Does anyone else get chest an rib pain
Rib pain: Does anyone else get chest an... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Rib pain

Yes it's another trait of fybro,its medical term is costochondritis, I've had it for 5 months, it's really annoying.
Yes I do however if it is new to you get checked out x
Yes, I get the costochondritis pain in my chest. Starts in the middle and radiates out. I find heat is the only treatment that helps. Hot water bottles on my chest and back. Not easy to do if you’re at work though ! I also have a permanent pain in my right side ribs. It spreads for about a handspan. I bought a mattress topper from Dunelm last weekend and that’s helped a bit. Stress is a trigger. I got very upset yesterday over an Estate agent messing up again ( selling a property, like I need the stress of that !) and a hospital letter I interpreted as “ you’re not worth seeing” when it was nothing personal at all. Sure enough, painful ribs all night, just fading this morning as I took painkillers 40 minutes ago.
Interesting, as I also have a permanent pain for a handspan on the ribs on the right! I use a microwave hottie whatever the weather, Get costa too, usually after an asthma exacerbation. Stress is very bad and sends me into a flare, can recommend a really brilliant free mindfulness app called Smiling Mind, as it helps when the pain is bad. They have sections for children and adults, work based and sleep and you can download the guided meditations which start from as little as one minute upwards. x
Thanks, I’ll look at the App. The rib pain is odd —always on the right and I can’t work out exactly what is hurting, bones, flesh or muscle.
Same here, I almost feel it’s bone, but the muscles and skin have become inflamed. My GP sent me for an X-Ray, but thankfully was all clear.
I recently found out that Aloe Vera gel is good for neuropathic pain and sciatica. It certainly seems to help, as it dulls the rib pain to a manageable level. x
I have aloe Vera gel. It’s certainly works on burns and nettle stings so I’ll try it on my ribs. Cheers.
I get that as well. Especially when I get up in the mornings due to the fact of lying on them all night. The pain soon disappears when I get up.
Yes I get it too- though it can last ages too not
Yes Anna,
I’ve had it on and off for the last month or so.
As I’d had a rotten chest infection, lasting weeks and weeks, I didn’t know whether it was caused by coughing or fibromyalgia.
My practice nurse did an ECG the other day to eliminate any heart issues.
She said that my heart is absolutely fine.....
Pity about the rest of me 😂
Our rule of thumb:- don’t put everything down to fibro: if it’s something new, have it checked out.
Happy weekend
Jan xx
Hey I’ve been diagnosed by a rheumatologist with fibro sadly the pain in my chest an ribs is constant xx
I’m sorry to hear that.
If it’s not enough that we ache all over and have sore joints, something else has to join in the pain party!!
Still, keep a good side out whenever possible.
Take care
Jan xx