abit of grinding going on one side, this happens more regular if I have too leave my face mask off as I have sleep apnea(ie at the moment as I have a cold) I do have headaches I think a combination of my medication and also wearing mask drys out my sinuses 😩I use a headache balm from a company online called Herbs on the hill, never without this as I find it soothing and they use it with NHS. Patients as well . Are you on the books of a dentist ? I know some people find it hard too get one sometimes xx

Missykay profile image
Missykay in reply to Yassytina

Hi there I visit my dentist regularly but will make an appointment to see her. I have tried balm it's helps sometimes. I went put for a walk today and the skin on my face was pulling and stretching into my neck. It's freaking me out scared it's like stroke. The problem is I am not getting any support from GP so feel like I am fighting this all alone ☹️

Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer in reply to Missykay

I do understand as I think a lot of us have been to see the GP and left thinking why did I bother, I changed doctors and he was brilliant , such a shortage now in surgeries and he has now left , you do lose the faith sometimes, is there anybody else at your surgery you could see ? The weather has been horrid wet damp and lots of rain so well down for getting some air, I’ve been stuck indoors day 6 as seemed too jave picked up a big from my young grandson😩primary schools are always rife with germs, if you felt scared and worried the 111 service has been very helpful in the past and sometimes I’ve been seen over a weekend xx

Missykay profile image
Missykay in reply to Yassytina

I changed surgery and in the beginning I felt I was getting listened to but suddenly one by one all the good Doctors left. The surgery got taken over by an American company so it could be to with that. My good dentist left, my nurse left all the good people treating me leave. It's feels like they are allergic to me lol so now I am not getting treated properly by anyone. Hope you get better soon there is this bug going around 🤗❤️

Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer in reply to Missykay

Thankyou xx

Suffering2021 profile image

I have this also

I’ve been to ENT. Had a biopsy all ok but they still don’t know what is causing a throat ache on the right side and earache headaches back headaches . Next I’m to see a neurologist hope this helps you

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