Does anyone else with fibro get woken up at night because of pain in their hips when they lie on their side? Any suggestions on what I can do to stop or ease the pain?
Hip pain at night from Fibro - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hip pain at night from Fibro

Will I ever over come this anxiety? Leena777000 🦠

In general, pain is More severe at night. This is what keeps many of us sleeping poorly at night. I hope you can try different body pillows to find a comfortable position to minimize pain.
Every night hence browsing now. I feel like I’ve been shot through the back of my knee, I thought it was unrelated.... my hip feels like that of a ninety year older..
Do you have prescribed painkillers?
I get excruciating pain in my hips in the night which often wakes me up, I have an electric underblanket which certainly does help mitigate the pain.My blanket is on a timer and switches off around 9.00 am it's not long after it's started to cool that the hip pain wakes me, a sadistic alarm clock if ever there was.
A soft topper on my mattress helped. And a heat pad / spelt cushion / hot water bottle. And osteopathy.
Not sure/depends, but what I do for my thighs might help for hips too: I twist & so stretch the thigh(s) by turning myself around a fixed foot (praps try standing at daytime first). My acupressurist is working on the thighs, too.
I get pain in my shoulders,hips,back,neck and jaw when I sleep depending on which way I lie. I've got a dazzling array of pillows in different densitys and shapes but I still get pain whatever I do sorry to say.
I know your pain and really can’t offer an answer.I am in pain when even sat on back of thighs n buttocks.I know when I go to bed I will struggle to get off.I toss n turn trying to get rid of pain.On sides it’s worse.I have ibroprofen gel I rub in but will only last a while.I have even tried medication to help you sleep through pain but it doesn’t help me
I’m so glad I saw your post this morning, I haven’t been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, however I think your post has just confirmed my suspicions further- some nights my hips are so painful that I just cannot get comfortable (along with many other typical symptoms). I have been prescribed naproxen for headaches and they always seem to lessen any other aches and pains I have too which may be helpful. Sometimes sleeping with a pillow between my thighs helps too.
You could try Voltarol well rubbed in last thing when you go to bed. I've found this gives me relief for at least 3 hours but not the 12 hours they claim on the packaging.
I hope this will help you a little perhaps.
Yes I have fibromyalgia and suffer with hip and leg pain especially during the night. I did purchase a triangular shaped pillow for between my legs and did find it helped to a certain degree.
hello, yes I do too.sooooo painful to move when falling asleep on the side. also, have bursitis on the outside of the leg, all I can do is lay on my back and slightly propped up. the only relief I get. I have a soft mattress that doesn't seem to help. sorry, I have no answer for you.
Hi sorry to read your post, after many years I know sleep on my side with a pillow under my side down to my hip, this stops the pressure of the hip slipping down and causing pain, it has really helped me. Its a fairly hard Gel pillow that offers support.
It's horrible, doesn't matter what you do it won't go. I put a pillow between my knees and lower legs. Doesn't always work but sometimes I find lifting the other leg seems to take some of the pressure off x
I too get this in both hips its so painful, the pain radiates from my groin into my thighs into my hips. Its so annoying as I've reached a point I dnt know where its coming from. I have been diagnosed with Trochanteric Bursitis, so thought it was that but now im convinced its everything rolled into one
Put a cushion between your knees