I’ve had back trouble since my early twenties. I’m in my 50s now. From time to time I put my back out. I usually get stronger painkillers for a week or so until my back rights itself. Now I have a fibromyalgia diagnosis doctor will not give me anything at all. I’m stuck in bed. Can’t move can’t sleep and she will not give me anything, I was crying on the phone and I’m crying now. Believe me I don’t cry easily. If you haven’t yet had a diagnosis I do not recommend it. I can see from now on that any pain I have will be fobbed off as fibromyalgia.
EDIT I’ve just submitted a complaint to the practice. I’ve pasted it below if anyone wants to read it.
Dr Khan phoned me. I have put my back out and cannot move and cannot sleep. Because I have a fibromyalgia diagnosis she did not really listen to me and offered no help. She also refused to consider even amitriptylene which is a NICE recommended treatment for fibromyalgia patients. I have had arthritis in my spine since my early 20s if you look at my records. I feel like now I have a fibromyalgia diagnosis it prejudices the doctor and I will not receive the level of treatment I received before my diagnosis or the treatment that any patient should expect. I asked for a short term treatment to help me through this current pain flare up. I’m not asking to be put on a long term medication. I also don’t appreciate being spoken to as though I’m stupid. I have two degrees and had responsible jobs before my health forced me to give up work.