hey guys, I hop you are all coping and in a good place, I’m absolutely exhausted and if that blinking bus had stopped I would be ok 😂.
Well some of you know about my daughter G, I will apologise if this offends anyone, and if admin want to take it down, so be it.
So we traveled to hull/ York in Beverly for two day stay, my g is transitioning to be a man, and was having a mastectomy, I kind of coped with the 1st stay, for 2 days, then hospital said we had to find another accommodation for the 3rd day, that wasn’t on the cards, the only place was a house. So my husband had to drive 3 hours to get me home, there was no way I could do stairs, then another 3 hours straight back, my body is absolutely killing me, as I had to sleep on a sofer, what we put ourselves through for our kids.
Tomorrow I know is going to be completely worse, as each day after activities it gets worse 😳. Wishing you all a blessed pain free night and day.
squidges to the know, hugs to the new.