Hi everyone, new to posting on here but have been reading for a few weeks now. My question is how do you experience flares? I've had a bad tum for a couple of days could this be a flare symptom for me? Can't pin it down to anything I've eaten.
What defines a flare up for you? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
What defines a flare up for you?

A flare is when we experience more pain and/or fatigue than is usual for us. It can last for a few days or a few weeks, and can vary each time. Sometimes they will follow if we have done something more strenuous than usual - like a bout of heavy housework, gardening etc. It can also follow a stressful or worrying time. x
Coronavirus xx
Hi there. I guess everyone experiences a flare differently. But IBS is a common symptom. I've been diagnosed with fibro and arthritis for 15 years. I think I've experienced most symptoms and unfortunately tummy upsets for no reason can be one! You ask how do we experience a flare , well I usually end up getting one if I've over done it . If I'm under more stress than usual . Sometimes I can be ok for weeks and just have the usual pains but then I notice my mood change. I get irritable tearful , then a couple of days later I cant move . I found keeping a diary of symptoms and finding a pattern really helps. I hope you find some relief soon x

For me flare will be either significant increase in pain, fatigue or both. If heading for a big flare, I often get a warning sign before of my voice going (sometimes with a sore throat but not always)
Flares can last a day or two, weeks ... Longest one was about 6+ months
I start to feel exhausted and every muscle and joint aches very much his you feel when you have had flu but without the cough. I tend to feel headachy and my IBs flares. It can meet from just a couple of days to weeks. It can be started by a virus, stress or not pacing enough.x
Draining fatigue, legs feel like lead and all my energy is being sucked out the souls of my feet. Awful pain in middle of my back arms and around my hips.
The pain feels like coarse raw grating and burning sensation which is the worst thing I have ever experienced (I have 3 grown children) when this happens I need max pain relief . My skin hurts to touch especially the front of my lower legs. My sleep is dreadful, I experience restless legs and pain all over. My memory is affected dreadfully, can't think straight and then end up convincing myself I've got Dementia.
I tend to rest often and pace myself as a rule but when it's extremely bad pain I just want to stay in bed but can't cos the pain won't let me.