Talking rubbish ????: Help! Some days I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Talking rubbish ????

Texasanne profile image
47 Replies

Help! Some days I can’t talk sensibly from asking for a plastic Pyrex dish ??? When my granddaughter asked if I knew where the scissors where last night I said “ you had them yesterday when you were wrapping mummy’s Christmas present ( obviously I meant birthday )” to telling people I’ll see them yesterday! Sometimes I can just tell by people’s faces that I’m not making sense so if I’m in unfamiliar company I try to stay out of the conversation. Anybody else do this ??? X

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Texasanne profile image
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47 Replies


My sons just say you've always been like this, brain fog is no excuse!!! How are you feeling today? Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Alanna012 profile image

All the time. I called my son 'mum' yesterday on the phone. How on earth is my SON in anyway like my MOTHER?! LOL. I also give items wrong names, say a different word to the one I intended in my mind and say words in the wrong order. There's been times I am shouting frantically saying 'has anyone seen xyz? I can't find it' And it turns out I was asking everyone to look for abc.

I know when it's a bad day it's going to happen and now I just accept it and get a laugh sometimes.

Texasanne profile image
Texasanne in reply to Alanna012

Yeah sometimes I can laugh but I just think my grandkids think I’m loopy !! X

Texasanne profile image

Well I’m new to al this was diagnosed with Depression. functional neurological disorder and fibromyalgia and CFS/ME in November although have had symptoms for years!! I am thinking of having a tattoo saying “I’m tired” went to Gp last week missed my stop by two stops! Have had to give up my house and move into a converted bedroom in my daughters garage it’s lovely but just another faucet of independence gone along with the car and the job! But I guess I’m lucky I have good kids all four of them. Some days it’s hard to see a positive and dont ask about dwp !!!

Painny profile image
Painny in reply to Texasanne

Love the idea of tattoo, I’m tired and a tattoo on my forehead saying brain fog so that people may get it 🤐👍

Texasanne profile image
Texasanne in reply to Painny

I was thinking of getting it on my palms ! A brief outline of my conditions Depending on the situation I could either hold my hand out or hold my hands up lol x

Painny profile image

If I can’t make sense to myself, let alone other people😉

I went to a coffee shop, I asked the guy shall I pay at the table, he said you can go to the till, so I went to the till....I stared at the guy, he said a few words but I still did not have a clue what I needed to do, I could tell by his face and staring at his colleague that she is bunkers. Only after a good few seconds that I realised I need to pay 🤔🤔🤔 can any scientist tell us why we do it the way we do it???

There is lots of mysteries around our behaviour but fear is I will die before I know the answers 🤣🤣🦋🦋

Texasanne profile image
Texasanne in reply to Painny

It’s not a nice feeling at times ! I just want to clam up so I don’t make a fool of myself not everyone is kind ! Was trying to explain to Uc I was going to make myself bankrupt and kept saying redundant discussion didn’t go well !! Xx

Alanna012 profile image
Alanna012 in reply to Texasanne

In situations like that use it in your favour: Oh sorry, I get really bad memory problems/cognitive/attention/concentration issues as part of my condition...actually I'm experiencing a flare right now and finding it difficult to talk, and organise my thoughts.. Can you call me back/speak more slowly/give me more time?

Let them see what's involved in the condition and how you are affected. Plus it DOES give you more time to answer or deal with difficult people on the phone.

This is what I do now and I find people are taken aback and suddenly appreciate you are actually really struggling.

Texasanne profile image
Texasanne in reply to Alanna012

Will bear that in mind but my stress levels just seem to rocket when I have to talk to dwp !! am sure some of the employees are great but I seem to get the ones who have had empathy removed before they start there shift !

