I put a post up about pip refusal I've decided to go for a reconsideration got an appointment at cab office on Wednesday since I last posted I've received a letter which they had sent out first where I had been awarded the standard rate personal care and also the standard rate mobility so thi has made me more determined to fight for it
Pip: I put a post up about pip refusal... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

hello Sharon
I am confused by your post-were you refused PIP altogether or granted standard rates and you are fighting that decision or did they made a decision of standard rates and then changed it,?
I Havent seen your previous post

They made a decision on standard rate then changed it
Thats terrible,as if they dont cause us enough stress having to apply for it and go through assessments,I really feel for you.Good luck with your appeal,i ve been there done that so know how stressful it is,
How strange. Wise of you to get expert help. Please let us know how you get on.x
Complain about maladminstration to dwp manger .
I would get on the Benefits and works website it's £20 I think to join but worth every penny. they know the law and really help peeps like us!
If you ask for a reconsider, send more extra medical evidence that's what they say. All the best.
To get any kind of help such as PIP you have to be diegnosed with more than Fibromygia and have a long history of illnesses And even then you will not get the highest rate of disability The main thing is to be truthful on all accounts Best of luck ,
Not applying for the money although that would be a bonus really looking for a disability badge to make it easier for me to go out was told I needed pip to get this I do also have other health problems one being had to battle against cancer had my large bowel removed in remission now been told that I may get cancer in my stomach at some point or maybe I won't I'm have regular checkups with the camera but all good so far