Had my ESA medical assessment 9 weeks ago. For much of that time everyday I'd look to see if a brown envelope had been delivered, breathe when it didn't and felt relieved. The anxiety of it coming could have been all consuming. I didn't phone DWP I couldn't cope with the thought of doing it. Yesterday the brown envelope arrived. I sat down took a deep breath and a quick prayer. Couldn't believe it...awarded....in the work related group...but I can only do what I can do. Yes my personal circumstances are extreme that links with my mental health issues and now know I know they took it all on board. There is hope! Taken an enormous burden off my shoulders one day at a time. Wanted to share a good outcome...
Amazed but such a blessing: Had my ESA... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Amazed but such a blessing

So pleased you have been awarded what you deserve and you can stop worrying. It's good to hear about a good outcome and not just the bad so thanks for sharing. I'm sure it will give some encouragement to others in the same boat. Well done. x

I’m always pleased to read of a positive outcome as never nice to read a member is worried and upset, hope your weekend goes okay take care xx
Its good you got someting hun- this will be a try on to see if they can get you back to work, if your gp states you are unfit to work then they must accept it,, are you still sending in sick notes??

No I don't think I will have to now my current one is up to 1st September. But I have the support of GP and Mental Health counsellor that this ongoing.
Yes thank you it's why I posted and also to highlight that although I have had other health issues as well it does include anxiety and depression which was the focus on my 'fit note'..
Get as many sick notes as you can to cover all your illnesses..I took early retirement age 61

Sadly...I wasn't able to.. I worked in education..in the end my contract was terminated on ill health supported by OH and GP in February. Plus I am 60 next year and goalposts have changed.
Thank you..just can't even think at the moment. Even first dieticians appointment last week was not what I was expecting...her advice was not to enter into monthly weigh in sessions too much for me mentally. Planning for future return to work just can't so thank you for your help it's been very useful.
How long generally do you wait for first appointment after award decision?
Fantastic news! So rare that the DWP don't mess people around. Mind, they did keep you waiting 9 weeks.
You can relax now 🤪,

I know I'm still having to pinch myself, GP, counsellor etc all said be prepared to go to appeal...from there vast experience of negatives.
Im so pleased for you... finally some good news and now you can stop worrying as much and get some relax time xxx
So happy for you. I have just got my PIP result and it really make you realise what a stress and burden it is when you open the letter to see a positive result.
Good to hear.