Alanna012 profile image
Alanna012 in reply to Texasanne

So sorry you're having to deal with DWP. Can't say what I think of most of their staff here, but the missing empathy chip is a common feature. I'll have to apply for the dreaded UC soon and frankly get stressed just thinking about it let alone doing it. So you have my sympathies. If it's any consolation many people feel the same way you do and are in the same boat xxx

Texasanne profile image
Texasanne in reply to Alanna012

Have been fighting them for almost 2 yrs turned me down and I went to tribrunal took from sept 18- aug 2019 the judge couldn’t uphold it as my health had deteriorated since the first assessment judge said he acknowledged my medical evidence of changes and diagnosis but could only only rule on evidence of f2f at the time sept 2018 ! Have another f2f next week maybe if it dosent get cancelled life shouldn’t be this stressful !!! X

Alanna012 profile image
Alanna012 in reply to Texasanne

Especially when stress excerbates our condition! It's criminal the way the disabled are being treated. What has happened to equality and dignity? So sorry you are having such a struggle and hope things are resolved in your favour. It must seem like too much at times xxx

Texasanne profile image
Texasanne in reply to Alanna012

Some days I want to tell them to shove it! But there’s still a part of me thinks “why should I” I worked 50/60hrs a week most of the time and to go from £400 a week to £317 a month isn’t right ! When there are generations of people who have never worked a day in there lives that are entitled to more !! Rant over xx

Alanna012 profile image
Alanna012 in reply to Texasanne

Exactly, so you hang on in there. Keep fighting!

Texasanne profile image
Texasanne in reply to Alanna012

Think I’m going into hibernation never mind isolation been stressed to the hilt over my Uc f2f next week just had official confirmation it’s cancelled x

Alanna012 profile image
Alanna012 in reply to Texasanne

Oh no, sorry that is awful for you xx. I guess they couldn't tell you when it will be rescheduled?

Texasanne profile image
Texasanne in reply to Alanna012

Cancelled for the next3 months !!!!

Alanna012 profile image
Alanna012 in reply to Texasanne


What are you supposed to live on till then? How can they do that? Surely they can have a phone interview?!

Texasanne profile image
Texasanne in reply to Alanna012

I get the basic £317 per month this was a re assessment for capability to work!!!x

Alanna012 profile image
Alanna012 in reply to Texasanne

Omg these people are so cruel xx

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Texasanne

I'm with you on this one. Why should folk who haven't contributed to the system be provided for when, we who have, and are now suffering, have to fight to get any help at all? It is an absolute insult to hardworking, honest people! My rant over!!! For now!!!

Painny profile image
Painny in reply to Alanna012

Sometimes I do, a few say sorry but generally people are not receptive when you look externally OK 😔☹️

Alanna012 profile image
Alanna012 in reply to Painny

Sooo true. It's the looking ok that makes people jump to judgement.

Alanna012 profile image
Alanna012 in reply to Painny

LOL! Painny, at least you didn't open your purse to find you had left your cash or card in the other bag at home or something!

Painny profile image
Painny in reply to Alanna012

Loool that happens sometime, I went to John Lewis ordered the food and before I start eating it I remembered I changed my bag and my purse was not with me. Went to the counter and the lady looked at me as if I was a scum bag xx

Alanna012 profile image
Alanna012 in reply to Painny

Painny I did the same but in Subway! I ordered the whole sandwich only to realise as the guy started wrapping it for me that I left my card in my other coat pocket and I had no cash. The guy swore and dumped the whole thing in the bin. I apologised and quickly left the shop. I wanted to die from embarrassment. Lol it's funny now definitely not at the time though! xx

Painny profile image
Painny in reply to Alanna012

Loooool despite all that I think people do not believe fibromyalgia is real!!

Went I went to Guys hospital the told me keeping active like physio make your brain work better, I agree but not the answer to a brain that has gone defunct. Glad you are all here to share the story

Pls don’t feel embarrassed, the guy in the subway need a smack....


Jellybean44 profile image
Jellybean44 in reply to Alanna012

I did that in Tesco went around entire shop full trolley at checkout to realise I left my purse at home, so embarrassed but I laughed it off saying oh no I must hast have dropped my purse. My husband was with me so he checked the car and then went back home to find it sitting in the driveway lol.

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Jellybean44

That was lucky!

