Crawling under the skin sensation pain in the feet, burning around the ankles, pain in the lower back and legs! is this still Fabro symptoms? worry if this early signs of MS? symptoms been going on for long time now and keeps coming if i did long walk or standing? plz need your help.
Crawling under the skin in my leg? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Crawling under the skin in my leg?

This can occur with Fibromyalgia, if it is a new symptom you must see your GP. Never assume it is fibro related and ensure you get proper treatment x
Hi there, nice to meet you I am sorry no one here is medically qualified to answer your question. May I suggest you book an appointment to speak with your GP.
There could be a number of reasons for what your feeling. It could be anything from a trapped nerve to bad circulation or nothing at all. Only your doctor could tell you I'm afraid.
I have a feeling like there is bugs running around my legs at times and the insides of my ankles burn. Been put down to fibro, like everything else.
If it's a new symptom definitely get it checked out by GP
I do get all these symptoms but as everyone else has said, best get it checked out with your GP, take care
many thanks to your responds.
I get this all the time, if it's new get it checked, mine got worse with low magnesium levels. It could be restless legs which is common with fibromyalgia
I find ice gel in the area and above helps settle it down in the moment
I get the crawling sensation too, it's not constant but as I live in the land of everything is out to get you (Australia), I always have to check there isn't a spider on me!
Hello I get this and it’s a weird sensation, but you always have to look that theirs isn’t a bug on you. It’s like it’s crawling underneath the skin 🤢
What you are decribing could very well be Restless Leg Syndrome. Along with the creepy crawly feeling there can be pain and aching. It isn't just the legs that can be affected. As I can attest it can occur in the arms and chest as well. Check out the Restless Leg Syndrome group here on healthunlocked. Scroll through and you will see similar stories to yours. There are plenty of options for relief as well.