Formication (skin crawling) and Fibro - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Formication (skin crawling) and Fibro

Tibbsy82 profile image
10 Replies

Hi all, dies anyone with this problem have a controlling or coping with this situation. It has been really bad for the past 3 months and is keeping me from sleeping as well as restless leg, leg and joint pains. Please share any experiences as Im desperate to stop this infernal response to scratch! Currently only taking Progestin, Naproxen and multivitamins.

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Tibbsy82 profile image
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10 Replies
koala84 profile image

Hi Tibbsy82. I was wondering whether my constant desire to scratch was related so looked it up a few months ago. So far a cold compress works occasionally (cold damp flannel). It was something I was going to bring up with my GP at next appointment,( when I can build up the nerve to go again). It always seems worse at night. I have scratched off a lot of skin and keep scratching the scabs too. It keeps me awake at night (as if the pain of fibro wasn't enough).I was hoping that a low dose of antihistamine might help. I have taken it before for urtricaria (a similar skin itching) but would definitely seek advice first as to whether it is suitable with the medications you are on currently. You can get a good non branded antihistamine from places like Homebargains. We used to keep them in for my sister who was allergic to our pets. Best of luck finding a solution, it's horrible to be itchy.

Tibbsy82 profile image
Tibbsy82 in reply to koala84

koala84 it's slightly comforting to know I'm not the only one with this as I was a little worried as no one else had posted about it. But sorry that your suffering too. I was told to start taking pregabalin to help, which in turn would help my pain (I was trying to manage pain with lifestyle changes before trying meds), but then read some people got the skin crawling from pregabalin so I'm dubious to start. Gonna ask about a antihistamine. I will try anything right now, although cold compress would be a good option most of the time as I get it all over my body in multiple places and awkward places 🤦🏽‍♀️.Please mention to the GP soon, not nice that you've got to the stage of breaking the skin.

Trappedmoth profile image
Trappedmoth in reply to Tibbsy82

I have my own name for my version of 'formication'. I call it 'ghost mosquito bites'. The mosquitos bites of my childhood, when I couldn't stop scratching until my legs were bleeding.

The itching is worst at night. My doctors gave me various creams and lotions: ie Diprobase Cream and Balneum Plus Cream. I now have very dry skin, eyes, mouth etc. I'm pretty sure that it is all linked with fibro. The creams help up to a point. My GP also prescribed a steroid cream for me, but I had a bad reaction to it.

Tibbsy82 profile image
Tibbsy82 in reply to Trappedmoth

I like you ow name for it! It does feel like a ghost is sometimes tickling my face and neck. Unfortunately creams won't help me as I have always suffered with dry skin and some eczema patches so have the creams like diprobase and steriod creams which help me with that but they haven't managed to stop the skin crawling. Thank you though Trappedmoth really appreciate your input and it may help others too.

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee

Formication is a common experience for people with fibro but not all of us. Its "just" another way our body expresses pain/sensation and sent to frustrate us. Interestingly today the nobel prize for medicine was awarded in the same area, How we feel temperature and a hug. This area may lead to developments in chronic pain.

Tibbsy82 profile image
Tibbsy82 in reply to desquinn

Oh really. That's definitely interesting. I'm going to find the research. Wonder if it holds some answers for me 🤞🏽

penny profile image

My first quick glance at your post and I read ‘fornication’…lol.

Wobblygirl profile image
Wobblygirl in reply to penny

Me too!

Why was I so interested?

Shame on me!!!

Tibbsy82 profile image
Tibbsy82 in reply to Wobblygirl


Tibbsy82 profile image
Tibbsy82 in reply to penny


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