Hi All anyone have locking fingers , and wrist haveing so much pain and when i move them they crack. Also in so much pain my joints all over, Had to wear gloves in the daytime and hand splint at night .
locking fingers joints, pain hands, ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
locking fingers joints, pain hands, painfull joints

I am never quite certain which condition is causing joint pain as it could be either Fibromyalgia or Rheumatoid Arthritis it is really a matter of getting the right medication for whichever so that pain is managed. Wishing you every success in finding better pain management.
Yes I get the same worse some days than others the thumb and index fingers are usually the ones that stick. it is a bit warmer today and much better but in cold damp days my right hand especially is useless at holding anything. Like you I use support gloves and put some pain cream on. I also do some hand exercises which I feel helps keep them more supple. I know I have arthritis in mine and I have those horribly knobbly nodes on some of the fingers.x
HI Thank you for your replys I Have to exercise to get my joints moveing as their so stiff
and have gel and mine is worst on my right hand and index and middle finger.
Just wrighting this got to use left hand more as my right is on on megger lock.
I have been going to the pain managment but because of illness could not make last appointment and cannot go on the pain management couse which started this week. xx
I was like this when I was working , are you pushing your self to much ,I have bought myself heat gloves for the micro wave ,I have circulation gloves and my brain fogs being a pain this morning and can't remember the name of them but the stop my hands swelling,at night ,I wear wrist splints when I am walking with stick I also rub in voltarol which. Gt fom gp it give me short term release ,I know whith the weather on the change the pain will get worse as the winter progresses ,it's just how it is unfortunately I have MCTD and fibro etc I have been to a pain clinic which helped immensely take care x
Hi fibro10
I am really sorry to read that you are suffering in this way and it is not something that I suffer with. I genuinely hope that you can find the answers that you are looking for.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Hi that is one thing that is annoying. My fingers are always locking and my wrists feel like that have lead weights tied to them. Ihave some splints but try not to wear them very often ( but if needs must)
I've just bought arthritis support gloves which seem to help a bit. How about getting a wax bath? Ebay sells them. I'm considering it. Anyone tried one?
Hi, yes, all my joints stick and click too. They ache if I don't move them about, and they hurt when I do. Can't win! I do think long term that moving and gently stretching helps more than not moving though. I'm waiting for a rheumy appt where I'm hoping to discuss ehlers-danlos and/or AS as possible diagnoses, because my joints (yes, all of them!) keep dislocating and subluxating. My daughters have the same issues too, so I'm hoping that if/when I get a diagnosis I'll be able to get them checked out for the same condition too.