Has anyone had any luck with a payout for critical illness linked to fibromyalgia. We have a policy attached to our life insurance.
critical illness insurance: Has anyone... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
critical illness insurance

Policies usually state exactly which conditions are covered. Fibromyalgia is not covered by any standard policies as far as I am aware, as a specified condition. Your policy may cover permanent disability though and in some extreme circumstances, Fibromyalgia could qualify. You need to read the policy documentation to check. You will find the industry minimum standards here for this type of policy abi.org.uk/globalassets/fil...
As I am sure others will tell you to read the descriptors of what is covered and what is not covered, it's all down to the small print and how it wordered and its in the interpretations of the wording. When you took the policy out you may have requested cover for if you are unable to work due to accident or permanent health problems. Some policies have exclusions or time limits before they will start to pay out. My pension policy/Plan I took such cover which as I received 6 months pay then the policy took over my pension plan payments.
I took this policy out 20 years ago so it’s wouldn’t have fibromyalgia listed - Just wondered if anyone had any succeed with it as I am in process of leaving work and looking at sorting my finances.
The policy may not have a list of illnesses covered but wordered something like, if you are injured or are unable to continue any fo of work due to injury, accidents or ill health your covered from x amounts of months once diagnosed. I had my pension premuins paid starting 6mths after I was off recovering from back surgery then diagnosed with MS till what should have been the normal retirement date 2.5 years
I have a stand alone total and permanent disability insurance policy. After years of being rejected for a payout it is going to litigation.