Anyone else find that even just one small alcohol brings about a sleepless night caused my restless legs and joint pain? It's just not worth it any more.
Alcohol and fibro : Anyone else find... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Alcohol and fibro

Absolutely (not the vodka 😉)Brook22. It’s almost like it makes me feel poisoned/ body does not tolerate it anymore. I suppose it’s not the worst thing (ie for general health/ to stop drinking alcohol) but, just another ‘loss’, and another thing that seems to separate us from the greater society. I miss the easy quick pleasure it used to bring.
I wonder what it is that causes our reaction? Sulphates, sugar or just plain alcohol. Sosbach you completely get how it is for me. Just 2 small glasses and a night of no sleep. Sorry you suffer too but you've made me feel glad I'm not alone with this. Xxx
Good morning Brook and welcome to our lovely group. Talking from my own personal experience. I had Fibro /CFS for over 30 yrs. I've never found a problem enjoying a couple of glasses of wine. But it's like most things drink too much and then it will interfere with sleep. I would just like to make it clear to anyone reading this I do not take medication. And I am not saying its OK to drink if you do take meds. I certainly wouldn't advise it.
Everyone reacts differently to everything that could be medication, food or drink. But then again that happens even if you don't have fibro etc. Just like when you was young you could enjoy a lot if things you can't when you get older. I think most people's tolarance to certain things change. Thankfully I can still enjoy a glass of my fav tipple with out bad effects 😊🍷
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In the early years yes, in the later years life gets easier with a bottle of Rose before bed! Sometimes for me the only way to get more than 3 hours sleep!

Cor! I couldn't manage a whole bottle these days! A glass of vino with a meal is great,or to add flavour to cooking, but I no longer have the capacity that I had in my 20s.
Not that I ever was a heavy drinker, didn't go much on spirits then, just a beer, wine and cider gal!
Cheers, Midori
A sip of any alcohol 🍷 is enough to knock me over, with never ending vomit 🤢 where to start...fibro made me incapacitated 😳
I can have 2-3 drinks if I go out. Then I feel as though I'm drunk totally. Not uncommon when on meds and I hardly drink.
No not at all. It kicks my meds in and i sleep great. I am on amitriptoline 50mg also morphine so that might be to do with the it. But i dobwake up in ir from pain every morning. Havent slept past t 7 for as long as i can remember.