Texasanne profile image

Have done that put purse in jacket pocket when I had Tendonitis in wrist to save carrying handbag went to corner shop not realising I had put on a different jacket life can be frustrating, maddening ,and sometimes funny (still trying to laugh instead of crying) x

Foxydevil profile image

Yes I do , my words get muddled, I mean to say something and it comes out a totally different word. Do you read things wrong too? Favourites have been woman run over by own cat ( it said car) and milkman kills 6 ( madman) .

Alanna012 profile image
Alanna012 in reply to Foxydevil

'Milkman Kills 6' Lol!! Hilarious

Eleanortoo profile image

Hi Texanne, yes sometimes I say the same sort of thing. If it's started recently, it could be due to increased stress /anxietywith the present situation, could be an age thing or whatever. Who knows but certainly at present if it makes others laugh, it's a skill.

sunnysanie profile image

Yes,ranging from mixing up my bothers names to calling night day and other opposites, ive found I'm saying a sentence in my head now before I say it like someone prompting me in my ear but I tend to do it more if I am saying something serious or important :))

queenie60 profile image

Yep same here

Bambi60 profile image

Hiya yes I get this muddling all the time - my granddaughter is the only one that points out my po farrs - she often says I don't say what I thought I had - luckily I haven't said anything too rude - the adults in my life just let it go! I find it does take alot of focus when in company with folk who I don't know well - but I'm grateful for the support of those who realise it fibro brain fog. So you are definitely not alone. Xx

Jellybean44 profile image

I do this all the time and sometimes it's a warning that I'm getting a really bad headache/migraine, but having what they call fibro fog is usually the reason. I also found that one of the medicines the Dr gave me in the early days made it worse and when they changed it the non sense talk as I called it happens less often but it does still happen and my teenage kids laugh at me all the time, I've gotten so used to it now that I laugh with them. Even if it happens to me when I'm out in unfamiliar settings I laugh and say I must have a migraine coming I've been talking messed up all day.

donnabrain profile image

All the time!

Having coffee with my old school friend,I glanced out the window and said" I really need to tidy my cardigan "

I meant garden

Mizunderstood profile image

Yep can defo relate!! The shop and forgotten purse I've done. My friends know now that at times in conversation l struggle to find words and as for misplacing stuff 😫😫!! I cleaned my cooker the other day and for the life of me could not find one of the knobs... only to find it a few days later in the salad draw of the fridge!! 😂😂

Ehfibro profile image

Coming out with the wrong work can be embarrassing at the time but funny later on. I went in to a photographers shop to buy a size A4 picture frame, the man said "can I help you" and I replied "can I have a potato please". We both just looked at each other with blank expressions. It still makes me giggle.

Don't worry what people think, we are all humans and non of us on this planet are perfect. Enjoy what can be the only funny side of this horrible illness.

Love and hugs to all and stay safe x

Welshcatlady profile image

Yes I do, it is so annoying, sometimes I can't say the words I want to say, and then have to describe what I mean. Also my memory is all shot, when I'm typing something I often have to google a word which sort of means the same as the one I'm thinking of, and look at a Thesaurus to find the word I want. My husband often tells me something, and then later I have no recollection of what he said, that annoys him too! And the usual thing of going to a cupboard or drawer to fetch something and I can't recall what I went there for! Another thing I do, I'm a trained typist, but often I type something and it's a completely different word to the one that is in my head. It's getting worse too.

Alanna012 profile image
Alanna012 in reply to Welshcatlady

I can really relate to that. I have the online thesaurus open on my laptop all the time and i also know that horrible feeling of wanting to describe something, but you cannot access or remember the word you want to describe it, so have to substitute the word or describe what you are trying to convey. That bit really sucks. Spelling is often totally rubbish as well.

HMBradley53 profile image

Do you take Gabapentin ? I started slurring my words and it ended up being a side effect of Gabapentin

Bluenordic profile image

All the time. Really embarrassing at work, have to fudge my way around it and make excuses.

Mollycooper11 profile image

I speak garbage half the time as just can't seem to find the right words. Then other times I get some weird word or saying stuck in my brain for weeks.

Mollycooper11 profile image

I speak garbage half the time as just can't seem to find the right words. Then other times I get some weird word or saying stuck in my brain for weeks.

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