Anyone take lyrica?
Lyrica for fibromyalgia: Anyone take... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Lyrica for fibromyalgia

Yes lots of people do
Yes me,i went on holidayast year and didn't take enough of them and was very ill and had to get to the hspital to get some more and within a hour i felt
Yes me I take 350mg a day, I started 10 years ago on 75mg x 3 a day they are supposed help with getting a good quality sleep deep R.E.M and it help my anxiety. be aware in some people they can make you feel really down and depressed when you start taking them.
Even taking since 2011. It good when you have to try reduce.can make you feel spaced out etc.was wrongly told not to take before evening n morning of a procedure and ended up collapsing then in hospital for month. nightmare.good for pain thou
I took Lyrica but it was changed to pregablin then to Lacaent which are all genearic versions of , I take 2 x175 gm a day, I take it for nerve damage, I wouldn’t say it takes the pain away completely but it helps, I found it better than Gabapentin, not as many side effects.
Hi, I take 600mg a day. Two in the morning and two at night. I have a lot less side effects taking these as I did when on gabapentin.
Hi, I take 600 mg a day, 200 mg in the morning, 200 mg lunchtime and 200 in the evening. I think it helps, but I have been told not to reduce it so unless that happens it would be difficult to say.
Yes I am, 150mg twice a day xx
Had a bad reaction to this drug. Same with Cymbalta. Felt like a zombie.
Yes, but the hallucinations and huge tiredness it caused meant I stopped taking them at all after 3 days but then I was taken ill to hospital with Sepsis and the staff gave it too me again it nearly killed me - it made my breathing so shallow that I couldn't maintain my own airway so I am now classed as allergic to it.
I know that some people say you get used to the tiredness and that it decreases in time but the hallucinations, even in Intensive Care where I "saw" children that didn't exist or the priest that began shouting a sermon at the bottom off my bed means that I will never touch the stuff again - a horrible, frightening experience!