Hi wondering how you deal with dizziness been having it every day I don't know why I am getting worried I have seen a doctor and he doesn't know why I am having blood tests done soon and I hope they don't find anything wrong x anxiety going through the roof x 🤗😢
dizziness : Hi wondering how you deal... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi, I get this too, badly, to the extreme I fall.Mine has been diagnosed with CFS, they don’t know why this happens, but yes it’s scary.
Are you getting enough sleep, are meds affecting you in anyway, so many things can cause this, but I hope your bloods come back ok.
Be careful and cautious in what you do while it is there, hopefully it will ease soon.
Take care.

hi thank you I hope my blood test comes back OK x 😊 I am fed up with it all x

Hey baby girl, I have been trying for days to reply to your pm, it won’t send, I don’t know what is wrong, so I think I will send a fresh one from me. Luv ya 😘🥰🙏🤗🤗

hi thanks ❤️ I hope you can send messages too x
Hey, sorry was replying to honeybug
Hi fibrogirl41 - I'm sorry you're still having problems with dizziness; it's a horrible feeling. I meant to answer on your earlier post regarding amitriptyline, as I know in my own case this caused me to physically pass out when I was first prescribed it many years ago. A few years ago my GP assured me that I wouldn't have any problems with another tricyclic antidepressant, nortriptyline, but this made me as dizzy as a coot. Dizziness can also be a common side effect of amitriptyline. Please see: nhs.uk/medicines/amitriptyl...
Again, just in my own case, I 'normally' have low blood pressure, & also postural/orthostatic hypotension, i.e. my blood pressure can drop further when standing up. I'm not saying you have similar, but it 'may' be something to bear in mind, as it's a fairly common cause of dizziness, together with a side effect of some medication.
Try not to worry (I know easy for me to say). I hope your blood tests come back OK. Remember, especially in this weather, to keep well hydrated!
I didn't realise could be side effect of Nortriptyline! I'm like you with the dizzyness stand up etc before fibro. I think it's partly to with my neck and being hot. The Nortriptyline re-booted my menopause hot flushes. I take Betahistine for dizzyness. But I wish I didn't have to. I take too many pulsed and suffer all the blooming side effects effects of them all.
Yes I have this too. Standing can make you blood pressure go low and I get dizzy. Awful trying to stand in a queue have to lean on something.
anxiety and dizziness are mentioned side effects in link above, if amitriptyline is not tolerated, there is nortriptyline, or Clonazepam. zopiclone.
whom prescribed Amitriptyline is the person need to speak to to hopefully switch to another med. there will be down time between meds. specially with the mood affecting ones
hope feel better soon.
I get dizziness aswell. can be quite bad. Doctor said it was low blood pressure and advised me to drink more water.
Hi there, sorry to hear your still feeling dizzy. I see you posted about this same issue a few days ago.originalText
Are you still taking the amitripyline? Like most of our lovely members explained on that post this was the cause of their dizziness.
The side effects of meds like explained can take up to 6 weeks to calm down.
You say you also suffer from anxiety. This can also be helping to add to the dizzy feeling. If it continues I would suggest you get back intouch with your GP.
I do hope you start to feel better soon.
hi also I am not taking amitriptyline now. I hope again this will pass soon x
Hi, if you have stopped taking the medication but still having dizzy spells. I would strongly suggest you speak to your doctor again. As it is obviously not the pills causing your dizzy spells and does need looking into.
I used to have Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) which caused dizziness when going to a standing position from lying or sitting down. It turned out that I had low sodium and vitamin D levels and I was anemic. It settled with simple supplements and dietary changes. Hope the blood tests help you get to the bottom of it too and then you can get the relief from it too 🧿💕
There are a few reasons for this and don't want to say its this or that, but sudden standing up where bad circulation is the main culprit and a sudden rush to the head, or low iron levels are two causes wait for your blood tests to come back and see what they say. If you know you may have them then at least you can prepare for them by not rising fast and walking off at speed. Low iron also causes blood pressure and headaches.
Yep. I get the dizziness, too. I switched to decaf and I am making a conscious effort to drink more water. This happens to me mostly when I am just laying down to sleep or am getting up. But once it happened at work for no reason. I remember drinking some water then and felt better. What makes this weird is that I am not taking any meds. I decided to tackle my Fibro in a holistic and natural way. This meant changing my diet to more plant-based although I do eat fish and eggs. I believe it is the sleep that is the challenge and I am trying an herb based tablet/vitamin that my reflexologist told me about. Her herbalist suggested it. Time will tell.
I have an inner ear problem which badly effects my balance and causes bad dizziness. Maybe something to look into?
When I first got dizziness the doctor thought it was an ear infection. Then I found out it was a menopause symptom. I think excess ear wax is another possibility.It's too easy to have fibro blamed for everything. I also associate with headaches/migraines?
I get dizzy spells and low blood pressure part of fibromyalgia. I don't take any medication as my son takes loads and he's no better than me
isn't it awful what fibromyalgia is doing to people with or without medication. ❤️😭
Normal with fibro. When I have a flare up, the dizziness goes way up.
Hi Fibrogirl41Hope you do get some answers from your GP and that your bloods come back ok.
I have had dizziness though to me it's more disorientation as I don't seem to be able to walk a straight line and I often fall or stumble. I've had it for about the last 8 months
and it's not connected to medication and my bloods are fine. I also get visual disturbances in my eyes though no headache. I've had my eyes, ears and teeth checked. My GP looked at me and shrugged his shoulders saying I don't know what it is. So I suppose it is just Fibro. 😄 love and comfy hugs to everyone. 🤗🤗😍😍
Yes I am fine thank you. I am old enough to retire so don't work which is heaven sent. I do not know how people who do have Fibro work. I feel very lucky now as I do not seem to get the horrendous pain I used to. My sons keep me grounded and are full of humour, often at my expense but funny.My heart goes out to you and so hope you get a good outcome. X
Don't we just get so many symptoms with this wretched condition. Take care x
Fibromyalgia can have Vertigo symptoms attached to it, I researched this as I found I was getting Vertigo symptoms during the night which have now evolved to affecting me during the day too and can come on very suddenly without any warning.