I’m taking
200mg gabapentin
60mg Duloxetine
Zapain that I can’t remember the dosage of, think it’s 30/500, maybe stronger
And 80mg bedranol which is slow release propranolol.
I’ve been on the bedranol for over a year & know that’s not the cause of my weight gain but since starting the other 3 in October last year, I’ve gained 3 stone.
I rarely eat breakfast but have a piece of fruit at about 10am normally. (Up at 05:45 for work & cant face food). I have salad for lunch and a home cooked meal in the evening. Always something healthy, low fat, that I have cooked myself then frozen for ease.
I can’t understand why I’ve gained so much weight but it’s put my self confidence through the floor. Hardly any of my clothes fit me and despite going back to work full time I can’t afford to replace them due to bills etc, which isn’t helping my confidence at all.
If I’m not wearing my uniform, I’m wearing a giant nightie or tshirt as I can’t bear to keep trying clothes on that I own to find out they don’t fit me.
Has anyone else experienced weight gain from these medications? Does anyone have any advice?
I feel really low about it and with a history of anorexia, I don’t want those behaviours to start again as I’ve worked so hard to survive it.
Please help!!!