Hi, my 2nd birthday in lockdown this week, feeling a bit sad. Has anyone had an intense "needles" pain on upper back between the shoulders, its a bit sore like sun burn and It comes and goes. I do have a bad back but don't know if there's a connection. I suspect nerve pain.
Nerve Pain?: Hi, my 2nd birthday in... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Nerve Pain?

happy lockdown birthday. i get patches of the *sunburn* feeling that comes and goes - and like you suspect it is a type of nerve pain x
Thank you for your reply. When I told my GP about the pain, he told me to send a pic of my neck/shoulders as he thought I was talking about a rash. My brother helped me with the pic and of course there was nothing to show but I sent it anyway. Now I have been told by my GP that there's nothing to worry about.. just because there's no physical evidence
Hi Bluejay 29
I do not get a painful sensation but I do get pins and needles front and back in my left shoulder about 10 times a day that lasts for about 5 minutes.
You must feel disappointed with your GPs response. I’m surprised he didn’t tell you it’s viral, take paracetamol or sign you up for CBT as these seem to be the standard response when faced with something unknown.
If the pain still persists (why wouldn’t it) then I would be back to the doctor. If no joy there then ask to see a different GP at your surgery or move surgery. You must be taken seriously by your GP, it’s your health at stake and you deserve better.
I would just add that as frontline workers many GPs are understandably suffering from burn out so are not in the best of places themselves.
Hope things improve for you. It will be so nice when we are all vaccinated and the NHS can provide a normal service.

If Doctor suspects it is nerve pain, then it's unlikely that they will refer for xrays or other tests, as it will not show up. If it continues/gets worse then go back to your gp
Yes I have the "needles" pain shoulders to the tips of my fingers. I have just had every imaginable test, and I am pretty sure it's the Fibro causing it. I am just starting to have lots of this kind of pain, I also have CLL (chronic leukemia) and it also causes muscle and bone pain, but the tingling and numness are new. It wakes me up at night it it hurts so much. PS Your dr is a jerk.