My rheumatologist wrote a letter to my doctor to prescribe me duloxetine. In the letter it explains all the pain I feel etc but says I’m fit an well as my weight an everything else is normal apart from my b12 deficiency anxiety an fibromyalgia . Will this go against me
Pip: My rheumatologist wrote a letter... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi Annab124 it sounds contracting to me if yr fit n well why prescribe medications for yr unfit an unwellbeing.....doesnt make sense to me nor look good does it....on the other hand do they even take notice of our reports and supported letters from our healthcare providers ? I dnt no coz ive sent in plenty and they still wanna re assess all the time so it makes me wonder of they do take notice of these u have any other supported documents u cud use

That’s what I thought! No only appointment letters , it does say in the letter how I have pain in hands ribs chest wrists back etc . I just dont know whether to take it
U can ask yr gp to write a letter to support u and u can ask yr gp for yr file notes my gp told me abwt my file notes being accepted so i got these an these are free she printed them off there an then aswell as wrote me a letter to support me too and also anyone else u receive care from...i cant see the words fit an well goin in yr favour with benefit claims ? But im still learning things myself and others may have more accurate advice but i dnt think i would wanna send that letter with those words on its bad enuff getting them to accept our ill health without extra complications its like a discrepancy isnt it an the dwp look for discrepancies or so it seems in my opinion its terrible what we have to go thru

My assessment is tomorrow though unfortunately/: so too late to get gp notes x
Oh u have gp online access to yr medical notes? I have one called ..patient access.. u can print them off thru this ? I didn have this at the time i asked for mine but i do now an if u have access u can print off yr own...have u sent in the the letter off rheumatologist b4 this assessment or have they not seen u have someone with u for yr assessment? Im advised not to be alone an not be left alone at any time with assessors coz either way they will do their best to prove we are fit an well so yr letter i would be a little skeptical sending in...but it is always best to have medical evidence to back up yr claim. Altho i have sent in plenty of medical evidence prescriptions future treatments etc yet they still assess and continue to assess its just so scary im wondering if to get mine recorded coz apparently we can now due to lies being put down from assessors so go into the assessment and show them how bad u are they would prefer to see our ill health an how much pain we are in
Wishing you best of luck... tell them how it effects your everyday life ... any supporting evidence do take with you... hugs 🤗
Hi I agree with dontgiveup I feel that the letter contradicts itself, I don't think that the doctor meant it that way but to say that your fit could go against you. In the end it is down to you and how you feel when you see the assessor you can always take it with you and use your gut feeling. gentle hugs Rosie xx
Hi Annab124, hope you are well today , how did you feel your assessment went today ? Hope you got through it without too much stress and good luck with your result 🍀

Thanks very much ! I’m not to sure the lady was formal an didn’t show much empathy if that makes sense . I explained how on bad days I can’t wash An will sometimes just use wipes an get my mum to wash my hair but on good I can wash myself ! She asked if I can feed myself I said yes , she asked if I make my own food I said no my partner does for me . She asked how far I can walk I explained it varies on good I can walk to the shop an bad won’t go out . So I explained good An bad days x
Well done for getting through it yes it is difficult to tell really as assessors don't give nothing away but hopefully u won't have to fight for it coz it really is a stressful event to go through but don't give up ! I hope you have passed and wish u the best of luck 🍀 xx

Thanks so much ! I really hope so as it’s already been a long process an I don’t want to go through it too long xx
Hiya Hun I really hope you get your pip but if you don't defiantly appeal, I didn't because I have my grandson living with me now and a friend who had her grandson aswel got her pip and they put her grandson into care cos they said she wasn't fit enough to take care of him so I didn't appeal and even when my dr is advising to claim it just to pay someone to help with some of the day to day stuff I'm too scared to!! So my fingers legs and eyes are crossed for you!! Aaaargh! I'm stuck! Heehee

Aw bless that must be so stressful for you An horrible for your friend I’ll defo appeal if I don’t get it x