I'm waiting for a referral to see a rheumatologist. But inthe mean time am struggling with the pain. I'm calling Dr tomorrow to see if he can prescribe me something. What do other people take for there fibro? I've been taking co codemol but it doesn't help much.
Meds for fibromyalgia : I'm waiting for... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Meds for fibromyalgia

I take , ibuprofen paracetamol, l was discontinued with what , you are on .The rhuamatologist, prescribed 60 mg duloxetine, lm sensitive to medications, so that one didn't work, then l was prescribed amtriptaline, low dose. Sometimes helps, with muscles nerve pain, but l have found a holistic approach, most beneficial for me at least a 30 min massage a month, with jacuzzi, l use self brought, pain patches, tens machine, heated blanket, CBD oil & supplements .
So l use a combination , it may help to do a search on here, to see what others have found helpful pain relief , wise . And then you are able to decide, if perhaps some of the suggestions,would be useful for you .
Thanks for the reply. I take cbd oil but its so expensive. It does help but not enough. My problem is I work 40hrs a week in a charity shop which involves alot of lifting. I'm already on citalopram for anxiety. I don't sleep well because of the pain. Just feel like I'm stuck at a dead end with this.
Hiya sorry to hear you are in so much pain. I don't seem to be able to find a medication that suits me so I feel your pain. I have reacted badly to everything I have tried so I just vimovo when bad and paracetamol more regularly to keep it at bay. When having a flare up I use Epson salts in the bath and a tens machine which helps a lot. I also find heat works well to relievesympthoms and bought a heat strap in lidl its like a waist trainer belt it wraps around you and plugs in lead is long so you can move around the general area which you have it plugged in but not far just enough to make yourself comfortable and grab something nearby. I don't know if you would get one this time of the year but it may be worth reaching out on fb chat to see if they can source one in a store room and send out with deliveries to your local store. I hope this helps and I wish you well. I am not perfect but these do help a little I also use a walking stuck during bad flare ups it is hard swallowing my pride but needs must.
After 15 years of being a guinea pig I've ended up on a cocktail of drugs ;Paracetamol
I'm in your position....waiting to see rheumatologist and my gp doesn't seem to want to bother with helping me except for cocodamol ahd codydramol but I think that perhaps I would rather try a different approach for now because I don't want to end up on lots of meds to be honest. I quit smoking, am eating well... mostly my problem is sleeping at the moment. I tried weed gummy bears. They are pretty good. Don't know what will happen in the future but it helps to have an understanding gp. I wish I did.

I'm currently on citalopram for anxiety have been for a year. But yesterday Dr prescribed me mirtazapine for night time.I have read up that Antidepressants help with fibromyalgia.
I'm on sertraline for anxiety but have been for years xx