I have been getting some really awful jaw and facial pain just recently and the fibro has just been so bad. the jaw pain is so bad sometimes i find it hard to open my mouth and eat. Does anyone else get these problems. I have to go and see my GP on Tuesday, i will mention it to him.
Does anyone suffer with facial and ja... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Does anyone suffer with facial and jaw pain?

Please do mention this to him lindamorgan... I have this too... but it is my Dentist that often asks and tests me.. very gently. as I have been suffering from this, along with migraines and ear pain.. . I have a special plate thing to stop me grinding my teeth when asleep... there is a condition called Temporomandibular joint disorder, TMJD (in the medical literature TMD), or TMJ syndrome which is a term used to describe acute or chronic pain of the temporomandibular joint which connects the mandible to the skull.. There is also a condition called myofascial syndrome ( you can look that up) which is a bit different... but the symptoms for TMJD Is as follows.
Symptoms associated with TMJ disorders may be:
Biting or chewing difficulty or discomfort
Clicking, popping, or grating sound when opening or closing the mouth
Dull, aching pain in the face
Earache (particularly in the morning)
Headache (particularly in the morning)
Hearing loss
Migraine (particularly in the morning)
Jaw pain or tenderness of the jaw
Reduced ability to open or close the mouth
Neck and shoulder pain
Wishing you better days ... xxx

I have all these symptoms and some

This was very helpful, thank you!
Hi lindamorgan I have had those pains often so I know what you're going through sweetheart. The dentist also gave me a shield to stop me grinding my teeth,also told me that jaw joints have arthritis which doesn't make things any easier. when I have the pains in my jaw and face l tend to have liquid/or very soft foods because chewing is very very painful and have to double my doses of other pain tablets. I have problems with my eyes and ears and suffer bad with migraines which I'm told is part of our condition. Opticians told me that my eyes need eye drops all the time because the fribo causes your eyes to become dry. I am seeing my GP as my physio has told me that I need to see my consultant at the pain clinic to see what other pain tablets there are as what I take do not help much with all the pains. But look into TMJD syndrome which informs you with quite alot of info.
Take care sweetheart <3
Yes I suffer from jaw pain and been diagnosed with TMJ syndrome. My dentist provided me with specially fitted gum shield 2 wear at nite. I find this helps but I still suffer the pain. Speak 2 ur dentist and ask him 4 suggestions. Hope you get help with it cos we suffer enough without added pain x
Hi, same here- TMJ, diagnosed 3years ago..I can't open my mouth more than a cm. You must get it seen to by a specialist as they can try so many different solutions. Unfortunately, I've not had much luck at all yet-have had surgery in january 2011, since then-muscle relaxants,physio,steroid injections+a course of Botox!! I now have to go back in november to see wots next..self help tips I can advise u on- hot+/or cold packs on the painful areas, massage pressure points yourself(or a friend,relative),de stress as much as poss(yeah right),+try to keep it moving-if not too painful..don't ever force your jaw. +u must seek medical advice!! All the best with it xx
Yes I suffer from jaw pain and facial pain,I believe about 75% of people who have fibro suffer with this horrible pain. I spent 1 year going backwards and forwards to the maxifacial unit at our hospital to find out that it is a common symptom of fibro.I also have a mouth guard which my dentist made for me, which helps, also taking 10mg of Amitriptyline at night helps to relax your jaw at night when asleep. A lot of antidepressant medications cause you to clench your jaw , so check your medications.I was on Sertraline at the time, when I came off it It got a lot easier,but I can't manage without the Amitriptyline. Hope this helps. Best wishes to you Joyce xx
Yes i have really awful facial burning aching had problems since feb
I had a lot of bleeding and got Corsodyl from dentist.
I started last year electric shooting pAins but this year its all really bad burning aching . I have small jaw out of alignment . Had root canals, dry socket always suffered .
But this is just as awful as on lyrica for alll nerve pain . It gets everywhere i have both sides with everything i suffer just about ..
Hope. Get something that helps yours xxxxx
I do and the dentist thought that I was grinding my teeth whilst asleep at night and gave me a guard to wear at night and it has helped at lot thought that this might help I only started with it after I was diagnose with fibro,
When I was a kid I used to be able to pop my jaw in and out, I wouldn't realise I was doing it and it used to drive my Grandmother mad! As a teenager sometimes I would wake with my jaw stuck out of joint and it would take some time before it unstuck (it used to happen to my sister too). I grind my teeth in my sleep, sometimes badly biting my tongue or inside of my mouth, sometimes breaking pieces off my teeth. I've tried mouth guards but I just chew harder! No-one has been able to come up with a solution and I suppose I've just become used to most of the problems caused by this, but the thing that I hate the most is when the muscles under my jaw spasm sometimes when I yawn - so painful!
I get that muscle spasms under my jaw like cramp by my glands very pain full an a bit scary have you found anything to stop it or help l formation would be greatfull
I have had jaw problems for approx 4 months now. But it began with shooting pains in one side of my face and after a few days it stopped, but I was left with an aching jaw on the right side. Then a week later I started getting the shooting pains in the left side, and was left with the ache on that side too. I do not have any clicking or grinding sounds in the jaw but I do find the dull ache annoying and well as the discomfort upon eating. I hope you get aosme answers, as that is all, we as fibromites, really want, answers xxxxxx
I have unbearable pain from botched surgeries due to incompetent doctors, they just don't know what to do with me. I'm not sure if there are any real doctors down south florida, tri county area who can deal with it or correct my symptoms....I suggest everyone bfr. being operating on to research your doctors ask tons of questions just don't dive into it because of all the promises they make. Pause take a few days weeks to think it over research...research...research!
Hi there. I have this and couldn't eat either, I was living off soups because it was so painful to eat. I saw a facial specialist at the hospital and was told it was temporal Mandular and its just down to the pain killers to alleviate the pain.
I feel like most of these symptoms are what I have, I also have fibromyalgia. I have a tightness in my ears aswell as my jaw and pain in my ears like earache each morning I wake up. And headaches are a recent thing. And tinnitus also has just started recently. I have severe chest pains with the jaw pain I had in my lower jaw about 1-2weeks ago ended up calling a ambulance I was in so much pain I couldn't breath properly it lasted 20-30minutes in my jaw was terrifying. But I will speak to my gp about it. Thank you for your advice xx