Over two years ago now I started with pain in my neck and shoulders, with tingling and numbness in my hands/fingers. I went to my GP, who referred me for an MRI scan. Turned out I had cervical and lumbar spondylosis (the lumbar spondylosis I’ve suffered from since childhood). I was then referred to a neurosurgeon, who performed more tests, X-rays etc. I had to stop working in April 2021 due to the pain, and eventually had to stop driving as well. This September (after waiting over two years!) I finally had a corpectomy (removal of the vertebra in my neck) with cervical fusion. Painful 😵💫
During this time, and long before, I have suffered from extreme tiredness and fatigue. My sleep is never restful, and despite how much I have, I’m always still tired when I wake. I have also suffered with depression and anxiety for years, and frequently experience muscle pain/aching all over my body, but particularly my lower back, neck and shoulders. It’s usually at its worst first thing in a morning, and when the weather is cold. I have constant problems with my temperature (which causes awful hot and cold sweats) that can be extremely embarrassing. I frequently have bouts of dizziness and over the past 12 months have found concentration and applying myself to anything so difficult. It feels like I have cotton wool for a brain 🫤
There are lots of other symptoms (restless legs, painful periods, always feeling down/anxious which leads to never leaving the house) that I never considered could have been linked. But I truly believe after all my research that I may have Fibromyalgia?
I’ve joined this forum to see if anyone can relate to my situation? I have had lots of tests to check for perimenopause, thyroid problems, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, anaemia, liver function, vitamin deficiencies etc etc, and the tests always come back fine.
I just feel very alone at the moment (although I’d like to add that I have an extremely supportive partner) and fear people judge me as lazy when I go through bouts of extreme fatigue and pain in my body, which then renders me bedridden at times.
I have a doctors appointment on Monday, but feel very anxious of mentioning fibromyalgia for fear of not being taken seriously 😕
Apologies for the long introduction to my situation. I’m just looking for some advice and to see if anyone else feels the same? You end up feeling you’re the only one, which always leads me to question myself 🙁