We have a small team of volunteer admins and moderators that help keep this forum working. We perform reactive moderation which means we rely on users to let us know when things do not look right. We of course act when we see things ourselves and are fortunate that spam posts are not something, we are bothered about too much.
However, we sometimes find ourselves in the middle of things, being a friend to no one. I say this because once a post is reported to us we have to check out whether it has any foundation and this is why we need as much info as possible when people report something. Please let us know which rule it breaks and why.
Once we have an idea of why someone thinks there is a break of the rules we need to make a decision on what to do next. If there is a doubt then there will often be a chat amongst the admin team. We can disagree and even after some decision has been made, we will review things. Swearing and pictures of children are two things we are having discussions about of late.
If we decide there is nothing to do as the report does not contravene our rules then the reporter may not be happy and when it is contentious the admin doing the communication is the one that will receive the anger of the reporter.
If we decide there is something to do because the rules have been broken then we will inform the accused of the rule break and if they are a 1st time rule breaker or newbie then we will be lenient and this is our default position in most situations. Keep to the rules and let’s support each other.
However, telling someone they have broken the rules, and someone has reported them for it can often mean we are in an argument before we know it. We will try and remain polite, and we will try and resolve conflict, but we all make mistakes in the details or sometimes from how we are feeling. We all have bad days, but we are here to ensure this forum can support people. We also try and allow as much latitude in speech as we can, but somethings are not allowed.
Add to this, we have a troll from time to time and the admin team are kept busy. So, with all this in mind I want to come back to my opening statement. We are always in the middle…. and that’s ok as that is what the role requires. We also need to keep confidentiality so when the accused asks “what about they said or did” that we tell them that anyone that needs to be spoken to will be. This often annoys the accused because they feel they are being singled out.
But we do not need to be abused, called a racist, judgemental, sworn at or called a cretin. Also, we try to be considerate and lenient but we are not sexist, a bully, stupid, insensitive or hypocrites. Yet these are all accusations that have been made to the admin team recently. Thankfully it is a small number of people making these comments and normally retaliating for being told off for something and just losing their temper.
It is not the norm as we get lots of positive comments when we point out a correction or help someone. I do not care about accusations and insults as I am happy with putting my limited energy to positive results. So, this is not a complaint and not asking for sympathy, but I think it is worth sharing some of the noise from the trenches. I also want people to know what some of the admin team face. So, if they contact you about something that has been reported then please try and remember they are just doing the best they can.
Des Quinn.