Hi currently struggling every single day even with the simplest of things, I had a work commitment review with job centre today I’m currently waiting on my work review assessment with universal credit I ended up crying to the lady on the phone trying to explain to her how much I’m struggling at 21 with a 3 year old she’s advised me to apply for PIP which I’ve been putting off because of the stress of the assessments I’m not sure on what to do I’m on nortripline 20mg at night time don’t do me any good I’ve tried gabapentin I’m on pain patches with I wear everywhere for 12 hours I feel like a burden phoning my doctors constantly and feeling like it’s like there’s nothing we can do
Constant pain 😫: Hi currently... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Constant pain 😫

I am so sorry you are feeling this way ,i have recently applied for pip after putting it off for months ,my advice is go for it you have nothing to lose .
Sorry to hear this I feel your pain 😞 I am to in constant pain is really hard have you spoke to your Dr about a possible referral to your local pain clinic? I have also been advised to claim pip but haven't I think you defiantly should apparently citizen advice can help you fill it out good luck x
It is so horrible 😫 it’s so hard to explain to anyone who doesn’t understand it, I’m going to call Dr in the morning to see if I’m able to be referred to pain clinic x my anxiety is through the roof thinking about assessment x
Hi Tiacoyle. Sorry you are having a bad ime. I am too and also have severely ill DH to care for. It is sad but unless anyone axtually experiences what we are oing through themselves, how can they understand. To be honest I wouldn't believe how constantly ill I feel if I wasn't experiencing it myself. . We have no choice we just have to hang in there. Sending hugs,. xx
I am deeply moved by your post Tia. Do you have someone who can support you with the PIP application? Try to be brave - you are not a burden, your needs are real and I like so many suffer with you! Keep talking to your doctor. GPs do have problems with these issues but being gently persistent is the best way to keep them aware of your pain and the daily difficulty you face. A search on the internet will help with the PIP application - when you feel up to facing the application make sure you are honest about how hard it is to do the simple everyday tasks like making a drink, preparing food and even the washing up! Give detail about any issues you may have getting outside or travelling and explain clearly how much assistance you need. If, after assessment, your claim is reduced or refused then appeal. Also (I am very talkative!) don’t chat with the assessor during the assessment, just focus on your needs and be clear about your limitations. Sadly no amount of money compensates for the hardship this awful condition rains down on us, but it does help compensate for everyday expenses.
I can only offer my love and support (in spirit at least) and encourage you to keep the faith!
Love hugs and peace
So sorry you are feeling so bad, I have never gone for PIP cos of the stress but think you should also do not think it will be this bad forever. I have really bad days as well but you will have good days although that might not seem the case at the moment I also had a young child when it began and felt I missed out on things but she did like to spend time with me colouring, having stories etc and we loved doing craft things together, and when it came to school she was glad to have someone who would sit and help her with homework. I know it just is tough at the moment. Remember we all know this as we also are suffers - but people are kind and do not keep it all in. I am sure you can get advice and support from this group, Look after yourself. Big Hug
Thank you so much everyone for your lovely replys I really appreciate the support this group gives me ❤️ I have just spoken with Gp they are starting me on pregabalin one at bedtime to start with praying this helps me in some way lots of love to you all
I'm sorry to hear your feeling awful but you must go to your doctor and talk to him that's what he's there for claim pip it will help you can you afford to go private to see a doctor can you not get help with child care were all in this together and we all rant talk cry which ever nobody would ever judge you try the doctor and gently hugs
Hi Tiacoyle99Just wanted to say I too was stressed about the pip process and have waited years to apply but I applied in November as I have had to give up work. It took 5 months to hear back from them and I had a phone assessment 3 weeks ago.
The woman I spoke to was ok, spoke quite quickly & I had to stop her at times to reiterate my answers.
I was awarded standard rate care. Reading her assessment there were things written that weren’t right but overall it was ok. I will apply again if I deteriorate further.
Don’t put it off, apply with help from CItizens Advice Bureau, they know exactly how to reply to questions. Make an appointment ASAP.
I hope your new meds help and bring some relief. Take care xxx
Hi Tiacoyle99 , am sorry to hear that your struggling I know its not easy aspeacialy with a child, I have lived with this for 11 yrs with twins at the time am not going to say it gets easier because it dosen"t but you learn to live with it an expect that your life has changed but it will make you stronger and no you shouldn't feel your bothering the docs as they are there to help maybe its time to change your meds look into it and ask about the pain clinic as they relly do help. Ive just got my pip form and felt a little bit stressed but when I phoned them and explained how stressed I was they gave me an extention so if you feel you need more time then phone them,but like Tjmill said what have you got to lose. Good luck and take it easy.
Hi Tia🤗🤗everyone has said it all in their replies. I finally filled in the cab form to help me apply for pip on Tuesday. Also after a long long time as couldn’t face the stress of applying but the past couple of months I’ve had enough and know I should be entitled to it. It would mean that I would be able to drop 1 or 2 hopefully days at work, which would mean so much and help me. I had a furlough day yesterday and I was so exhausted I slept the whole day and night (I also have sleep apnea amongst lots of other conditions) dr has just started me on duloxetine so I’m hoping to have success with that. Start with one first step and contact citizens advice and take it from there. You are in all our thoughts, you’re not alone 💕💕