Hey I'm just wondering if anyone else suffers with hypermobility with there fibro and cracking joints. I've had a couple of dislocations with my hypermobility my shoulder and hip wich I popped back in myself but all of my joints crack constantly and some can be really painful and embarrassing as it's really loud and they do it all the time I know it's nothing to worry about but is there anything that could improve this? I'm currently on the waiting list for physiotherapy so hoping they can help eventually but in the meantime any home help would be great. Thanks for reading 😊
Cracking joints : Hey I'm just... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Cracking joints

I don't suffer with hypermobility, cracking joints and fibro, I have the last 2 plus other conditions. I do have a friend who suffers with all 3 and is in alot of pain, she has other conditions too but I do know that she struggles with those 3. Take care Lynne
Hi, I have Ehlers Danlos Hypermobility, and Fibromyalgia and have had dislocations because of the EDH. Maybe you have both, it might be worth speaking to your doctor to try and get referred to a Rheumatologist for a possible diagnosis. Good luck x
Hi willow I have been to a rheumatologist a few months ago who diagnosed hypermobility and fibromyalgia I too have had dislocations. My shoulder can do it quite regularly so have to be careful what I'm doing. My joints haven't been too bad up until recently so maybe this is a new thing will mention it to my gp on next visit thank you x
It gets to the point that it just becomes a nuisance, besides being painful. I don't think there is anything you can do except being extra careful so as not to cause a dislocation. Unfortunately, no matter how careful, it sometimes happens anyway as you know. I've knocked my knee out just catching it on the edge of the couch, luckily it popped back in on it's own and didn't require a trip to the hospital . Mine, and my daughters, got worse after giving birth, we were told that the heightened hormones and changes to the body made a difference to the hypermobility, it seams to fit in with when it got worse although we both dislocated from being children. Try and see if there is a rheumatologist who specialises in EDH in your area and ask your GP to refer you, sometimes they can give you better advice. x
My next gp appointment is 2nd of September I have to go regularly with my mental health so I'll mention it to her. My shoulder can go 2-3 times a week mostly in my sleep it's so painful but got used to popping it back in place but leaves me unable to use it the majority of the time. I'm waiting for a physio appointment to help strengthen the muscles back up. Thanks for the advice much appreciated x
I was going to say that because I got the both 2 are club not much fun hope your coping as well as you can do x
I'm diagnosed with hypermobility, i dont dislocate but my posture is affected due to knee and hip mis alignment. I've never had much joy from physio but use splints and supports to help stabalise my joints.
Ah ok my posture is terrible also but I just think that's due to my dodgy hip that dislocated a few years ago and tore my hamstring so I stand awkwardly. I'm hoping physio does something we can all live in hope if only for a little bit of rest from this horrible condition.
My joints crack all the time with Fibro , I went to a chiropractor who got rid of it for a couple of days then it comes back c
I thought about going to see one but wasnt sure on the success if I'm honest my back is so tight sometimes that my boyfriend bear hugs me and pulls me up it releases so much pressure but that will only last a day or so. Fibro is no fun 😞 x
It sucks doesn’t it, my chiropractor did say I have bad posture an my hips aren’t aligned properly or something an tbh I did see improvement but it was just so expensive I can’t afford it ! Plus It freaks me out when they crack my neck, but my joints are so bad atm I’m debatjng going back x
Mine are too hence why I asked, there must be something in the air! Yeah the money aspect of it is off putting if I knew it would do loads of good I'd jump at it it's just the not knowing. My neck sounds like it's got grit in it I'd hate for someone to touch it tbh. I hope you find relief soon x
Chiros freak me out and I can’t cope with the pulling me into the position and cracking me, it helps but it also hurts cracking me. 😂
Sports massage will help relieve pressure and accupuncture will help with the pain. I go weekly to accupuncture and it helps my shoulder. And my sleeping. X

My daughter is a beauty therapist and fully trained in massage but it just doesn't do anything for me it hurts more tbh. I invested in a vibration plate as I've heard good things about them but it's not done a thing for me think I'm too far gone lol never thought of acupuncture tbh as it kinda freaks me out! X
Yes I suffer from it and regularly pop out my shoulder! My feet are too and one of my hips can give me grief because my foot rolls over because it’s hyper mobile and it makes it shift too. X
I also have physio privately and regular accupuncture apps and on occasion a sports massage. I broke my clavicle, shoulder, 9 ribs, punctured my lung and also fractured my pelvis in an accident 6 years ago. My shoulders just the worst pain to deal with and strengthening it with exercise makes it spasm. It’s a blooming nightmare. X

Blimey you have been through the wars! My shoulder is the same I can hardly use it most days cant pick anything up as it can just pop or spasm it's a nightmare x